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Java Variable类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中ucar.nc2.Variable的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Variable类的具体用法?Java Variable怎么用?Java Variable使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: getExchangeItemValues

import ucar.nc2.Variable; //导入依赖的package包/类
public double[] getExchangeItemValues(String varName, int stationIndex, int layerIndex) {

		Variable variable = this.netcdfFile.findVariable(varName);

		int[] origin = createOrigin(variable);
		int[] sizeArray = variable.getShape();

		//select only the given station and layer
		origin[timeDimensionIndex] = 0;
		origin[lstsciDimensionIndex] = 0; //Only a single constituent possible for now, if several, arguments need to be changed
		origin[kmaxOutRestrDimensionIndex] = layerIndex;
		origin[statDimensionIndex] = stationIndex;

		//only one station and layer
		sizeArray[kmaxOutRestrDimensionIndex] = 1;
		sizeArray[statDimensionIndex] = 1;
		return NetcdfUtils.readSelectedData(variable, origin, sizeArray, -1);


示例2: finish

import ucar.nc2.Variable; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void finish() {

		// Here the intelligence to go back to the right waterlevel (from the fictive one) is needed, before writing the states
		for (Variable variable : this.netcdfFile.getVariables()){
			String varName = variable.getShortName();
			if (Arrays.asList(fictiveVariables).contains(varName)) {
				ITimeInfo timeInfo = NetcdfUtils.createTimeInfo(variable, this.netcdfFile, this.timeInfoCache);
				int LastTimeIndex = timeInfo.getTimes().length;
				double[] values = getExchangeItemValues(varName);
				// This is the critical method applying the intelligence:
				values = back2RealDomain(values,LastTimeIndex);
				// Might not be the most efficient as we write a second time into the files:
				writeExchangeItemValues(varName, values);
		try {
			if (binRestartFile != null) {
		} catch (IOException e){


示例3: readTimes

import ucar.nc2.Variable; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Reads the times from the given timeVariable and converts them to MJD
 * in the returned array.
 * @param timeVariable
 * @return times array.
 * @throws IOException
private static double[] readTimes(Variable timeVariable) throws IOException {
	double[] convertedTimes = new double[0];

	if ((timeVariable != null) && timeVariable.isCoordinateVariable()) {
		//read times.
		ucar.ma2.Array timesArray = timeVariable.read();
		double[] times = (double[]) timesArray.get1DJavaArray(double.class);

		//convert times.
		convertedTimes = new double[times.length];
		DateUnit dateUnit = getDateUnitFromDimension(timeVariable);
		for (int n = 0; n < times.length; n++) {
			Date date = dateUnit.makeDate(times[n]);
			if (date == null) {
				convertedTimes[n] = 0;

			long time = date.getTime();
			convertedTimes[n] = Time.milliesToMjd(time);

	return convertedTimes;

示例4: readData

import ucar.nc2.Variable; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Reads and returns the data from the given variable.
 * @param variable
 * @return Object.
public static Object readData(Variable variable) {
	double[] values;
	try {
		values = (double[]) variable.read().get1DJavaArray(double.class);
	} catch (IOException e) {
		throw new RuntimeException("Error while reading data from netcdf variable '" + variable.getShortName()
				+ "'. Message was: " + e.getMessage(), e);

	//apply scale factor and offset and replace missing values with Double.NaN.
	double missingValue = getMissingValueDouble(variable);
	double scaleFactor = getScaleFactorDouble(variable);
	double offSet = getOffSetDouble(variable);
	NetcdfUtils.convertDoubleValuesFromNetcdf(values, missingValue, scaleFactor, offSet);

	return new Array(values, variable.getShape(), false);

