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PHP Spyc::__loadString方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Spyc::__loadString方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Spyc::__loadString方法的具体用法?PHP Spyc::__loadString怎么用?PHP Spyc::__loadString使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Spyc的用法示例。


示例1: YAMLLoadString

  * Load a string of YAML into a PHP array statically
  * The load method, when supplied with a YAML string, will do its best
  * to convert YAML in a string into a PHP array.  Pretty simple.
  * Note: use this function if you don't want files from the file system
  * loaded and processed as YAML.  This is of interest to people concerned
  * about security whose input is from a string.
  *  Usage:
  *  <code>
  *   $array = Spyc::YAMLLoadString("---\n0: hello world\n");
  *   print_r($array);
  *  </code>
  * @access public
  * @return array
  * @param string $input String containing YAML
 public static function YAMLLoadString($input)
     $Spyc = new Spyc();
     return $Spyc->__loadString($input);

示例2: YAMLLoadString

    * Load a string of YAML into a PHP array statically
    * The load method, when supplied with a YAML string, will do its best
    * to convert YAML in a string into a PHP array.  Pretty simple.
    * Note: use this function if you don't want files from the file system
    * loaded and processed as YAML.  This is of interest to people concerned
    * about security whose input is from a string.
    *  Usage:
    *  <code>
    *   $array = Spyc::YAMLLoadString("---\n0: hello world\n");
    *   print_r($array);
    *  </code>
    * @access public
    * @return array
    * @param string $input String containing YAML
 function YAMLLoadString($input) {
   $Spyc = new Spyc;
   return $Spyc->__loadString($input);
