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Java BlockTextureHandler类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中ethanjones.cubes.graphics.world.BlockTextureHandler的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java BlockTextureHandler类的具体用法?Java BlockTextureHandler怎么用?Java BlockTextureHandler使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: reanderBackgroundWhile1

import ethanjones.cubes.graphics.world.BlockTextureHandler; //导入依赖的package包/类
private static void reanderBackgroundWhile1(List<Block> blocks) {
	int size = blocks.size();
	try {
		while (texture == null && size > 0) {
			int index = MathUtils.random(0, blocks.size() - 1);
			Block block = blocks.get(index);
			if (block.canBeTransparent()) {
			BlockTextureHandler textureHandler;

			textureHandler = block.getTextureHandler(0);
			if (textureHandler == null)
				throw new Error();
		texture = textureHandler.getSide(BlockFace.posX);
		size = blocks.size();
	} catch (Exception e) {

示例2: loadGraphics

import ethanjones.cubes.graphics.world.BlockTextureHandler; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void loadGraphics() {
	if (textures == null) {
	textureHandlers = new BlockTextureHandler[meta];
	for (int m = 0; m < textureHandlers.length; m++) {
		textureHandlers[m] = new BlockTextureHandler(textures[m][0]);
		if (textures[m].length == 6) {
			for (int s = 1; s < textures[m].length; s++) {
				textureHandlers[m].setSide(s, textures[m][s]);
		} else {
			throw new CubesException("Invalid JBlock.textures length for id \"" + id + "\"");
	textures = null;

示例3: BlockIf

import ethanjones.cubes.graphics.world.BlockTextureHandler; //导入依赖的package包/类
private void BlockIf(int x1, int i1, Area area1, Block block1, float[] vertexOffset1, Vector3 areaOffset1,
		BlockTextureHandler textureHandler1, boolean ao1, int y1, int z1, float[] vertices1, Object maxX1,
		int MIN_AREA) {
	if (x1 < SIZE_BLOCKS - 1) {
		if (block1.renderFace(BlockFace.posX, area1.blocks[i1 + MAX_X_OFFSET])) {
			// light: byte is signed (-128 to 127) so & 0xFF to convert
			// to 0-255

			vertexOffset1 = createMaxX(areaOffset1, textureHandler1.getSide(BlockFace.posX),
					AmbientOcclusion.posX(area1, x1, y1, z1, ao1), x1, y1, z1,
					area1.light[i1 + MAX_X_OFFSET] & 0xFF, vertices1, vertexOffset1);
	} else if (maxX1 == null || y1 > maxX1.maxY) {
		vertexOffset1 = createMaxX(areaOffset1, textureHandler1.getSide(BlockFace.posX),
				AmbientOcclusion.posX(area1, x1, y1, z1, ao1), x1, y1, z1, MAX_SUNLIGHT, vertices1, vertexOffset1);
	} else if (block1.renderFace(BlockFace.posX, maxX1.blocks[getRef(MIN_AREA, y1, z1)])) {
		vertexOffset1 = createMaxX(areaOffset1, textureHandler1.getSide(BlockFace.posX),
				AmbientOcclusion.posX(area1, x1, y1, z1, ao1), x1, y1, z1,
				maxX1.light[getRef(MIN_AREA, y1, z1)] & 0xFF, vertices1, vertexOffset1);

示例4: BlockIf2

import ethanjones.cubes.graphics.world.BlockTextureHandler; //导入依赖的package包/类
private static void BlockIf2(int x1, int i1, Block block1, Area area1, BlockTextureHandler textureHandler1, int y1,
		int z1, int vertexOffset1, float[] vertices1, boolean ao1, Object minX1, int MAX_AREA) {
	if (x1 > 0) {
		if (block1.renderFace(BlockFace.negX, area1.blocks[i1 + MIN_X_OFFSET])) {
			vertexOffset1 = createMinX(areaOffset1, textureHandler1.getSide(BlockFace.negX),
					AmbientOcclusion.negX(area1, x1, y1, z1, ao1), x1, y1, z1,
					area1.light[i1 + MIN_X_OFFSET] & 0xFF, vertices1, vertexOffset1);
	} else if (minX1 == null || y1 > minX1.maxY) {
		vertexOffset1 = createMinX(areaOffset1, textureHandler1.getSide(BlockFace.negX),
				AmbientOcclusion.negX(area1, x1, y1, z1, ao1), x1, y1, z1, MAX_SUNLIGHT, vertices1, vertexOffset1);
	} else if (block1.renderFace(BlockFace.negX, minX1.blocks[getRef(MAX_AREA, y1, z1)])) {
		vertexOffset1 = createMinX(areaOffset1, textureHandler1.getSide(BlockFace.negX),
				AmbientOcclusion.negX(area1, x1, y1, z1, ao1), x1, y1, z1,
				minX1.light[getRef(MAX_AREA, y1, z1)] & 0xFF, vertices1, vertexOffset1);

