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PHP Images::get方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中Images::get方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP Images::get方法的具体用法?PHP Images::get怎么用?PHP Images::get使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Images的用法示例。


示例1: action_image

 public function action_image($galleryID, $imageID)
     if (Auth::guest()) {
         Session::put('lastURL', URI::full());
         return Redirect::to('login');
     $image = Images::get($imageID);
     if ($image != null) {
         $liked = Likes::has($imageID, Auth::user()->id);
         return View::make('home.image')->with('image', $image)->with('galleryID', $galleryID)->with('liked', $liked);
     } else {
         return "Image does not exists!";

示例2: transform_reference

  * reference another page at this site
  * The function transforms a local reference (e.g;, [code][user=2][/code])
  * to an actual link relative to the YACS directory (e.g., [code]users/view.php/2[/code]),
  * adds a title and, sometimes, set a description as well.
  * @param string any string, maybe with a local reference in it
  * @return an array($url, $title, $description) or NULL
  * @see images/view.php
  * @see links/edit.php
  * @see shared/codes.php
 public static function transform_reference($text)
     global $context;
     // translate this reference to an internal link
     if (preg_match("/^\\[(article|section|file|image|category|user)=(.+?)\\]/i", $text, $matches)) {
         switch ($matches[1]) {
             // article link
             case 'article':
                 if ($item = Articles::get($matches[2])) {
                     return array(Articles::get_permalink($item), $item['title'], $item['introduction']);
                 return array('', $text, '');
                 // section link
             // section link
             case 'section':
                 if ($item = Sections::get($matches[2])) {
                     return array(Sections::get_permalink($item), $item['title'], $item['introduction']);
                 return array('', $text, '');
                 // file link
             // file link
             case 'file':
                 if ($item = Files::get($matches[2])) {
                     return array(Files::get_url($matches[2]), $item['title'] ? $item['title'] : str_replace('_', ' ', ucfirst($item['file_name'])));
                 return array('', $text, '');
                 // image link
             // image link
             case 'image':
                 include_once $context['path_to_root'] . 'images/images.php';
                 if ($item = Images::get($matches[2])) {
                     return array(Images::get_url($matches[2]), $item['title'] ? $item['title'] : str_replace('_', ' ', ucfirst($item['image_name'])));
                 return array('', $text, '');
                 // category link
             // category link
             case 'category':
                 if ($item = Categories::get($matches[2])) {
                     return array(Categories::get_permalink($item), $item['title'], $item['introduction']);
                 return array('', $text, '');
                 // user link
             // user link
             case 'user':
                 if ($item = Users::get($matches[2])) {
                     return array(Users::get_permalink($item), $item['full_name'] ? $item['full_name'] : $item['nick_name']);
                 return array('', $text, '');
     return array('', $text, '');