示例5: writeDataForVariableForSingleTimeSingleLocationSingleRealization

import ucar.nc2.Variable; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static void writeDataForVariableForSingleTimeSingleLocationSingleRealization(NetcdfFileWriter netcdfFileWriter, Variable variable,
		int timeIndex, int realizationDimensionIndex, int realizationIndex, int stationDimensionIndex, int stationIndex, double[] values) {
	int[] origin = createOrigin(variable);
	int[] sizeArray = variable.getShape();

	//here assume that timeDimensionIndex is 0.
	int timeDimensionIndex = 0;
	//select only the given time, station and realization.
	origin[timeDimensionIndex] = timeIndex;
	sizeArray[timeDimensionIndex] = 1;
	origin[realizationDimensionIndex] = realizationIndex;
	sizeArray[realizationDimensionIndex] = 1;
	origin[stationDimensionIndex] = stationIndex;
	sizeArray[stationDimensionIndex] = 1;

	writeSelectedData(netcdfFileWriter, variable, origin, sizeArray, values);

示例6: readAndStoreStationIdsMap

import ucar.nc2.Variable; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Read the data for (optional) variable "station_id" from the netcdf file and store in the stationIdsMap.
 * For each external location this method stores the external station name and the index
 * that is used for the location in the netcdf file in stationIdsMap.
 * Code copied and adapted from class nl.wldelft.fews.system.plugin.dataImport.NetcdfTimeSeriesTSParser
 * @throws IOException
public static Map<Integer, String> readAndStoreStationIdsMap(NetcdfFile netcdfDataset, String stationNameVarName) throws IOException {

	// if no stations found, return empty hash map
	Map<Integer, String> stationIdsMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>();

	Variable stationIdsVar = netcdfDataset.findVariable(stationNameVarName);
	if (stationIdsVar != null) {
		// stations found, create hash map
		int numberOfDimensions = stationIdsVar.getDimensions().size();
		switch (numberOfDimensions) {
			case 0:
				stationIdsMap = readAndStoreStationIdVariable(stationIdsVar);
			case 1:
				stationIdsMap = readAndStoreOneDimensionalStationIdsVariable(netcdfDataset, stationNameVarName);
			case 2: default:
				stationIdsMap = readAndStoreTwoDimensionalStationIdsVariable(stationIdsVar, netcdfDataset, stationNameVarName);
	return stationIdsMap;

示例7: createTimeVariable

import ucar.nc2.Variable; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Creates a time dimension and variable.
 * @param dataFile
 * @param timeCount      if timeCount is -1, then creates an unlimited timeDimension
 * @param timeUnitString
 * @return timeDimension
public static Dimension createTimeVariable(NetcdfFileWriter dataFile, String timeVariableName, int timeCount, String timeUnitString) {
	//create time dimension.
	Dimension timeDimension;
	if (timeCount == -1 || timeCount == 0) {
		timeDimension = dataFile.addUnlimitedDimension(timeVariableName);
	} else {
		timeDimension = dataFile.addDimension(null,timeVariableName, timeCount);

	//create time variable.
	Variable myVar = dataFile.addVariable(null,timeVariableName, ucar.ma2.DataType.DOUBLE, Arrays.asList(timeDimension) );
	dataFile.addVariableAttribute(myVar, new Attribute (STANDARD_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, TIME_VARIABLE_NAME) );
	dataFile.addVariableAttribute(myVar, new Attribute(LONG_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, TIME_VARIABLE_NAME));
	dataFile.addVariableAttribute(myVar, new Attribute(UNITS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, timeUnitString));
	//use default calendar.
	dataFile.addVariableAttribute(myVar, new Attribute(CALENDAR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, DEFAULT_CALENDAR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE));
	dataFile.addVariableAttribute(myVar, new Attribute(AXIS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, T_AXIS));
	return timeDimension;

