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PHP Utils::htmlspecialchars方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Utils::htmlspecialchars方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Utils::htmlspecialchars方法的具体用法?PHP Utils::htmlspecialchars怎么用?PHP Utils::htmlspecialchars使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Utils的用法示例。


示例1: test_tokenizer

	function test_tokenizer()
		foreach ( $this->html_strs as $html_str ) {
			$t = new HTMLTokenizer( $html_str );
			$tokens = $t->parse();
			$new_str = (string)$tokens;

			$this->assert_identical( $html_str, $new_str, "<br>" . Utils::htmlspecialchars( $html_str ) . "<br>" . Utils::htmlspecialchars( $new_str ) );

示例2: test_autop

 public function test_autop()
     $data = $this->autop_data_provider();
     foreach ($data as $index => $datum) {
         $result = trim($datum['want']) === trim(Format::autop($datum['in'])) ? true : false;
         if (!$result) {
             $this->output(sprintf('<h2>Test %s</h2><br><strong>Input:</strong><br><textarea>%s</textarea><br><strong>Expected:</strong><br><textarea>%s</textarea><br><strong>Got:</strong><br><textarea>%s</textarea>', $index, Utils::htmlspecialchars($datum['in']), Utils::htmlspecialchars($datum['want']), Utils::htmlspecialchars(Format::autop($datum['in']))));
         $this->assert_true($result, sprintf("Output does not match desired output in %s", $index));

示例3: test_autop

	public function test_autop()
		$data = $this->autop_data_provider();
		foreach( $data as $index => $datum ) {
			$this->assert_equal( trim( $datum['want'] ), trim( Format::autop( $datum['in'] ) ), 
				sprintf( 'Test %d<br><strong>Expected:</strong><br>%s<br><strong>Got:</strong><br> %s',
					nl2br( Utils::htmlspecialchars( $datum['want'] ) ),
					nl2br( Utils::htmlspecialchars( Format::autop( $datum['in'] ) ) )

示例4: get

 public function get(Theme $theme)
     $checkboxes = $this->options;
     $control = $this;
     if (!is_array($control->value)) {
         $control->value = array();
     array_walk($checkboxes, function (&$item, $key) use($control) {
         $item = array('label' => Utils::htmlspecialchars($item), 'id' => Utils::slugify($control->get_id() . '-' . $key), 'checked' => in_array($key, $control->value) ? 'checked="checked"' : '');
     $this->vars['checkboxes'] = $checkboxes;
     $this->settings['ignore_name'] = true;
     return parent::get($theme);

示例5: token_to_string

  * Convert a token to a string
  * @param array $token The token to convert
  * @param bool $escape Whether to escape the string that is returned
  * @return string The string representation of the token
 public static function token_to_string(array $token, $escape = true)
     switch ($token['type']) {
         case HTMLTokenizer::NODE_TYPE_TEXT:
             return $escape ? Utils::htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($token['value'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')) : $token['value'];
         case HTMLTokenizer::NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT_OPEN:
         case HTMLTokenizer::NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT_EMPTY:
             $out = '<' . $token['name'];
             if (isset($token['attrs']) && is_array($token['attrs'])) {
                 foreach ($token['attrs'] as $attr => $attrval) {
                     $out .= " {$attr}=\"";
                     if ($escape) {
                         $out .= Utils::htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($attrval, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
                     } else {
                         $out .= html_entity_decode($attrval, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                     $out .= '"';
             $out .= '>';
         case HTMLTokenizer::NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT_CLOSE:
             $out = "</{$token['name']}>";
         case HTMLTokenizer::NODE_TYPE_PI:
             $out = "<?{$token['name']}{$token['value']}>";
         case HTMLTokenizer::NODE_TYPE_COMMENT:
             $out = "<!--{$token['value']}-->";
         case HTMLTokenizer::NODE_TYPE_CDATA_SECTION:
             $out = "<![CDATA[{$token['value']}]]>";
         case HTMLTokenizer::NODE_TYPE_STATEMENT:
             $out = "<!{$token['name']}";
             if (!empty($token['value'])) {
                 $out .= " {$token['value']}";
             $out .= ">";
     return $out;