示例3: touch

  * remember the last action for this category
  * @param string the description of the last action
  * @param string the id of the item related to this update
  * @param boolean TRUE to not change the edit date of this anchor, default is FALSE
  * @see shared/anchor.php
 function touch($action, $origin = NULL, $silently = FALSE)
     global $context;
     // don't go further on import
     if (preg_match('/import$/i', $action)) {
     // no category bound
     if (!isset($this->item['id'])) {
     // sanity check
     if (!$origin) {
         logger::remember('categories/category.php: unexpected NULL origin at touch()');
     // components of the query
     $query = array();
     // append a reference to a new image to the description
     if ($action == 'image:create') {
         if (!Codes::check_embedded($this->item['description'], 'image', $origin)) {
             // the overlay may prevent embedding
             if (is_object($this->overlay) && !$this->overlay->should_embed_files()) {
             } else {
                 // list has already started
                 if (preg_match('/\\[image=[^\\]]+?\\]\\s*$/', $this->item['description'])) {
                     $query[] = "description = '" . SQL::escape($this->item['description'] . ' [image=' . $origin . ']') . "'";
                 } else {
                     $query[] = "description = '" . SQL::escape($this->item['description'] . "\n\n" . '[image=' . $origin . ']') . "'";
         // also use it as thumnail if none has been defined yet
         if (!isset($this->item['thumbnail_url']) || !trim($this->item['thumbnail_url'])) {
             include_once $context['path_to_root'] . 'images/images.php';
             if (($image = Images::get($origin)) && ($url = Images::get_thumbnail_href($image))) {
                 $query[] = "thumbnail_url = '" . SQL::escape($url) . "'";
         // refresh stamp only if image update occurs within 6 hours after last edition
         if (SQL::strtotime($this->item['edit_date']) + 6 * 60 * 60 < time()) {
             $silently = TRUE;
         // suppress a reference to an image that has been deleted
     } elseif ($action == 'image:delete') {
         // suppress reference in main description field
         $query[] = "description = '" . SQL::escape(Codes::delete_embedded($this->item['description'], 'image', $origin)) . "'";
         // suppress references as icon and thumbnail as well
         include_once $context['path_to_root'] . 'images/images.php';
         if ($image = Images::get($origin)) {
             if ($url = Images::get_icon_href($image)) {
                 if ($this->item['icon_url'] == $url) {
                     $query[] = "icon_url = ''";
                 if ($this->item['thumbnail_url'] == $url) {
                     $query[] = "thumbnail_url = ''";
             if ($url = Images::get_thumbnail_href($image)) {
                 if ($this->item['icon_url'] == $url) {
                     $query[] = "icon_url = ''";
                 if ($this->item['thumbnail_url'] == $url) {
                     $query[] = "thumbnail_url = ''";
         // set an existing image as the category icon
     } elseif ($action == 'image:set_as_icon') {
         include_once $context['path_to_root'] . 'images/images.php';
         if ($image = Images::get($origin)) {
             if ($url = Images::get_icon_href($image)) {
                 $query[] = "icon_url = '" . SQL::escape($url) . "'";
             // also use it as thumnail if none has been defined yet
             if (!(isset($this->item['thumbnail_url']) && trim($this->item['thumbnail_url'])) && ($url = Images::get_thumbnail_href($image))) {
                 $query[] = "thumbnail_url = '" . SQL::escape($url) . "'";
         $silently = TRUE;
         // set an existing image as the category thumbnail
     } elseif ($action == 'image:set_as_thumbnail') {
         include_once $context['path_to_root'] . 'images/images.php';
         if ($image = Images::get($origin)) {
             if ($url = Images::get_thumbnail_href($image)) {
                 $query[] = "thumbnail_url = '" . SQL::escape($url) . "'";
         $silently = TRUE;
         // append a new image, and set it as the article thumbnail
     } elseif ($action == 'image:set_as_both') {

示例4: elseif

 * @reference
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt GNU Lesser General Public License
// common definitions and initial processing
include_once '../shared/global.php';
include_once 'images.php';
// look for the id
$id = NULL;
if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
    $id = $_REQUEST['id'];
} elseif (isset($context['arguments'][0])) {
    $id = $context['arguments'][0];
$id = strip_tags($id);
// get the item from the database
$item = Images::get($id);
// get the related anchor, if any
$anchor = NULL;
if (isset($item['anchor']) && $item['anchor']) {
    $anchor = Anchors::get($item['anchor']);
// load the skin, maybe with a variant
load_skin('images', $anchor);
// clear the tab we are in, if any
if (is_object($anchor)) {
    $context['current_focus'] = $anchor->get_focus();
// the path to this page
if (is_object($anchor) && $anchor->is_viewable()) {
    $context['path_bar'] = $anchor->get_path_bar();

