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Java Vector.minusEquals方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.Vector.minusEquals方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Vector.minusEquals方法的具体用法?Java Vector.minusEquals怎么用?Java Vector.minusEquals使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.Vector的用法示例。


示例1: removeClusterMember

import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.Vector; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public boolean removeClusterMember(
    final CentroidCluster<Vector> cluster,
    final Vector member)
    if (cluster.getMembers().remove(member))
        final int newSize = cluster.getMembers().size();
        Vector centroid = cluster.getCentroid();
        if (newSize <= 0)
            final Vector delta = member.minus(centroid);
            delta.scaleEquals(1.0 / newSize);
        return true;
        return false;

示例2: computeParameterGradient

import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.Vector; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public Vector computeParameterGradient(
    GradientDescendable function )

    RingAccumulator<Vector> parameterDelta =
        new RingAccumulator<Vector>();

    double denominator = 0.0;

    for (InputOutputPair<? extends Vector, ? extends Vector> pair : this.getCostParameters())
        Vector input = pair.getInput();
        Vector target = pair.getOutput();

        Vector negativeError = function.evaluate( input );
        negativeError.minusEquals( target );

        double weight = DatasetUtil.getWeight(pair);

        if (weight != 1.0)
            negativeError.scaleEquals( weight );

        denominator += weight;

        Matrix gradient = function.computeParameterGradient( input );
        Vector parameterUpdate = negativeError.times( gradient );
        parameterDelta.accumulate( parameterUpdate );

    Vector negativeSum = parameterDelta.getSum();
    if (denominator != 0.0)
        negativeSum.scaleEquals( 1.0 / denominator );

    return negativeSum;


示例3: computeParameterGradientPartial

import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.Vector; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public Object computeParameterGradientPartial(
    GradientDescendable function )
    RingAccumulator<Vector> parameterDelta =
        new RingAccumulator<Vector>();

    double denominator = 0.0;

    for (InputOutputPair<? extends Vector, ? extends Vector> pair : this.getCostParameters())
        Vector input = pair.getInput();
        Vector target = pair.getOutput();

        Vector negativeError = function.evaluate( input );
        negativeError.minusEquals( target );

        double weight = DatasetUtil.getWeight(pair);

        if (weight != 1.0)
            negativeError.scaleEquals( weight );

        denominator += weight;

        Matrix gradient = function.computeParameterGradient( input );
        Vector parameterUpdate = negativeError.times( gradient );
        parameterDelta.accumulate( parameterUpdate );

    Vector negativeSum = parameterDelta.getSum();
    return new GradientPartialSSE( negativeSum, denominator );        

示例4: computeParameterGradient

import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.Vector; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Computes a forward-differences approximation to the parameter Jacobian
 * @param function
 * Internal VectorizableVectorFunction to consider
 * @param input
 * Input about which to estimate the Jacobian
 * @param deltaSize
 * Size of the finite-difference unit vectors, typically ~1e-5
 * @return Forward-difference approximated Jacobian about the input
public static Matrix computeParameterGradient(
    VectorizableVectorFunction function,
    Vector input,
    double deltaSize )
    // Compute the Jacobian approximation as a forward difference
    Vector fx = function.evaluate( input );
    int M = fx.getDimensionality();
    Vector p = function.convertToVector();
    int N = p.getDimensionality();

    Matrix J = MatrixFactory.getDefault().createMatrix( M, N );

    for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
        // Add a unit vector in the jth direction
        double v = p.getElement( j );
        p.setElement( j, v + deltaSize );
        function.convertFromVector( p );
        Vector fjx = function.evaluate( input );
        fjx.minusEquals( fx );
        fjx.scaleEquals( 1.0 / deltaSize );
        J.setColumn( j, fjx );
        p.setElement( j, v );

    return J;


示例5: initializeAlgorithm

import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.Vector; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
protected boolean initializeAlgorithm()
    boolean retval = true;
    int M = this.getNumComponents();
    int N = this.getData().iterator().next().getDimensionality();
    if( M > N )
        retval = false;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Number of EigenVectors must be <= dimension of Vectors" );
    // Subtract the mean from the data
    this.mean = MultivariateStatisticsUtil.computeMean( this.getData() );
    for( Vector x : this.getData() )
        x.minusEquals( this.mean );
    this.components = new ArrayList<Vector>( M );
    for( int i = 0; i < M; i++ )
        // Make the ith vector be the identify for the ith direction
        Vector ui = VectorFactory.getDefault().createVector( N );
        ui.setElement( i, 1.0 );
        this.components.add( ui );

    this.change = 0.0;
    return retval;

示例6: update

import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.Vector; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void update(
    NormalInverseWishartDistribution prior,
    Iterable<? extends Vector> data)
    final int n = CollectionUtil.size(data);

    Pair<Vector,Matrix> pair =
    Vector sampleMean = pair.getFirst();
    Matrix sampleCovariance = pair.getSecond();