示例8: writeTimeVariablesValues

import ucar.nc2.Variable; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Write values for all time variables that are present.
 * @param netcdfFileWriter
 * @param timeInfoTimeDimensionMap
 * @throws Exception
public static void writeTimeVariablesValues(NetcdfFileWriter netcdfFileWriter,
		Map<ITimeInfo, Dimension> timeInfoTimeDimensionMap) throws Exception {

	for (Map.Entry<ITimeInfo, Dimension> entry : timeInfoTimeDimensionMap.entrySet()) {
		ITimeInfo timeInfo = entry.getKey();
		Dimension timeDimension = entry.getValue();

		Variable timeVariable = netcdfFileWriter.findVariable(timeDimension.getShortName());
		String timeUnitString = timeVariable.findAttribute(UNITS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME).getStringValue();
		DateUnit dateUnit = new DateUnit(timeUnitString);

		double[] times = timeInfo.getTimes();
		ArrayDouble.D1 timesArray = new ArrayDouble.D1(times.length);
		for (int n = 0; n < times.length; n++) {
			double newTime = dateUnit.makeValue(new Date(Time.mjdToMillies(times[n])));
			timesArray.set(n, newTime);

		netcdfFileWriter.write(timeVariable, timesArray);

示例9: addConcatenatedValueArraysToMaps

import ucar.nc2.Variable; //导入依赖的package包/类
private static void addConcatenatedValueArraysToMaps(Map<Variable, Array> variableArraysMap, Map<Variable, Array> timeVariableArraysMap, Variable targetVariable, Variable timeVariableTarget, boolean concatenateTimeVariable, int targetLocationDimensionLength, double[][] targetValues, double[][] addedValues, double[] timesTarget, double[] convertedTimesToBeAdded, int totalTimesCombined, boolean firstAddedTimeOverlapping) {
	if (firstAddedTimeOverlapping) totalTimesCombined--;
	ArrayDouble.D1 timeArrayDouble = new ArrayDouble.D1(totalTimesCombined);
	ArrayDouble.D2 valueArrayDouble = new ArrayDouble.D2(totalTimesCombined, targetLocationDimensionLength);

	int targetTimes = firstAddedTimeOverlapping ? timesTarget.length - 1 : timesTarget.length;
	for (int i = 0; i < targetTimes; i++) {
		if (concatenateTimeVariable) timeArrayDouble.set(i, timesTarget[i]);
		for (int j = 0; j < targetLocationDimensionLength; j++) {
			valueArrayDouble.set(i, j, targetValues[i][j]);
	for (int i = 0; i < convertedTimesToBeAdded.length; i++) {
		if (concatenateTimeVariable) timeArrayDouble.set(i + targetTimes, convertedTimesToBeAdded[i]);
		for (int j = 0; j < targetLocationDimensionLength; j++) {
			valueArrayDouble.set(i + targetTimes, j, addedValues[i][j]);
	if (concatenateTimeVariable) timeVariableArraysMap.put(timeVariableTarget, timeArrayDouble);
	variableArraysMap.put(targetVariable, valueArrayDouble);

示例10: getGrid

import ucar.nc2.Variable; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Reads data section specified by a "section selector", and return a memory resident Array. Uses Fortran
 * 90 array section syntax.
 * @param sectionSpec specification string, eg "1:2,10,:,1:100:10". May optionally have (). ":, 0:200,
 *            0:100:5 " means : all the first dimension, the 200 first values of the second dimension, and
 *            the 100 first of the third diemnsion, by selecting only one value out of 5.
 * @param fullName variable, with the specified (full) name. It may possibly be nested in multiple groups
 *            and/or structures. eg "group/subgroup/name1.name2.name".
 * @return a ucar.ma2.Array with data for the variable.
 * @throws NetCdfVariableNotFoundException the net cdf variable not found exception
 * @throws NetCdfVariableException the net cdf variable exception
public Array getGrid(String fullName, String sectionSpec) throws NetCdfVariableException, NetCdfVariableNotFoundException {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("getGrid() - entering");

    Variable var = null;
    Array grid = null;

    var = getVariable(fullName);

    try {
        grid = var.read(sectionSpec);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("getGrid()", e);

        throw new NetCdfVariableException(var, String.format("Error in getGrid - range %s", sectionSpec), e);

