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PHP Path::standardize方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Path::standardize方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Path::standardize方法的具体用法?PHP Path::standardize怎么用?PHP Path::standardize使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Path的用法示例。


示例1: cleanURL

  * Removes any filesystem path outside of the site root
  * @param string  $path  Path to trim
  * @return string
 public static function cleanURL($path)
     return str_replace(Path::standardize(BASE_PATH), "", $path);

示例2: update

  * Updates the internal content cache
  * @return boolean
 public static function update()
     // track if any files have changed
     $files_changed = false;
     // grab length of content type extension
     $content_type = Config::getContentType();
     $full_content_root = rtrim(Path::tidy(BASE_PATH . "/" . Config::getContentRoot()), "/");
     $content_type_length = strlen($content_type) + 1;
     // the cache file we'll use
     $cache_file = BASE_PATH . "/_cache/_app/content/content.php";
     $time_file = BASE_PATH . "/_cache/_app/content/last.php";
     $now = time();
     // grab the existing cache
     $cache = unserialize(File::get($cache_file));
     if (!is_array($cache)) {
         $cache = array("urls" => array(), "content" => array(), "taxonomies" => array());
     $last = File::get($time_file);
     // grab a list of all files
     $finder = new Finder();
     $files = $finder->files()->name("*." . Config::getContentType())->in(Config::getContentRoot());
     // grab a separate list of files that have changed since last check
     $updated_files = clone $files;
     $updated = array();
     if ($last) {
         $updated_files->date(">= " . Date::format("Y-m-d H:i:s", $last));
         foreach ($updated_files as $file) {
             // we don't want directories, they may show up as being modified
             // if a file inside them has changed or been renamed
             if (is_dir($file)) {
             // this isn't a directory, add it to the list
             $updated[] = Path::trimFilesystem(Path::standardize($file->getRealPath()));
     // loop over current files
     $current_files = array();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $current_files[] = Path::trimFilesystem(Path::standardize($file->getRealPath()));
     // get a diff of files we know about and files currently existing
     $new_files = array_diff($current_files, $cache['urls']);
     // create a master list of files that need updating
     $changed_files = array_unique(array_merge($new_files, $updated));
     // add to the cache if files have been updated
     if (count($changed_files)) {
         $files_changed = true;
         // build content cache
         foreach ($changed_files as $file) {
             $file = $full_content_root . $file;
             $local_path = Path::trimFilesystem($file);
             $local_filename = Path::clean($local_path);
             // file parsing
             $content = substr(File::get($file), 3);
             $divide = strpos($content, "\n---");
             $front_matter = trim(substr($content, 0, $divide));
             // parse data
             $data = YAML::parse($front_matter);
             // set additional information
             $data['_file'] = $file;
             $data['_local_path'] = $local_path;
             $data['_order_key'] = null;
             $data['datetimestamp'] = null;
             // legacy
             $data['datestamp'] = null;
             $data['date'] = null;
             $data['time'] = null;
             $data['numeric'] = null;
             $data['last_modified'] = filemtime($file);
             $data['_is_hidden'] = false;
             $data['_is_draft'] = false;
             // folder
             $data['_folder'] = preg_replace(Pattern::ORDER_KEY, "", str_replace($full_content_root, "", $data['_file']));
             $slash = strrpos($data['_folder'], "/");
             $data['_folder'] = $slash === 0 ? "" : substr($data['_folder'], 1, $slash - 1);
             // fix hidden/draft files
             $slug = basename($file, "." . $content_type);
             if (substr($slug, 0, 2) === "__") {
                 $data['_is_hidden'] = true;
                 $data['slug'] = substr($slug, 2);
             } elseif (substr($slug, 0, 1) === "_") {
                 $data['_is_draft'] = true;
                 $data['slug'] = substr($slug, 1);
             } else {
                 $data['slug'] = $slug;
             $data['_basename'] = $data['slug'] . "." . $content_type;
             $data['_filename'] = $data['slug'];
             $data['_is_entry'] = preg_match(Pattern::ENTRY_FILEPATH, $data['_basename']);
             $data['_is_page'] = preg_match(Pattern::PAGE_FILEPATH, $data['_basename']);
             // 404 is special
             if ($data['_local_path'] === "/404.{$content_type}") {
                 $local_filename = $local_path;
                 // order key