    Vector lambda = prior.getGaussian().getMean();
    double nu = prior.getCovarianceDivisor();
    int alpha = prior.getInverseWishart().getDegreesOfFreedom();
    Matrix beta = prior.getInverseWishart().getInverseScale();

    int alphahat = alpha + n;
    double nuhat = nu+n;

    Vector lambdahat = lambda.scale(nu/n);
    lambdahat.plusEquals( sampleMean );
    lambdahat.scaleEquals( n/nuhat );

    Vector delta = sampleMean;
    Matrix betahat = sampleCovariance;
    if( n > 1 )
    betahat.plusEquals( delta.outerProduct(delta.scale((n*nu)/nuhat)) );



示例7: testRemove

import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.Vector; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Test of remove method, of class AbstractEntropyBasedGlobalTermWeighter.
public void testRemove()
    AbstractEntropyBasedGlobalTermWeighter instance =
        new DummyEntropyBasedGlobalTermWeighter();

    Vector expectedTermEntropiesSum = new Vector3();
    instance.add(new Vector3(3.0, 0.0, 1.0));
    instance.add(new Vector3());
    instance.add(new Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 1.0));
    expectedTermEntropiesSum.plusEquals(new Vector3(3.0 * Math.log(3.0), 0.0, 0.0));

    assertEquals(3, instance.getDocumentCount());
    assertEquals(new Vector3(1.0, 1.0, 2.0), instance.getTermDocumentFrequencies());
    assertEquals(new Vector3(3.0, 1.0, 2.0), instance.getTermGlobalFrequencies());
    assertEquals(expectedTermEntropiesSum, instance.getTermEntropiesSum());

    instance.remove(new Vector3());
    assertEquals(2, instance.getDocumentCount());
    assertEquals(new Vector3(1.0, 1.0, 2.0), instance.getTermDocumentFrequencies());
    assertEquals(new Vector3(3.0, 1.0, 2.0), instance.getTermGlobalFrequencies());
    expectedTermEntropiesSum.minusEquals(new Vector3());
    assertEquals(expectedTermEntropiesSum, instance.getTermEntropiesSum());

    instance.remove(new Vector3(3.0, 0.0, 1.0));
    assertEquals(1, instance.getDocumentCount());
    assertEquals(new Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 1.0), instance.getTermDocumentFrequencies());
    assertEquals(new Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 1.0), instance.getTermGlobalFrequencies());
    expectedTermEntropiesSum.minusEquals(new Vector3(3.0 * Math.log(3.0), 0.0, 0.0));
    assertEquals(expectedTermEntropiesSum, instance.getTermEntropiesSum());

    instance.remove(new Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 1.0));
    assertEquals(0, instance.getDocumentCount());
    assertEquals(new Vector3(), instance.getTermDocumentFrequencies());
    assertEquals(new Vector3(), instance.getTermGlobalFrequencies());
    expectedTermEntropiesSum.minusEquals(new Vector3());
    assertEquals(expectedTermEntropiesSum, instance.getTermEntropiesSum());

示例8: compute

import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.Vector; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Computes often-used parameters of a sum-squared error term
 * @param objectToOptimize
 * GradientDescendable to compute the statistics of
 * @param data
 * Dataset to consider
 * @return
 * Cache containing the cached cost-function parameters
public static Cache compute(
    GradientDescendable objectToOptimize,
    Collection<? extends InputOutputPair<? extends Vector,Vector>> data )
    RingAccumulator<Matrix> gradientAverage = new RingAccumulator<Matrix>();
    RingAccumulator<Vector> gradientError = new RingAccumulator<Vector>();
    // This is very close to the
    // MeanSquaredErrorCostFunction.computeParameterGradient() method
    double weightSum = 0.0;
    double parameterCost = 0.0;
    for (InputOutputPair<? extends Vector, ? extends Vector> pair : data)
        // Compute the negativeError to save on Vector allocations
        // (can't use pair.getOutput because we'll alter the dataset)
        Vector negativeError = objectToOptimize.evaluate( pair.getInput() );
        negativeError.minusEquals( pair.getOutput() );
        double norm2 = negativeError.norm2Squared();

        double weight = DatasetUtil.getWeight(pair);
        if (weight != 1.0)
            negativeError.scaleEquals( weight );
        weightSum += weight;

        parameterCost += norm2 * weight;

        Matrix gradient = 
            objectToOptimize.computeParameterGradient( pair.getInput() );
        gradientAverage.accumulate( gradient );

        gradientError.accumulate( negativeError.times( gradient ) );

    weightSum *= 2.0;
    if( weightSum == 0.0 )
        weightSum = 1.0;
    // This is the Jacobian
    Matrix J = gradientAverage.getSum();
    J.scaleEquals( 1.0 / weightSum );
    Matrix JtJ = J.transpose().times( J );
    // Have to use 1.0 here because we've been accumulating the 
    // negativeError to save Vector allocations and the chain rule
    // brings down the 2.0 from the exponent and we're already
    // hitting the function with 0.5, so it's a wash.
    Vector Jte = gradientError.getSum();
    Jte.scaleEquals( 1.0 / weightSum );
    // Make sure the cost is normalized by the weights
    parameterCost /= weightSum;
    return new Cache( J, JtJ, Jte, parameterCost );

示例9: step

import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.Vector; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
protected boolean step()
    // Reset the number of errors for the new iteration.