示例5: loadGraphics

import ethanjones.cubes.graphics.world.BlockTextureHandler; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void loadGraphics() {
  if (textures == null) {
  textureHandlers = new BlockTextureHandler[meta];
  for (int m = 0; m < textureHandlers.length; m++) {
    textureHandlers[m] = new BlockTextureHandler(textures[m][0]);
    if (textures[m].length == 6) {
      for (int s = 1; s < textures[m].length; s++) {
        textureHandlers[m].setSide(s, textures[m][s]);
    } else {
      throw new CubesException("Invalid JBlock.textures length for id \"" + id + "\"");
  textures = null;

示例6: loadGraphics

import ethanjones.cubes.graphics.world.BlockTextureHandler; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void loadGraphics() {
  textureHandlers = new BlockTextureHandler[4];

  for (int i = 0; i < textureHandlers.length; i++) {
    textureHandlers[i] = new BlockTextureHandler("core:chest_side");
    textureHandlers[i].setSide(BlockFace.posY, "core:chest_y");
    textureHandlers[i].setSide(BlockFace.negY, "core:chest_y");
    textureHandlers[i].setSide(lockFace[i], "core:chest_lock");

示例7: render

import ethanjones.cubes.graphics.world.BlockTextureHandler; //导入依赖的package包/类
public int render(float[] vertices1, int vertexOffset1, Vector3 areaOffset1, Block block1, int meta1,
		BlockTextureHandler textureHandler1, Area area1, int x1, int y1, int z1, int i1, boolean ao1,
		Area minX1, Area maxZ1, Area minZ1, Area maxX1) {

	BlockIf(x1, i1, area1, block1, vertexOffset1, areaOffset1, textureHandler1, ao1, y1, z1, vertices1, maxX1,

	BlockIf2(x1, i1, block1, area1, textureHandler1, y1, z1, vertexOffset1, vertices1, ao1, minX1, MAX_AREA);

	BlockIf3(y1, area1, block1, i1, areaOffset1, textureHandler1, x1, z1, ao1, vertexOffset1, vertices1);

	BlockIf( z1,  i1,  block1,  area1,  areaOffset1,  vertexOffset1,  textureHandler1,  x1,  ao1,  y1,  vertices1,  maxZ1,  MIN_AREA);

	if (z1 > 0) {
		if (block1.renderFace(BlockFace.negZ, area1.blocks[i1 + MIN_Z_OFFSET])) {
			vertexOffset1 = createMinZ(areaOffset1, textureHandler1.getSide(BlockFace.negZ),
					AmbientOcclusion.negZ(area1, x1, y1, z1, ao1), x1, y1, z1,
					area1.light[i1 + MIN_Z_OFFSET] & 0xFF, vertices1, vertexOffset1);
	} else if (minZ1 == null || y1 > minZ1.maxY) {
		vertexOffset1 = createMinZ(areaOffset1, textureHandler1.getSide(BlockFace.negZ),
				AmbientOcclusion.negZ(area1, x1, y1, z1, ao1), x1, y1, z1, MAX_SUNLIGHT, vertices1,
	} else if (block1.renderFace(BlockFace.negZ, minZ1.blocks[getRef(x1, y1, MAX_AREA)])) {
		vertexOffset1 = createMinZ(areaOffset1, textureHandler1.getSide(BlockFace.negZ),
				AmbientOcclusion.negZ(area1, x1, y1, z1, ao1), x1, y1, z1,
				minZ1.light[getRef(x1, y1, MAX_AREA)] & 0xFF, vertices1, vertexOffset1);
	return vertexOffset1;

示例8: loadGraphics

import ethanjones.cubes.graphics.world.BlockTextureHandler; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void loadGraphics() {
	BlockTextureHandler handler = new BlockTextureHandler("core:grass_side");
	handler.setSide(BlockFace.posY, "core:grass_top");
	handler.setSide(BlockFace.negY, "core:dirt");
	textureHandlers = new BlockTextureHandler[] { handler };

示例9: renderBackground

import ethanjones.cubes.graphics.world.BlockTextureHandler; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static void renderBackground() {
  if (disableBackground) return;
  if (texture == null) {
    List<Block> blocks = new ArrayList<Block>();
    while (texture == null && blocks.size() > 0) {
      int index = MathUtils.random(0, blocks.size() - 1);
      Block block = blocks.get(index);
      if (block.canBeTransparent()) {
      BlockTextureHandler textureHandler;
      try {
        textureHandler = block.getTextureHandler(0);
        if (textureHandler == null) throw new NullPointerException();
      } catch (Exception e) {
      texture = textureHandler.getSide(BlockFace.posX);
    if (texture == null) {
      disableBackground = true;
  float width = texture.getRegionWidth();
  float height = texture.getRegionHeight();
  int xTimes = (int) Math.floor(GUI_WIDTH / width);
  int yTimes = (int) Math.floor(GUI_HEIGHT / height);
  for (int x = 0; x <= xTimes; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y <= yTimes; y++) {
      spriteBatch.draw(texture, x * width, y * height, width, height);