示例5: touch

  * remember the last action for this article
  * This function is called by related items. What does it do?
  * - On image creation, the adequate code is added to the description field to let the image be displayed inline
  * - On icon selection, the icon field is updated
  * - On thumbnail image selection, the thumbnail image field is updated
  * - On location creation, some code is inserted in the description field to display location name inline
  * - On table creation, some code is inserted in the description field to display the table inline
  * @see articles/article.php
  * @see articles/edit.php
  * @see shared/anchor.php
  * @param string one of the pre-defined action code
  * @param string the id of the item related to this update
  * @param boolean TRUE to not change the edit date of this anchor, default is FALSE
 function touch($action, $origin = NULL, $silently = FALSE)
     global $context;
     // we make extensive use of comments below
     include_once $context['path_to_root'] . 'comments/comments.php';
     // don't go further on import
     if (preg_match('/import$/i', $action)) {
     // no article bound
     if (!isset($this->item['id'])) {
     // delegate to overlay
     if (is_object($this->overlay) && $this->overlay->touch($action, $origin, $silently) === false) {
         // stop on false
     // clear floating objects
     if ($action == 'clear') {
         $this->item['description'] .= ' [clear]';
         $query = "UPDATE " . SQL::table_name('articles') . " SET description='" . SQL::escape($this->item['description']) . "'" . " WHERE id = " . SQL::escape($this->item['id']);
     // get the related overlay, if any
     if (!isset($this->overlay)) {
         $this->overlay = NULL;
         if (isset($this->item['overlay'])) {
             $this->overlay = Overlay::load($this->item, 'article:' . $this->item['id']);
     // components of the query
     $query = array();
     // a new comment has been posted
     if ($action == 'comment:create') {
         // purge oldest comments
         Comments::purge_for_anchor('article:' . $this->item['id']);
         // file upload
     } elseif ($action == 'file:create' || $action == 'file:upload') {
         // actually, several files have been added
         $label = '';
         if (!$origin) {
             // only when comments are allowed
             if (!Articles::has_option('no_comments', $this->anchor, $this->item)) {
                 // remember this as an automatic notification
                 $fields = array();
                 $fields['anchor'] = 'article:' . $this->item['id'];
                 $fields['description'] = i18n::s('Several files have been added');
                 $fields['type'] = 'notification';
             // one file has been added
         } elseif (!Codes::check_embedded($this->item['description'], 'embed', $origin) && ($item = Files::get($origin, TRUE))) {
             // this file is eligible for being embedded in the page
             if (isset($item['file_name']) && Files::is_embeddable($item['file_name'])) {
                 // the overlay may prevent embedding
                 if (is_object($this->overlay) && !$this->overlay->should_embed_files()) {
                 } else {
                     $label = '[embed=' . $origin . ']';
                 // else add a comment to take note of the upload
             } else {
                 // only when comments are allowed
                 if (!Articles::has_option('no_comments', $this->anchor, $this->item)) {
                     // remember this as an automatic notification
                     $fields = array();
                     $fields['anchor'] = 'article:' . $this->item['id'];
                     if ($action == 'file:create') {
                         $fields['description'] = '[file=' . $item['id'] . ',' . $item['file_name'] . ']';
                     } else {
                         $fields['description'] = '[download=' . $item['id'] . ',' . $item['file_name'] . ']';
         // we are in some interactive thread
         if ($origin && $this->has_option('view_as_chat')) {
             // default is to download the file
             if (!$label) {
                 $label = '[download=' . $origin . ']';

示例6: touch

  * remember the last action for this section
  * @see articles/article.php
  * @see shared/anchor.php
  * @param string the description of the last action
  * @param string the id of the item related to this update
  * @param boolean TRUE to not change the edit date of this anchor, default is FALSE
 function touch($action, $origin = NULL, $silently = FALSE)
     global $context;
     // we make extensive use of comments below
     include_once $context['path_to_root'] . 'comments/comments.php';
     // don't go further on import
     if (preg_match('/import$/i', $action)) {
     // no section bound
     if (!isset($this->item['id'])) {
     // delegate to overlay
     if (is_object($this->overlay) && $this->overlay->touch($action, $origin, $silently) === false) {
         // stop on false
     // sanity check
     if (!$origin) {
         logger::remember('sections/section.php: unexpected NULL origin at touch()');
     // components of the query
     $query = array();
     // a new page has been added to the section
     if ($action == 'article:publish' || $action == 'article:submit') {
         // limit the number of items attached to this section
         if (isset($this->item['maximum_items']) && $this->item['maximum_items'] > 10) {
             Articles::purge_for_anchor('section:' . $this->item['id'], $this->item['maximum_items']);
         // a new comment has been posted
     } elseif ($action == 'comment:create') {
         // purge oldest comments
         Comments::purge_for_anchor('section:' . $this->item['id']);
         // file upload
     } elseif ($action == 'file:create' || $action == 'file:upload') {
         // actually, several files have been added
         $label = '';
         if (!$origin) {
             $fields = array();
             $fields['anchor'] = 'section:' . $this->item['id'];
             $fields['description'] = i18n::s('Several files have been added');
             $fields['type'] = 'notification';
             // one file has been added
         } elseif (!Codes::check_embedded($this->item['description'], 'embed', $origin) && ($item = Files::get($origin, TRUE))) {
             // this file is eligible for being embedded in the page
             if (isset($item['file_name']) && Files::is_embeddable($item['file_name'])) {
                 // the overlay may prevent embedding
                 if (is_object($this->overlay) && !$this->overlay->should_embed_files()) {
                 } else {
                     $label = '[embed=' . $origin . ']';
                 // else add a comment to take note of the upload
             } elseif (Comments::allow_creation($this->item, null, 'section')) {
                 $fields = array();
                 $fields['anchor'] = 'section:' . $this->item['id'];
                 if ($action == 'file:create') {
                     $fields['description'] = '[file=' . $item['id'] . ',' . $item['file_name'] . ']';
                 } else {
                     $fields['description'] = '[download=' . $item['id'] . ',' . $item['file_name'] . ']';
         // include flash videos in a regular page
         if ($label) {
             $query[] = "description = '" . SQL::escape($this->item['description'] . ' ' . $label) . "'";
         // suppress references to a deleted file
     } elseif ($action == 'file:delete') {
         // suppress reference in main description field
         $text = Codes::delete_embedded($this->item['description'], 'download', $origin);
         $text = Codes::delete_embedded($text, 'embed', $origin);
         $text = Codes::delete_embedded($text, 'file', $origin);
         // save changes
         $query[] = "description = '" . SQL::escape($text) . "'";
         // append a reference to a new image to the description
     } elseif ($action == 'image:create') {
         if (!Codes::check_embedded($this->item['description'], 'image', $origin)) {
             // the overlay may prevent embedding
             if (is_object($this->overlay) && !$this->overlay->should_embed_files()) {
             } else {
                 // list has already started
                 if (preg_match('/\\[image=[^\\]]+?\\]\\s*$/', $this->item['description'])) {
                     $query[] = "description = '" . SQL::escape($this->item['description'] . ' [image=' . $origin . ']') . "'";
                 } else {
                     $query[] = "description = '" . SQL::escape($this->item['description'] . "\n\n" . '[image=' . $origin . ']') . "'";