    // Loop over all the training instances.
    for (InputOutputPair<? extends Vectorizable, ? extends Boolean> example
        : this.getData())
        if (example == null)

        // Compute the predicted classification and get the actual
        // classification.
        final Vector input = example.getInput().convertToVector();
        final boolean actual = example.getOutput();
        final double prediction = this.result.evaluateAsDouble(input);

        if (   (actual && prediction <= this.marginPositive)
            || (!actual && prediction >= -this.marginNegative))
            // The classification was incorrect so we need to update
            // the perceptron.
            this.setErrorCount(this.getErrorCount() + 1);

            final Vector weights = this.result.getWeights();
            double bias = this.result.getBias();

            if (actual)
                // Update for a positive example so add to the
                // weights and the bias.
                bias += 1.0;
                // Update for a negative example so subtract from
                // the weights and the bias.
                bias -= 1.0;

            // The weights are updated by side-effect.
            // Update the bias directly.
        // else - The classification was correct, no need to update.

    // Keep going while the error count is positive.
    return this.getErrorCount() > 0;

示例10: update

import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.Vector; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void update(
    final LinearBinaryCategorizer target,
    final Vector input,
    final boolean label)
    Vector weights = target.getWeights();
    if (weights == null)
        // This is the first example, so initialize the weight vector.
        weights = this.getVectorFactory().createVector(
    // else - Use the existing weights.

    // Predict the output as a double (negative values are false, positive
    // are true).
    final double prediction = target.evaluateAsDouble(input);
    final double actual = label ? +1.0 : -1.0;
    final double margin = prediction * actual;

    boolean error = false;
    if (margin <= 0.0)
        // An actual mistake: Use the standard perceptron update rule.
        error = true;
        final double weightNorm = weights.norm2();
        if (margin / weightNorm <= this.getRadius())
            // This is one way to implement this. However, it is not as
            // efficient as the following way with sparse vectors, which
            // is based on the derivation:
            // final Vector change = weights.scale(
            //     -actual * this.getRadius() / weightNorm);
            // change.plusEquals(input);
            // change.scaleEquals(actual);
            // weights.plusEquals(change);

            final double scale = 1.0 - this.getRadius() / weightNorm;
            error = true;
        // else - No margin mistake change.

    if (error)
        if (label)

示例11: removeClusterMember

import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.Vector; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public boolean removeClusterMember(
    final NormalizedCentroidCluster<Vectorizable> cluster,
    final Vectorizable member)
    if (cluster.getMembers().remove(member))

        final int newSize = cluster.getMembers().size();
        final int oldSize = newSize + 1;

        if (newSize == 0)
            return true;

        //reset centroid
        Vectorizable centroid = cluster.getCentroid();
        Vector data = centroid.convertToVector();
        data.scaleEquals(1.0 / newSize);

        //reset normalized centroid
        Vectorizable normalizedCentroid = cluster.getNormalizedCentroid();
        Vector normalizedData = normalizedCentroid.convertToVector();
        if (member.convertToVector().norm2() != 0.0)
                / member.convertToVector().norm2()));
        normalizedData.scaleEquals(1.0 / newSize);

        return true;
        return false;

示例12: evaluate

import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.Vector; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public Vector evaluate(
    final DataType input)
    final int dataSize = this.data.size();

    // Create the kernel vector.
    final Vector kernelVector =
    int index = 0;
    for (DataType other : this.data)
        final double value = this.kernel.evaluate(input, other);
        kernelVector.setElement(index, value);

    // Transform the kernel vector, if needed.
    final Vector kInput;
    if (!this.centerData || this.kernelMatrix == null)
        // In the case we don't need to center the data just use the
        // kernel vector directly.
        kInput = kernelVector;
        // Center the input before applying the transform.

        // Kt2 = Kt - 1'_m K - Kt 1_m + 1'_m K 1_m
        // Where 1_m is a m x m with 1/m on the diagonal
        // and 1'_m is an m-dimensional vector filled with 1/m
        // and m is the data size
        // and K is the original kernel m x m matrix
        // and Kt is the m-dimensional vector of K(t, x_i)
        final Matrix centeringMatrix = 
                dataSize, dataSize);
        centeringMatrix.scaleEquals(1.0 / dataSize);
        final Vector centeringVector =
                dataSize, 1.0 / dataSize);

        kInput = kernelVector.clone();
    return this.components.times(kInput);