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("getGrid() - exiting");
    return grid;

示例11: getStringValue

import ucar.nc2.Variable; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Reads the value of an attribute of a variable and returns its value as a string.
 * @param attribute a NetCDF attribute.
 * @param variable a NetCDF variable.
 * @return value of the attribute
 * @throws NetCdfAttributeException invalid request (see error message).
public static String getStringValue(Variable variable, Attribute attribute) throws NetCdfAttributeException {
    String value = null;
    if (attribute == null) {
        return value;

    if (!attribute.isString()) {
        throw new NetCdfAttributeException(
                String.format("Error in getStringValue - Unable to get string value from attribute - Attribute type (%s) is not STRING ",

    value = attribute.getStringValue();

    if (value == null) {
        throw new NetCdfAttributeException(variable, attribute, "Error in getStringValue - Unable to get string value from attribute");
    return value;

示例12: writeVariableInOneGulp

import ucar.nc2.Variable; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Writes variable data in one gulp. It reads all the variable data in memory and writes them in the
 * netcdf file.
 * @param var variable to be written
 * @throws MotuException the motu exception
protected void writeVariableInOneGulp(Variable var) throws MotuException {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("writeVariableInOneGulp() - entering");

    Array data = null;
    try {
        // data = var.read();
        data = read(var);

    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("writeVariableInOneGulp()", e);

        throw new MotuException(ErrorType.NETCDF_GENERATION, "Error in NetcdfWriter writeVariableInOneGulp", e);

    writeVariableData(var, data);

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("writeVariableInOneGulp() - exiting");

示例13: getCoordinateVariables

import ucar.nc2.Variable; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Gets the coordinate variables.
 * @param var the var
 * @param ds the net cdf dataset
 * @return the coordinate variables
 * @throws MotuNotImplementedException the motu not implemented exception
 * @throws MotuException the net cdf variable not found exception
public static List<Variable> getCoordinateVariables(Variable var, NetcdfDataset ds) throws MotuNotImplementedException, MotuException {

    List<Variable> listCoordVars = new ArrayList<Variable>();

    if (var instanceof CoordinateAxis) {
        return listCoordVars;

    List<Dimension> listDims = var.getDimensions();
    for (Dimension dim : listDims) {
        Variable dimCoordVars = NetCdfReader.getCoordinateVariable(dim, ds);

    return listCoordVars;

示例14: containsAll

import ucar.nc2.Variable; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Do we have the same Variable in two lists.
 * @param list2 List to compare with list1
 * @param list1 List to compare with list2
 * @return true if all in list1 are in list2 and all in list2 are in list1.
public static boolean containsAll(List<CoordinateAxis> list1, List<Variable> list2) {

    if (list1.size() != list2.size()) {
        return false;

    for (Variable v1 : list1) {
        boolean gotIt = false;
        for (Variable v2 : list2) {
            if (v1.getName().equals(v2.getName())) {
                gotIt = true;
        if (!gotIt) {
            return false;
    return true;

示例15: getLatAxisData

import ucar.nc2.Variable; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Gets latitude axis data values.
 * @return a {@link Array} constains latitude axis data values
 * @throws MotuException the motu exception
 * @throws NetCdfVariableException the net cdf variable exception
public Array getLatAxisData() throws MotuException, NetCdfVariableException {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("getLatAxisData() - entering");

    if (productMetaData == null) {
        throw new MotuException(ErrorType.SYSTEM, "Error in getLatAxisData - productMetaData is null");

    Variable variable = productMetaData.getLatAxis();
    if (variable == null) {
        throw new MotuException(
                String.format("Error in getLatAxisData - No latitude axis found in this product '%s'", this.getProductId()));

    Array returnArray = readVariable(variable);
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("getLatAxisData() - exiting");
    return returnArray;