示例6: in_array

    } else {
		<option value="<?php 
        echo $opts_key;
        echo in_array($opts_key, (array) $value) ? ' selected' : '';
        echo Utils::htmlspecialchars($opts_val);
if ($message != '') {
<p class="error"><?php 
    echo $message;

示例7: foreach

			<div class="area_drop">
    $area = (string) $area['name'];
    if (isset($blocks_areas[$scopeid]) && is_array($blocks_areas[$scopeid]) && isset($blocks_areas[$scopeid][$area]) && is_array($blocks_areas[$scopeid][$area])) {
        foreach ($blocks_areas[$scopeid][$area] as $block) {
				<div class="area_block"><h3 class="block_instance_<?php 
            echo $block->id;
            echo $block->title;
            echo Utils::htmlspecialchars($block->type);
<div class="delete_drop"><span><?php 

示例8: html_attr

  * Create a list of html element attributes from an associative array
  * @param array $attrs An associative array of parameters
  * @param integer $quote_flag Sets what quotes and doublequotes are escaped
  * @param string $encoding The encoding of the passed string
  * @param boolean $decode Whether or not to unescape any html entities first
  * @param boolean $double_encode Whether or not to double escape any html entities
  * @return string The parameters turned into a string of tag attributes
 public static function html_attr($attrs, $quote_flag = ENT_COMPAT, $encoding = 'UTF-8', $decode = true, $double_encode = true)
     $out = '';
     foreach ($attrs as $key => $value) {
         $value = is_array($value) ? implode(' ', $value) : $value;
         if ($value != '') {
             $out .= ($out == '' ? '' : ' ') . $key . '="' . Utils::htmlspecialchars($value, $quote_flag, $encoding, $decode, $double_encode) . '"';
     return $out;

示例9: get_entry

	 * Output the Atom entry for a specific slug
	 * @param string $slug The slug to get the entry for
	public function get_entry( $slug )
		$params['slug'] = $slug;
		$params['status'] = $this->is_auth() ? 'any' : Post::status( 'published' );

		if ( $post = Post::get( $params ) ) {
			// Assign alternate link.
			$alternate = URL::get( 'display_entry', $post, false );
			$self = URL::get( 'atom_entry', $post, false );
			$id = isset( $params['slug'] ) ? $params['slug'] : 'atom_entry';

			$user = User::get_by_id( $post->user_id );
			$title = ( $this->is_auth() ) ? $post->title : $post->title_atom;
			$content = ( $this->is_auth() ) ? Utils::htmlspecialchars( $post->content ) : Utils::htmlspecialchars( $post->content_atom );

			// Build the namespaces, plugins can alter it to override or insert their own.
			$namespaces = array( 'default' => 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' );
			$namespaces = Plugins::filter( 'atom_get_entry_namespaces', $namespaces );
			$namespaces = array_map( create_function( '$value,$key', 'return ( ( $key == "default" ) ? "xmlns" : "xmlns:" . $key ) . "=\"" . $value ."\"";' ), $namespaces, array_keys( $namespaces ) );
			$namespaces = implode( ' ', $namespaces );

			$xml = new SimpleXMLElement( '<entry ' . $namespaces . '></entry>' );

			$entry = $xml;
			$entry_title = $entry->title = $title;

			$entry_author = $entry->addChild( 'author' );
			$author_name = $entry_author->addChild( 'name', $user->displayname );

			$entry_link = $xml->addChild( 'link' );
			$entry_link->addAttribute( 'rel', 'alternate' );
			$entry_link->addAttribute( 'href', $post->permalink );

			$entry_link = $entry->addChild( 'link' );
			$entry_link->addAttribute( 'rel', 'edit' );
			$entry_link->addAttribute( 'href', URL::get( 'atom_entry', "slug={$post->slug}" ) );