示例3: index

 public function index()
     | Check for image
     | Transform just needs the path to an image to get started. If it exists,
     | the fun begins.
     $image_src = $this->fetchParam('src', null, false, false, false);
     // Set full system path
     $image_path = Path::standardize(Path::fromAsset($image_src));
     // Check if image exists before doing anything.
     if (!File::isImage($image_path)) {
         Log::error("Could not find requested image to transform: " . $image_path, "core", "Transform");
     | Resizing and cropping options
     | The first transformations we want to run is for size to reduce the
     | memory usage for future effects.
     $width = $this->fetchParam('width', null, 'is_numeric');
     $height = $this->fetchParam('height', null, 'is_numeric');
     // resize specific
     $ratio = $this->fetchParam('ratio', true, false, true);
     $upsize = $this->fetchParam('upsize', true, false, true);
     // crop specific
     $pos_x = $this->fetchParam('pos_x', 0, 'is_numeric');
     $pos_y = $this->fetchParam('pos_y', 0, 'is_numeric');
     $quality = $this->fetchParam('quality', '75', 'is_numeric');
     | Action
     | Available actions: resize, crop, and guess.
     | "Guess" will find the best fitting aspect ratio of your given width and
     | height on the current image automatically, cut it out and resize it to
     | the given dimension.
     $action = $this->fetchParam('action', 'resize');
     | Extra bits
     | Delicious and probably rarely used options.
     $angle = $this->fetchParam('rotate', false);
     $flip_side = $this->fetchParam('flip', false);
     $blur = $this->fetchParam('blur', false, 'is_numeric');
     $pixelate = $this->fetchParam('pixelate', false, 'is_numeric');
     $greyscale = $this->fetchParam(array('greyscale', 'grayscale'), false, false, true);
     | Assemble filename and check for duplicate
     | We need to make sure we don't already have this image created, so we
     | defer any action until we've processed the parameters, which create
     | a unique filename.
     // Late modified time of original image
     $last_modified = File::getLastModified($image_path);
     // Find .jpg, .png, etc
     $extension = File::getExtension($image_path);
     // Filename with the extension removed so we can append our unique filename flags
     $stripped_image_path = str_replace('.' . $extension, '', $image_path);
     // The possible filename flags
     $parameter_flags = array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'quality' => $quality, 'rotate' => $angle, 'flip' => $flip_side, 'pos_x' => $pos_x, 'pos_y' => $pos_y, 'blur' => $blur, 'pixelate' => $pixelate, 'greyscale' => $greyscale, 'modified' => $last_modified);
     // Start with a 1 character action flag
     $file_breadcrumbs = '-' . $action[0];
     foreach ($parameter_flags as $param => $value) {
         if ($value) {
             $flag = is_bool($value) ? '' : $value;
             // don't show boolean flags
             $file_breadcrumbs .= '-' . $param[0] . $flag;
     // Allow converting filetypes (jpg, png, gif)
     $extension = $this->fetchParam('type', $extension);
     // Allow saving in a different directory
     $destination = $this->fetchParam('destination', Config::get('transform_destination', false), false, false, false);
     if ($destination) {
         $destination = Path::tidy(BASE_PATH . '/' . $destination);
         // Method checks to see if folder exists before creating it
         $stripped_image_path = Path::tidy($destination . '/' . basename($stripped_image_path));

