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Java FreeColXMLReader.readId方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中net.sf.freecol.common.io.FreeColXMLReader.readId方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java FreeColXMLReader.readId方法的具体用法?Java FreeColXMLReader.readId怎么用?Java FreeColXMLReader.readId使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在net.sf.freecol.common.io.FreeColXMLReader的用法示例。


示例1: readChild

import net.sf.freecol.common.io.FreeColXMLReader; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * {@inheritDoc}
public void readChild(FreeColXMLReader xr) throws XMLStreamException {
    String optionId = xr.readId();
    Option option = getOption(optionId);
    if (option == null) {
        AbstractOption abstractOption = readOption(xr);
        if (abstractOption != null) {
    } else {
        // FreeColActions are read here.

示例2: readChild

import net.sf.freecol.common.io.FreeColXMLReader; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * {@inheritDoc}
protected void readChild(FreeColXMLReader xr) throws XMLStreamException {
    final String tag = xr.getLocalName();

    if (UNIT_TAG.equals(tag)) {
        String id = xr.readId();

        String type = xr.getAttribute(TYPE_TAG, (String)null);

        String roleId = xr.getAttribute(ROLE_TAG,

        boolean ex = xr.getAttribute(EXPERT_STARTING_UNITS_TAG, false);

        addStartingUnit(id, new AbstractUnit(type, roleId, 1), ex);

    } else {

示例3: readChild

import net.sf.freecol.common.io.FreeColXMLReader; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * {@inheritDoc}
protected void readChild(FreeColXMLReader xr) throws XMLStreamException {
    final Specification spec = getSpecification();
    final String tag = xr.getLocalName();

    if (REQUIRED_ABILITY_TAG.equals(tag)) {
        String id = xr.readId();
        addRequiredAbility(id, xr.getAttribute(VALUE_TAG, true));

    } else if (REQUIRED_GOODS_TAG.equals(tag)) {
        GoodsType type = xr.getType(spec, ID_ATTRIBUTE_TAG,
                GoodsType.class, (GoodsType)null);
        int amount = xr.getAttribute(VALUE_TAG, 0);
        addRequiredGoods(new AbstractGoods(type, amount));

    } else if (Limit.TAG.equals(tag)) {
        Limit limit = new Limit(xr, spec);
        if (limit.getLeftHandSide().getType() == null) {

    } else {

示例4: readChild

import net.sf.freecol.common.io.FreeColXMLReader; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * {@inheritDoc}
protected void readChild(FreeColXMLReader xr) throws XMLStreamException {
    final String tag = xr.getLocalName();
    final String oid = xr.readId();

    try {
        Wish wish = null;

        // The AI data is quite shallow, so we can get away with
        // fixing up forward references just with this simple
        // lookup.  AIObjects that can be forward referenced must
        // ensure they complete initialization somewhere in their
        // serialization read* routines.
        AIObject aio;
        if (oid != null && (aio = getAIObject(oid)) != null) {

        } else if (AIColony.TAG.equals(tag)) {
            new AIColony(this, xr);

        } else if (AIGoods.TAG.equals(tag)) {
            new AIGoods(this, xr);

        } else if (AIPlayer.TAG.equals(tag)) {
            Player p = getGame().getFreeColGameObject(oid, Player.class);
            if (p != null) {
                if (p.isIndian()) {
                    new NativeAIPlayer(this, xr);
                } else if (p.isREF()) {
                    new REFAIPlayer(this, xr);
                } else if (p.isEuropean()) {
                    new EuropeanAIPlayer(this, xr);
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Bogus AIPlayer: " + p);

        } else if (AIUnit.TAG.equals(tag)) {
            new AIUnit(this, xr);

        } else if (GoodsWish.TAG.equals(tag)
            // @compat 0.11.3
            || OLD_GOODS_WISH_TAG.equals(tag)
            // end @compat 0.11.3
                   ) {
            wish = new GoodsWish(this, xr);

        } else if (TileImprovementPlan.TAG.equals(tag)
            // @compat 0.11.3
            || OLD_TILE_IMPROVEMENT_PLAN_TAG.equals(tag)
            // end @compat
                   ) {
            new TileImprovementPlan(this, xr);

        } else if (WorkerWish.TAG.equals(tag)) {
            wish = new WorkerWish(this, xr);
        } else {
        if (wish != null) {
            AIColony ac = wish.getDestinationAIColony();
            if (ac != null) ac.addWish(wish);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception reading AIObject: "
                   + tag + ", id=" + oid, e);
        // We are hosed.  Try to resynchronize at the end of the tag
        // or aiMain.
        final String mainTag = TAG;
        while (xr.moreTags() || !(xr.atTag(tag) || xr.atTag(mainTag)));

示例5: readFromXML

import net.sf.freecol.common.io.FreeColXMLReader; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void readFromXML(AIMain aiMain, FreeColXMLReader xr) throws XMLStreamException {
    final Game game = aiMain.getGame();