			$entry_id = $entry->addChild( 'id', $post->guid );
			$entry_updated = $entry->addChild( 'updated', $post->updated->get( 'c' ) );
			$entry_edited = $entry->addChild( 'app:edited', $post->modified->get( 'c' ), 'http://www.w3.org/2007/app' );
			$entry_published = $entry->addChild( 'published', $post->pubdate->get( 'c' ) );

			foreach ( $post->tags as $tag ) {
				$entry_category = $entry->addChild( 'category' );
				$entry_category->addAttribute( 'term', $tag->term );

			$entry_content = $entry->addChild( 'content', $content );
			$entry_content->addAttribute( 'type', 'html' );

			Plugins::act( 'atom_get_entry', $xml, $post, $this->handler_vars );
			$xml = $xml->asXML();

			header( 'Content-Type: application/atom+xml' );

			print $this->tidy_xml( $xml );

示例10: form_publish_success

 public function form_publish_success(FormUI $form)
     // var_dump( $form->post->storage);
     $user = User::identify();
     // Get the Post object from the hidden 'post' control on the form
     /** @var Post $post */
     $post = $form->post->storage;
     // Do some permission checks
     // @todo REFACTOR: These probably don't work and should be refactored to use validators on the form fields instead
     // sorry, we just don't allow changing posts you don't have rights to
     if ($post->id != 0 && !ACL::access_check($post->get_access(), 'edit')) {
         Session::error(_t('You don\'t have permission to edit that post'));
     // sorry, we just don't allow changing content types to types you don't have rights to
     $type = 'post_' . Post::type_name($form->content_type->value);
     if ($form->content_type->value != $post->content_type && ($user->cannot($type) || !$user->can_any(array('own_posts' => 'edit', 'post_any' => 'edit', $type => 'edit')))) {
         Session::error(_t('Changing content types is not allowed'));
         // @todo This isn't ideal at all, since it loses all of the changes...
         Utils::redirect(URL::get('admin', 'page=publish&id=' . $post->id));
     // If we're creating a new post...
     if ($post->id == 0) {
         // check the user can create new posts of the set type.
         $type = 'post_' . Post::type_name($form->content_type->value);
         if (ACL::user_cannot($user, $type) || !ACL::user_can($user, 'post_any', 'create') && !ACL::user_can($user, $type, 'create')) {
             Session::error(_t('Creating that post type is denied'));
             Utils::redirect(URL::get('admin', 'page=publish&id=' . $post->id));
         // Only the original author is associated with a new post
         $post->user_id = $user->id;
     } else {
         // check the user can create new posts of the set type.
         $type = 'post_' . Post::type_name($form->content_type->value);
         if (!ACL::access_check($post->get_access(), 'edit')) {
             Session::error(_t('Editing that post type is denied'));
             Utils::redirect(URL::get('admin', 'page=publish&id=' . $post->id));
         // Verify that the post hasn't already been updated since the form was loaded
         if ($post->modified != $form->modified->value) {
             Session::notice(_t('The post %1$s was updated since you made changes.  Please review those changes before overwriting them.', array(sprintf('<a href="%1$s">\'%2$s\'</a>', $post->permalink, Utils::htmlspecialchars($post->title)))));
             Utils::redirect(URL::get('admin', 'page=publish&id=' . $post->id));
         // Prevent a published post from having its slug zeroed
         if ($form->newslug->value == '' && $post->status == Post::status('published')) {
             Session::notice(_t('A post slug cannot be empty. Keeping old slug.'));
             $form->newslug->value = $form->slug->value;
     // if not previously published and the user wants to publish now, change the pubdate to the current date/time unless a date has been explicitly set
     if ($post->status != Post::status('published') && $form->status->value == Post::status('published') && HabariDateTime::date_create($form->pubdate->value)->int == $form->updated->value) {
         $post->pubdate = HabariDateTime::date_create();
     } else {
         $post->pubdate = HabariDateTime::date_create($form->pubdate->value);
     // Minor updates are when the user has checked the minor update box and the post isn't in draft or new
     $minor = $form->minor_edit->value && $post->status != Post::status('draft') && $post->id != 0;
     // Don't try to update form values that have been removed by plugins,
     // look for these fields before committing their values to the post
     $expected = array('title' => 'title', 'tags' => 'tags', 'content' => 'content', 'slug' => 'newslug', 'content_type' => 'content_type', 'status' => 'status');
     // var_dump($form->$field);
     // exit;
     foreach ($expected as $field => $control) {
         if (isset($form->{$field})) {
             //var_dump( $form->$control->value);
             // exit;
             //echo $field."----------".$control;
             $post->{$field} = $form->{$control}->value;
             // $post->title = '新的的標題1111';
             // $post->tags = '標籤1111';
             // $post->content = '我的文章內容測試';
             // $post->slug = '我的文章內容測試-1';
             // // $post->content_type = 'kkk-2';
             // $post->status = 2;
             // print_r($post);
             // echo  "<br/>";
             // print_r($post->$field);
             // echo  "<br/>";
             // exit;
     // $post->insert();
     // exit;
     // This seems cheesy
     $post->info->comments_disabled = !$form->comments_enabled->value;
     // var_dump($post->info->comments_disabled);
     // var_dump($form->comments_enabled->value);
     // exit;
     // This plugin hook allows changes to be made to the post object prior to its save to the database
     Plugins::act('publish_post', $post, $form);
     // Insert or Update
     if ($post->id == 0) {
     } else {