示例4: update

  * Updates the internal content cache
  * @return boolean
 public static function update()
     // start measuring
     $content_hash = Debug::markStart('caching', 'content');
     // track if any files have changed
     $files_changed = false;
     $settings_changed = false;
     $members_changed = false;
     // grab length of content type extension
     $content_type = Config::getContentType();
     $full_content_root = rtrim(Path::tidy(BASE_PATH . "/" . Config::getContentRoot()), "/");
     $content_type_length = strlen($content_type) + 1;
     // the cache files we'll use
     $cache_file = BASE_PATH . '/_cache/_app/content/content.php';
     $settings_file = BASE_PATH . '/_cache/_app/content/settings.php';
     $structure_file = BASE_PATH . '/_cache/_app/content/structure.php';
     $time_file = BASE_PATH . '/_cache/_app/content/last.php';
     $members_file = BASE_PATH . '/_cache/_app/members/members.php';
     $now = time();
     // start measuring settings hash
     $settings_hash = Debug::markStart('caching', 'settings');
     // check for current and new settings
     $settings = unserialize(File::get($settings_file));
     if (!is_array($settings)) {
         $settings = array('site_root' => '', 'site_url' => '', 'timezone' => '', 'date_format' => '', 'time_format' => '', 'content_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'taxonomy_case_sensitive' => '', 'taxonomy_force_lowercase' => '', 'entry_timestamps' => '', 'base_path' => '', 'app_version' => '');
     // look up current settings
     $current_settings = array('site_root' => Config::getSiteRoot(), 'site_url' => Config::getSiteURL(), 'timezone' => Config::get('timezone'), 'date_format' => Config::get('date_format'), 'time_format' => Config::get('time_format'), 'content_type' => Config::get('content_type'), 'taxonomy' => Config::getTaxonomies(), 'taxonomy_case_sensitive' => Config::getTaxonomyCaseSensitive(), 'taxonomy_force_lowercase' => Config::getTaxonomyForceLowercase(), 'entry_timestamps' => Config::getEntryTimestamps(), 'base_path' => BASE_PATH, 'app_version' => STATAMIC_VERSION);
     // have cache-altering settings changed?
     if ($settings !== $current_settings) {
         // settings have changed
         $settings_changed = true;
         // clear the cache and set current settings
         $cache = self::getCleanCacheArray();
         $settings = $current_settings;
         $last = null;
     } else {
         // grab the existing cache
         $cache = unserialize(File::get($cache_file));
         if (!is_array($cache)) {
             $cache = self::getCleanCacheArray();
         $last = File::get($time_file);
     // mark end of settings hash measuring
     // grab a list of all content files
     $files = File::globRecursively(Path::tidy(BASE_PATH . '/' . Config::getContentRoot() . '/*'), Config::getContentType());
     // grab a separate list of files that have changed since last check
     $updated = array();
     $current_files = array();
     // loop through files, getting local paths and checking for updated files
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $local_file = Path::trimFilesystemFromContent(Path::standardize($file));
         // add to current files
         $current_files[] = $local_file;
         // is this updated?
         if ($last && File::getLastModified($file) >= $last) {
             $updated[] = $local_file;
     // get a diff of files we know about and files currently existing
     $known_files = array();
     foreach ($cache['urls'] as $url_data) {
         array_push($known_files, $url_data['path']);
     $new_files = array_diff($current_files, $known_files);
     // create a master list of files that need updating
     $changed_files = array_unique(array_merge($new_files, $updated));
     // store a list of changed URLs
     $changed_urls = array();
     // add to the cache if files have been updated
     if (count($changed_files)) {
         $files_changed = true;
         // build content cache
         foreach ($changed_files as $file) {
             $file = $full_content_root . $file;
             $local_path = Path::trimFilesystemFromContent($file);
             // before cleaning anything, check for hidden or draft content
             $is_hidden = Path::isHidden($local_path);
             $is_draft = Path::isDraft($local_path);
             // now clean up the path
             $local_filename = Path::clean($local_path);
             // file parsing
             $content = substr(File::get($file), 3);
             $divide = strpos($content, "\n---");
             $front_matter = trim(substr($content, 0, $divide));
             $content_raw = trim(substr($content, $divide + 4));
             // parse data
             $data = YAML::parse($front_matter);
             if ($content_raw) {
                 $data['content'] = 'true';
                 $data['content_raw'] = 'true';
             // set additional information