    String tid = xr.readId();
    TransportableAIObject tao = null;
    if (tid != null) {
        AIObject aio = aiMain.getAIObject(tid);
        if (aio == null) {
            if (tid.startsWith(Unit.TAG)) {
                tao = new AIUnit(aiMain, tid);
            } else if (tid.startsWith(AIGoods.TAG)) {
                tao = new AIGoods(aiMain, tid);
        } else {
            tao = (TransportableAIObject)aio;
    if (tao == null) {
        throw new XMLStreamException("Transportable expected: " + tid);
    this.transportable = tao;

    this.carrier = xr.getAttribute(game, CARRIER_TAG,
                                   Unit.class, (Unit)null);

    this.tries = xr.getAttribute(TRIES_TAG, 0);
    this.spaceLeft = xr.getAttribute(SPACELEFT_TAG, -1);
    this.wrapped = null;

    this.plan = new CargoPlan();

    this.plan.twait = xr.getLocationAttribute(game, TWAIT_TAG, false);

    this.plan.cwait = xr.getLocationAttribute(game, CWAIT_TAG, false);

    this.plan.cdst = xr.getLocationAttribute(game, CDST_TAG, false);

    this.plan.tdst = xr.getLocationAttribute(game, TDST_TAG, false);
    this.plan.turns = xr.getAttribute(TURNS_TAG, -1);

    this.plan.mode = xr.getAttribute(MODE_TAG, 
                                     CargoMode.class, (CargoMode)null);

    this.plan.fallback = xr.getAttribute(FALLBACK_TAG, false);


示例6: readChild

import net.sf.freecol.common.io.FreeColXMLReader; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * {@inheritDoc}
protected void readChild(FreeColXMLReader xr) throws XMLStreamException {
    final Game game = getGame();
    final String tag = xr.getLocalName();

    if (CIBOLA_TAG.equals(tag)) {
        String cibola = xr.readId();
        // @compat 0.11.3
        final String oldPrefix = "lostCityRumour.cityName";
        if (cibola.startsWith(oldPrefix)) cibola = "nameCache." + cibola;
        // end @compat 0.11.3

    } else if (Map.TAG.equals(tag)) {
        if (this.specification == null) {
            throw new XMLStreamException("Tried to read " + tag
                + " with null specification");
        map = xr.readFreeColObject(game, Map.class);

    } else if (NationOptions.TAG.equals(tag)) {
        if (this.specification == null) {
            throw new XMLStreamException("Tried to read " + tag
                + " with null specification");
        nationOptions = new NationOptions(xr, specification);

    } else if (Player.TAG.equals(tag)) {
        if (this.specification == null) {
            throw new XMLStreamException("Tried to read " + tag
                + " with null specification");
        Player player = xr.readFreeColObject(game, Player.class);
        if (player.isUnknownEnemy()) {
        } else {

    } else if (Specification.TAG.equals(tag)) {
        logger.info(((this.specification == null) ? "Loading" : "Reloading")
            + " specification.");
        this.specification = new Specification(xr);

    } else {

示例7: readFromXML

import net.sf.freecol.common.io.FreeColXMLReader; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Initializes this object from its XML-representation.
 * @param xr The {@code FreeColXMLReader} to read from.
 * @exception XMLStreamException if there are any problems reading
 *     the stream.
public void readFromXML(FreeColXMLReader xr) throws XMLStreamException {
    // Beware!  We load mods onto an existing specification, but
    // we do not want to overwrite its main attributes (id,
    // difficulty, version) So only set those variables if they
    // are currently null, as will be the case when we load the
    // root specification.
    String newId = xr.readId();
    if (id == null) id = newId;

    if (difficultyLevel == null) {
        difficultyLevel = xr.getAttribute(DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_TAG,
        // @compat 0.11.3
        if (difficultyLevel == null) {
            difficultyLevel = xr.getAttribute(OLD_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_TAG,
        // end @compat 0.11.3

    if (version == null) {
        version = xr.getAttribute(VERSION_TAG, (String)null);

    logger.fine("Reading specification " + newId
        + " difficulty=" + difficultyLevel
        + " version=" + version);

    String parentId = xr.getAttribute(FreeColSpecObjectType.EXTENDS_TAG,
    if (parentId != null) {
        try {
            FreeColTcFile parent = FreeColTcFile.getFreeColTcFile(parentId);
            initialized = false;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new XMLStreamException("Failed to open parent specification: ", e);

    while (xr.moreTags()) {
        String childName = xr.getLocalName();
        // @compat 0.11.0
        if (childName.equals(OLD_EQUIPMENT_TYPES_TAG)) {
        // end @compat 0.11.0
        ChildReader reader = readerMap.get(childName);
        if (reader == null) {
            logger.warning("No reader found for: " + childName);
        } else {

示例8: UnitTypeChange

import net.sf.freecol.common.io.FreeColXMLReader; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Read a unit change from a stream.
 * @param xr The {@code FreeColXMLReader} to read from.
 * @exception XMLStreamException if there is a problem reading
 *     the stream.
public UnitTypeChange(FreeColXMLReader xr, Specification spec)
    throws XMLStreamException {
    this(xr.readId(), spec);


示例9: readAttributes

import net.sf.freecol.common.io.FreeColXMLReader; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Reads the attributes of this object from an XML stream.
 * @param xr The {@code FreeColXMLReader} to read from.
 * @exception XMLStreamException if there is a problem reading the stream.
protected void readAttributes(FreeColXMLReader xr) throws XMLStreamException {
    String newId = xr.readId();
    if (newId != null) setId(newId);