示例11: array

    echo $instance->id;
    echo Utils::htmlspecialchars($instance->title);
    echo Utils::htmlspecialchars($instance->type);
			<li><a href="#" onclick="var i = $('<iframe src=\'<?php 
    echo URL::get('admin', array('page' => 'configure_block', 'blockid' => $instance->id));
\' style=\'width:600px;height:300px;\'></iframe>'); i.dialog({bgiframe:true,height:300,width:778,modal:true,dialogClass:'jqueryui',draggable:false,title:'Configure Block: <?php 
    echo Utils::htmlspecialchars($instance->title);
    echo Utils::htmlspecialchars($instance->type);
)'});i.css('width','768px');return false;">configure</a></li>
			<li><a href="#" onclick="delete_block(<?php 
    echo $instance->id;
);return false;">delete</a></li>

示例12: isset

	<div class="container">
		<label for="<?php 
echo $id;
" class="incontent <?php 
echo $class;
echo $caption;
		<input type="text" name="<?php 
echo $field;
" id="<?php 
echo $id;
" class="styledformelement text <?php 
echo $class;
" value="<?php 
echo Utils::htmlspecialchars($value);
" <?php 
echo isset($tabindex) ? ' tabindex="' . $tabindex . '"' : '';
$control->errors_out('<li>%s</li>', '<ul class="error">%s</ul>');

