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Java BlobListingDetails.equals方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.microsoft.azure.storage.blob.BlobListingDetails.equals方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java BlobListingDetails.equals方法的具体用法?Java BlobListingDetails.equals怎么用?Java BlobListingDetails.equals使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在com.microsoft.azure.storage.blob.BlobListingDetails的用法示例。


示例1: listLogBlobs

import com.microsoft.azure.storage.blob.BlobListingDetails; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Returns an enumerable collection of log blobs, retrieved lazily.
 * @param service
 *            A {@link StorageService} enumeration value that indicates which storage service to use.
 * @param startTime
 *            A <code>java.util.Date</code> object representing the start of the time range for which logs should
 *            be retrieved.
 * @param endTime
 *            A <code>java.util.Date</code> object representing the end of the time range for which logs should
 *            be retrieved.
 * @param operations
 *            A {@link LoggingOperations} enumeration set that indicates which log types to return.
 * @param details
 *            A {@link BlobListingDetails} enumeration set that indicates whether or not blob metadata should
 *            be returned. None or METADATA are the only valid values.
 * @param options
 *            A {@link BlobRequestOptions} object that specifies additional options for the request.
 * @param operationContext
 *            An {@link OperationContext} object that represents the context for the current operation.
 * @return
 *         An enumerable collection of objects that implement {@link ListBlobItem} and are retrieved lazily.
 * @throws StorageException
 * @throws URISyntaxException
public Iterable<ListBlobItem> listLogBlobs(StorageService service, Date startTime, Date endTime,
        EnumSet<LoggingOperations> operations, BlobListingDetails details, BlobRequestOptions options,
        OperationContext operationContext) throws StorageException, URISyntaxException {
    Utility.assertNotNull("service", service);
    if (operations == null) {
        operations = EnumSet.allOf(LoggingOperations.class);

    if (!(details == null || details.equals(BlobListingDetails.METADATA))) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(SR.INVALID_LISTING_DETAILS);

    if (operations.equals(EnumSet.noneOf(LoggingOperations.class))) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(SR.INVALID_LOGGING_LEVEL);

    EnumSet<BlobListingDetails> metadataDetails;
    if (details != null
            && (details.equals(BlobListingDetails.METADATA) || !operations.equals(EnumSet
                    .allOf(LoggingOperations.class)))) {
        metadataDetails = EnumSet.of(BlobListingDetails.METADATA);
    else {
        metadataDetails = EnumSet.noneOf(BlobListingDetails.class);

    return new LogBlobIterable(this.getLogDirectory(service), startTime, endTime, operations, metadataDetails,
            options, operationContext);