示例7: delete

  * delete one image in the database and in the file system
  * @param int the id of the image to delete
  * @return boolean TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise
 public static function delete($id)
     global $context;
     // load the row
     $item = Images::get($id);
     if (!$item['id']) {
         Logger::error(i18n::s('No item has been found.'));
         return FALSE;
     // delete the image files silently
     $file_path = $context['path_to_root'] . Files::get_path($item['anchor'], 'images');
     Safe::unlink($file_path . '/' . $item['image_name']);
     Safe::unlink($file_path . '/' . $item['thumbnail_name']);
     Safe::rmdir($file_path . '/thumbs');
     // delete related items
     Anchors::delete_related_to('image:' . $id);
     // delete the record in the database
     $query = "DELETE FROM " . SQL::table_name('images') . " WHERE id = " . SQL::escape($item['id']);
     if (SQL::query($query) === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     // job done
     return TRUE;

示例8: touch

  * remember the last action for this user
  * @param string the description of the last action
  * @param string the id of the item related to this update
  * @param boolean TRUE to not change the edit date of this anchor, default is FALSE
  * @see shared/anchor.php
 function touch($action, $origin = NULL, $silently = FALSE)
     global $context;
     // don't go further on import
     if (preg_match('/import$/i', $action)) {
     // no item bound
     if (!isset($this->item['id'])) {
     // sanity check
     if (!$origin) {
         logger::remember('users/user.php: unexpected NULL origin at touch()');
     // components of the query
     $query = array();
     // append a reference to a new image to the description
     if ($action == 'image:create') {
         if (!Codes::check_embedded($this->item['description'], 'image', $origin)) {
             // the overlay may prevent embedding
             if (is_object($this->overlay) && !$this->overlay->should_embed_files()) {
             } else {
                 // list has already started
                 if (preg_match('/\\[image=[^\\]]+?\\]\\s*$/', $this->item['description'])) {
                     $query[] = "description = '" . SQL::escape($this->item['description'] . ' [image=' . $origin . ']') . "'";
                 } else {
                     $query[] = "description = '" . SQL::escape($this->item['description'] . "\n\n" . '[image=' . $origin . ']') . "'";
         // refresh stamp only if image update occurs within 6 hours after last edition
         if (SQL::strtotime($this->item['edit_date']) + 6 * 60 * 60 < time()) {
             $silently = TRUE;
         // suppress a reference to an image that has been deleted
     } elseif ($action == 'image:delete') {
         // suppress reference in main description field
         $query[] = "description = '" . SQL::escape(Codes::delete_embedded($this->item['description'], 'image', $origin)) . "'";
         // suppress references as icon and thumbnail as well
         include_once $context['path_to_root'] . 'images/images.php';
         if ($image = Images::get($origin)) {
             if ($url = Images::get_icon_href($image)) {
                 if ($this->item['avatar_url'] == $url) {
                     $query[] = "avatar_url = ''";
             if ($url = Images::get_thumbnail_href($image)) {
                 if ($this->item['avatar_url'] == $url) {
                     $query[] = "avatar_url = ''";
         // set an existing image as the user avatar
     } elseif ($action == 'image:set_as_avatar') {
         include_once $context['path_to_root'] . 'images/images.php';
         if ($image = Images::get($origin)) {
             if ($url = Images::get_icon_href($image)) {
                 $query[] = "avatar_url = '" . SQL::escape($url) . "'";
         $silently = TRUE;
         // set an existing image as the user thumbnail
     } elseif ($action == 'image:set_as_thumbnail') {
         include_once $context['path_to_root'] . 'images/images.php';
         if ($image = Images::get($origin)) {
             if ($url = Images::get_thumbnail_href($image)) {
                 $query[] = "avatar_url = '" . SQL::escape($url) . "'";
         $silently = TRUE;
         // append a new image
     } elseif ($action == 'image:set_as_both') {
         if (!Codes::check_embedded($this->item['description'], 'image', $origin)) {
             $query[] = "description = '" . SQL::escape($this->item['description'] . ' [image=' . $origin . ']') . "'";
         // do not remember minor changes
         $silently = TRUE;
         // add a reference to a location in the article description
     } elseif ($action == 'location:create') {
         if (!Codes::check_embedded($this->item['description'], 'location', $origin)) {
             $query[] = "description = '" . SQL::escape($this->item['description'] . ' [location=' . $origin . ']') . "'";
         // suppress a reference to a location that has been deleted
     } elseif ($action == 'location:delete') {
         $query[] = "description = '" . SQL::escape(Codes::delete_embedded($this->item['description'], 'location', $origin)) . "'";
         // add a reference to a new table in the user description
     } elseif ($action == 'table:create') {
         if (!Codes::check_embedded($this->item['description'], 'table', $origin)) {
             $query[] = "description = '" . SQL::escape($this->item['description'] . ' [table=' . $origin . ']') . "'";