示例13: get

  * Produce the control for display
  * @param Theme $theme The theme that will be used to render the template
  * @return string The output of the template
 public function get(Theme $theme)
     // The theme needs to have the control templates added
     // Start a var stack so that we can roll back to prior theme var values
     // Assign all of the vars to the theme
     foreach ($this->vars as $k => $v) {
         $theme->assign($k, $v);
     // Put the value of the control into the theme
     if (is_string($this->value) && $this->get_setting('escape_value', true)) {
         $use_value = Utils::htmlspecialchars($this->value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false);
     } else {
         $use_value = $this->value;
     $theme->value = $use_value;
     // If there are errors, add an error class to the control
     if ($this->has_errors) {
     // Assign the control and its attributes into the theme
     $theme->_control = $this;
     $theme->_name = $this->name;
     $theme->_settings = $this->settings;
     $theme->_properties = $this->properties;
     $properties = is_array($this->properties) ? $this->properties : array();
     if (!isset($this->settings['ignore_name'])) {
         $properties = array_merge(array('name' => $this->input_name()), $properties);
     if (!isset($this->settings['internal_value'])) {
         $properties = array_merge(array('value' => $this->get_setting('html_value', $use_value)), $properties);
     if (!$this->is_enabled()) {
         $properties['disabled'] = 'disabled';
     if ($id = $this->get_id(false)) {
         $properties['id'] = $id;
     $theme->_attributes = Utils::html_attr($properties, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false, false);
     if (isset($this->settings['template_attributes'])) {
         $_template_attributes = array();
         foreach ($this->settings['template_attributes'] as $target => $set) {
             $_template_attributes[$target] = Utils::html_attr($set, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false, false);
         $theme->_template_attributes = $_template_attributes;
     // Do rendering
     $output = $this->get_setting('prefix_html', '');
     if (isset($this->settings['content'])) {
         // Allow descendants to override the content produced entirely
         if (is_callable($this->settings['content'])) {
             $content_fn = $this->settings['content'];
             $output .= $content_fn($this);
         } else {
             $output .= $this->settings['content'];
     if (!isset($this->settings['norender'])) {
         // Allow descendants to skip rendering the template for this control
         if (isset($this->settings['template_html'])) {
             // template_html can be a closure, and if so, it is called here and its value is used as the output
             if (is_callable($this->settings['template_html'])) {
                 $output .= $this->settings['template_html']($theme, $this);
             } else {
                 $output .= $this->settings['template_html'];
         } else {
             $output .= $theme->display_fallback($this->get_template(), 'fetch');
     // Is there help text? Output it, if so.
     if (isset($this->helptext) && !empty($this->helptext)) {
         $output .= $this->wrap_by($this->get_setting('wrap_help', '<div class="helptext">%s</div>'), $this->helptext);
     $output .= $this->get_setting('postfix_html', '');
     // If there are errors, wrap this control in an error div to display the errors.
     if (count($this->errors) > 0) {
         $output = $this->error_wrap($output, $this->errors);
     } else {
         $output = $this->wrap_by($this->get_setting('wrap', '%s'), $output, $this);
     // Roll back the var stack we've been using for this control
     return $output;

示例14: _t

    if (!$user->info->authenticate_time) {
        $last_login_message = _t('has not logged in yet');
    } else {
        $last_login_message = _t('was last seen %1$s at %2$s');
        $last_login_message = sprintf($last_login_message, '<strong>' . date(DateTime::get_default_date_format(), strtotime($user->info->authenticate_time)) . '</strong>', '<strong>' . date(DateTime::get_default_time_format(), strtotime($user->info->authenticate_time)) . '</strong>');
    $message_bits = array();
    $post_statuses = Post::list_post_statuses();
    unset($post_statuses[array_search('any', $post_statuses)]);
    foreach ($post_statuses as $status_name => $status_id) {
        $status_name = Plugins::filter('post_status_display', $status_name);
        $count = Posts::count_by_author($user->id, $status_id);
        if ($count > 0) {
            $message = '<strong><a href="' . Utils::htmlspecialchars(URL::get('admin', array('page' => 'posts', 'user_id' => $user->id, 'type' => Post::type('any'), 'status' => $status_id))) . '">';
            $message .= _n(_t('%1$d %2$s post', array($count, $status_name)), _t('%1$d %2$s posts', array($count, $status_name)), $count);
            $message .= '</a></strong>';
            $message_bits[] = $message;
    if (!empty($message_bits)) {
        $string = _t('%1$s and currently has %2$s', array($last_login_message, Format::and_list($message_bits)));
    } else {
        $string = $last_login_message;
    echo $string;


示例15: array

				<form method="post" action="<?php 
URL::out('auth', array('page' => 'login'));

						<label for="habari_username" class="incontent abovecontent"><?php 
</label><input type="text" name="habari_username" id="habari_username"<?php 
if (isset($habari_username)) {
    echo Utils::htmlspecialchars($habari_username);
" class="styledformelement">
						<label for="habari_password" class="incontent abovecontent"><?php 
</label><input type="password" name="habari_password" id="habari_password" placeholder="<?php 
