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Java ArrayUtils.minValue方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils.minValue方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java ArrayUtils.minValue方法的具体用法?Java ArrayUtils.minValue怎么用?Java ArrayUtils.minValue使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils的用法示例。


示例1: detect

import org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public double detect(double[] col) {
	double mid = ArrayUtils.quickSelect(col, col.length/2);
	if(ArrayUtils.minValue(col) == mid) 
		mid += Double.MIN_NORMAL;
	if(ArrayUtils.maxValue(col) == mid) 
		mid -= Double.MIN_NORMAL;
	return 0;

示例2: colourTemperatureCorrection

import org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Correct colour temperature using the method documented at Tanner Helland.
 * Calculated the black body colour for the given temperature and alpha
 * blends that with a constant luminance with the original image at the
 * given strength. Only works on RGB images. Side affects the incoming
 * image.
 * @param image
 * @param colourTemperature
 *            The colour temperature.
 * @param strength
 *            The strength of colour correction
 * @see "http://www.tannerhelland.com/4435/convert-temperature-rgb-algorithm-code/"
 * @return The affected image.
public static MBFImage colourTemperatureCorrection(final MBFImage image,
		final double colourTemperature, final double strength)
	if (image.colourSpace != ColourSpace.RGB)
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Colour correction only available for RGB images. " +
				"Try using the colour transforms to convert to RGB.");

	// Get the black body colour for the given temperature.
	final double rgb[] = Transforms.kelvinToRGB(colourTemperature);

	final float[] pix = new float[image.numBands()];
	final float[] oPix = new float[image.numBands()];
	for (int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); y++)
		for (int x = 0; x < image.getWidth(); x++)
			for (int b = 0; b < image.numBands(); b++)
				float f = image.getBand(b).pixels[y][x];
				oPix[b] = f;
				f = (float) (f * strength + rgb[b] * (1f - strength));
				pix[b] = f;

			// pix contains the alpha blended original pixels. Calculate HSL
			Transforms.RGB_TO_HSL(pix, pix);

			// subsititue the luminance of original pixels
			pix[2] = (ArrayUtils.maxValue(oPix) + ArrayUtils.minValue(oPix)) / 2f;

			// Transform back to RGB
			Transforms.HSL_TO_RGB(pix, pix);

			for (int b = 0; b < image.numBands(); b++)
				image.getBand(b).pixels[y][x] = pix[b];

	return image;

示例3: calculateThreshold

import org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Estimate the threshold for the given data.
 * <p>
 * Internally, the data will be min-max normalised before the histogram is
 * built, and the specified number of bins will cover the entire
 * <code>max-min</code> range. The returned threshold will have
 * <code>min</code> added to it to return it to the original range.
 * @param data
 *            the data
 * @param numBins
 *            the number of histogram bins
 * @return the estimated threshold
public static float calculateThreshold(float[] data, int numBins) {
	final float min = ArrayUtils.minValue(data);
	final float max = ArrayUtils.maxValue(data);
	final int[] histData = makeHistogram(data, numBins, min, max);

	return computeThresholdFromHistogram(histData, data.length) + min;

示例4: calculateThresholdAndVariance

import org.openimaj.util.array.ArrayUtils; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Estimate the threshold and inter-class variance for the given data.
 * <p>
 * Internally, the data will be min-max normalised before the histogram is
 * built, and the specified number of bins will cover the entire
 * <code>max-min</code> range. The returned threshold will have
 * <code>min</code> added to it to return it to the original range.
 * @param data
 *            the data
 * @param numBins
 *            the number of histogram bins
 * @return the estimated threshold and variance
public static FloatFloatPair calculateThresholdAndVariance(float[] data, int numBins) {
	final float min = ArrayUtils.minValue(data);
	final float max = ArrayUtils.maxValue(data);
	final int[] histData = makeHistogram(data, numBins, min, max);

	final FloatFloatPair result = computeThresholdAndVarianceFromHistogram(histData, data.length);
	result.first += min;
	return result;