示例9: render_object

  * render a link to an object
  * Following types are supported:
  * - article - link to an article page
  * - category - link to a category page
  * - comment - link to a comment page
  * - download - link to a download page
  * - file - link to a file page
  * - flash - display a file as a native flash object, or play a flash video
  * - go
  * - image - display an in-line image
  * - next - link to an article page
  * - previous - link to an article page
  * - section - link to a section page
  * - server - link to a server page
  * - user - link to a user page
  * @param string the type
  * @param string the id, with possible options or variant
  * @return string the rendered text
 public static function render_object($type, $id)
     global $context;
     $id = Codes::fix_tags($id);
     // depending on type
     switch ($type) {
         // link to an article
         case 'article':
             // maybe an alternate title has been provided
             $attributes = preg_split("/\\s*,\\s*/", $id, 2);
             $id = $attributes[0];
             // load the record from the database
             if (!($item = Articles::get($id))) {
                 $output = '[article=' . $id . ']';
             } else {
                 // ensure we have a label for this link
                 if (isset($attributes[1])) {
                     $text = $attributes[1];
                     $type = 'basic';
                 } else {
                     $text = Skin::strip($item['title']);
                 // make a link to the target page
                 $url = Articles::get_permalink($item);
                 // return a complete anchor
                 $output =& Skin::build_link($url, $text, $type);
             return $output;
             // insert article description
         // insert article description
         case 'article.description':
             // maybe an alternate title has been provided
             $attributes = preg_split("/\\s*,\\s*/", $id, 2);
             $id = $attributes[0];
             // load the record from the database
             if (!($item = Articles::get($id))) {
                 $output = '[article.description=' . $id . ']';
             } else {
                 // ensure we have a label for this link
                 if (isset($attributes[1])) {
                     $text = $attributes[1];
                     $type = 'basic';
                 } else {
                     $text = Skin::strip($item['title']);
                 // make a link to the target page
                 $url = Articles::get_permalink($item);
                 // return a complete anchor
                 $output =& Skin::build_link($url, $text, 'article');
                 // the introduction text, if any
                 $output .= BR . Codes::beautify($item['introduction']);
                 // load overlay, if any
                 if (isset($item['overlay']) && $item['overlay']) {
                     $overlay = Overlay::load($item, 'article:' . $item['id']);
                     // get text related to the overlay, if any
                     if (is_object($overlay)) {
                         $output .= $overlay->get_text('view', $item);
                 // the description, which is the actual page body
                 $output .= '<div>' . Codes::beautify($item['description']) . '</div>';
             return $output;
             // link to a category
         // link to a category
         case 'category':
             // maybe an alternate title has been provided
             $attributes = preg_split("/\\s*,\\s*/", $id, 2);
             $id = $attributes[0];
             // load the record from the database
             if (!($item = Categories::get($id))) {
                 $output = '[category=' . $id . ']';
             } else {
                 // ensure we have a label for this link
                 if (isset($attributes[1])) {
                     $text = $attributes[1];
                     $type = 'basic';
                 } else {