示例10: render

import ethanjones.cubes.graphics.world.BlockTextureHandler; //导入依赖的package包/类
public int render(float[] vertices, int vertexOffset, Vector3 areaOffset, Block block, int meta, BlockTextureHandler textureHandler, Area area, int x, int y, int z, int i, boolean ao, Area minX, Area maxZ, Area minZ, Area maxX) {
  vertexOffset = CrossFaceVertices.createMinXMaxZ(areaOffset, textureHandler.getSide(null), x, y, z, area.light[i + MIN_Z_OFFSET] & 0xFF, vertices, vertexOffset, ao);
  vertexOffset = CrossFaceVertices.createMaxZMinX(areaOffset, textureHandler.getSide(null), x, y, z, area.light[i + MIN_Z_OFFSET] & 0xFF, vertices, vertexOffset, ao);
  vertexOffset = CrossFaceVertices.createMaxXMinZ(areaOffset, textureHandler.getSide(null), x, y, z, area.light[i + MIN_Z_OFFSET] & 0xFF, vertices, vertexOffset, ao);
  vertexOffset = CrossFaceVertices.createMinZMaxX(areaOffset, textureHandler.getSide(null), x, y, z, area.light[i + MIN_Z_OFFSET] & 0xFF, vertices, vertexOffset, ao);
  return vertexOffset;

示例11: loadGraphics

import ethanjones.cubes.graphics.world.BlockTextureHandler; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void loadGraphics() {
  BlockTextureHandler handler = new BlockTextureHandler("core:grass_side");
  handler.setSide(BlockFace.posY, "core:grass_top");
  handler.setSide(BlockFace.negY, "core:dirt");
  textureHandlers = new BlockTextureHandler[]{handler};

示例12: loadGraphics

import ethanjones.cubes.graphics.world.BlockTextureHandler; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void loadGraphics() {
	textureHandlers = new BlockTextureHandler[] { new BlockTextureHandler(id) };

示例13: getTextureHandler

import ethanjones.cubes.graphics.world.BlockTextureHandler; //导入依赖的package包/类
public BlockTextureHandler getTextureHandler(int meta) {
	if (meta < 0 || meta >= textureHandlers.length)
		meta = 0;
	return textureHandlers[meta];

示例14: BlockIf3

import ethanjones.cubes.graphics.world.BlockTextureHandler; //导入依赖的package包/类
private void BlockIf3(int y1, Area area1, Block block1, int i1, Vector3 areaOffset1,
		BlockTextureHandler textureHandler1, int x1, int z1, boolean ao1, int vertexOffset1, float[] vertices1) {
	if (y1 < area1.maxY) {
		if (block1.renderFace(BlockFace.posY, area1.blocks[i1 + MAX_Y_OFFSET])) {
			vertexOffset1 = createMaxY(areaOffset1, textureHandler1.getSide(BlockFace.posY),
					AmbientOcclusion.posY(area1, x1, y1, z1, ao1), x1, y1, z1,
					area1.light[i1 + MAX_Y_OFFSET] & 0xFF, vertices1, vertexOffset1);
	} else {
		vertexOffset1 = createMaxY(areaOffset1, textureHandler1.getSide(BlockFace.posY),
				AmbientOcclusion.posY(area1, x1, y1, z1, ao1), x1, y1, z1, MAX_SUNLIGHT, vertices1, vertexOffset1); // FIXME
																													// fix
																													// the
																													// light
																													// at
																													// the
																													// top
																													// and
																													// bottom
																													// of
																													// an
																													// area

	if (y1 > 0) {
		if (block1.renderFace(BlockFace.negY, area1.blocks[i1 + MIN_Y_OFFSET])) {
			vertexOffset1 = createMinY(areaOffset1, textureHandler1.getSide(BlockFace.negY),
					AmbientOcclusion.negY(area1, x1, y1, z1, ao1), x1, y1, z1,
					area1.light[i1 + MIN_Y_OFFSET] & 0xFF, vertices1, vertexOffset1);
	} else {
		vertexOffset1 = createMinY(areaOffset1, textureHandler1.getSide(BlockFace.negY),
				AmbientOcclusion.negY(area1, x1, y1, z1, ao1), x1, y1, z1, 0, vertices1, vertexOffset1); // FIXME
																											// fix
																											// the
																											// light
																											// at
																											// the
																											// top
																											// and
																											// bottom
																											// of
																											// an
																											// area

示例15: loadGraphics

import ethanjones.cubes.graphics.world.BlockTextureHandler; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void loadGraphics() {
  textureHandlers = new BlockTextureHandler[]{new BlockTextureHandler(id)};
