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Java FastMath类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中edu.jhu.prim.util.math.FastMath的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java FastMath类的具体用法?Java FastMath怎么用?Java FastMath使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: klDivergence

import edu.jhu.prim.util.math.FastMath; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Gets the KL divergence between two multinomial distributions p and q.
 * @param p Array representing a multinomial distribution, p.
 * @param q Array representing a multinomial distribution, q.
 * @return KL(p || q)
public static double klDivergence(double[] p, double[] q) {
    if (p.length != q.length) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("The length of p and q must be the same.");
    double delta = 1e-8;
    if (!Multinomials.isMultinomial(p, delta)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("p is not a multinomial");
    if (!Multinomials.isMultinomial(q, delta)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("q is not a multinomial");
    double kl = 0.0;
    for (int i=0; i<p.length; i++) {
        if (p[i] == 0.0 || q[i] == 0.0) {
        kl += p[i] * FastMath.log(p[i] / q[i]);
    return kl;

示例2: safeLogSubtract

import edu.jhu.prim.util.math.FastMath; //导入依赖的package包/类
private double safeLogSubtract(double partition, double beliefTrue) {
    double outMsgFalse;
    if (partition < beliefTrue) {
        // This will happen very frequently if the log-add table is used
        // instead of "exact" log-add.
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace(String.format("Partition function less than belief: partition=%.20f belief=%.20f", partition, beliefTrue));
        // To get around the floating point error, we truncate the
        // subtraction to log(0).
        outMsgFalse = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    } else {
        outMsgFalse = FastMath.logSubtractExact(partition, beliefTrue);
    return outMsgFalse;

示例3: updateCell

import edu.jhu.prim.util.math.FastMath; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void updateCell(int nt, double score, int mid, Rule r) {
    if (bps[nt] == null) {
        // If the non-terminal hasn't been added yet, include it in the set of non terminals.
    if (computeInside) {
        // Compute the inside score.
        scores[nt] = FastMath.logAdd(scores[nt], score);
        // Add a dummy backpointer, so that the above non-null check still works.
        bps[nt] = BackPointer.NON_NULL_BACKPOINTER;
    } else {
        // Compute the viterbi score.
        if (score > scores[nt]) {
            scores[nt] = score;
            bps[nt] = new BackPointer(r, mid);

示例4: updateCell

import edu.jhu.prim.util.math.FastMath; //导入依赖的package包/类
public final void updateCell(int s, int t, int d, int ic, double score, int r) {
    int idx = getIndex(s, t, d, ic);
    if (this.type == DepParseType.VITERBI) {
        if (score > scores[idx]) {
            scores[idx] = score;
            bps[idx] = r;
    } else {
        scores[idx] = FastMath.logAdd(scores[idx], score);
        // Don't update the backpointer.
        // Commented out for speed.
        //            log.debug(String.format("Cell: s=%d (r=%d) t=%d d=%s ic=%s score=%10.2f exp(score)=%.2f", 
        //                    s, r, t, 
        //                    d == ProjectiveDependencyParser.RIGHT ? "R" : "L",
        //                    ic == ProjectiveDependencyParser.COMPLETE ? "C" : "I", 
        //                    scores[s][t][d][ic], 
        //                    FastMath.exp(scores[s][t][d][ic])));

示例5: testSimple

import edu.jhu.prim.util.math.FastMath; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void testSimple() {
    Tensor t1 = TensorUtils.getVectorFromValues(s, 2, 3, 5);
    Tensor expOut = TensorUtils.getVectorFromValues(s, FastMath.log(2.), FastMath.log(3.), FastMath.log(5.));
    Tensor expT1Adj = TensorUtils.getVectorFromValues(s, 
            2.2 / 2.,
            2.2 / 3.,
            2.2 / 5.);
    Tensor1Factory fact = new Tensor1Factory() {
        public Module<Tensor> getModule(Module<Tensor> m1) {
            return new Log(m1);
    AbstractModuleTest.evalTensor1(t1, expT1Adj, fact, expOut, 2.2);

示例6: testSimple

import edu.jhu.prim.util.math.FastMath; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void testSimple() {
    Tensor t1 = TensorUtils.getVectorFromValues(s, 2, 3, 5);
    Tensor expOut = TensorUtils.getVectorFromValues(s, FastMath.exp(2.), FastMath.exp(3.), FastMath.exp(5.));
    Tensor expT1Adj = TensorUtils.getVectorFromValues(s, 
            2.2 * FastMath.exp(2.),
            2.2 * FastMath.exp(3.),
            2.2 * FastMath.exp(5.));
    Tensor1Factory fact = new Tensor1Factory() {
        public Module<Tensor> getModule(Module<Tensor> m1) {
            return new Exp(m1);
    AbstractModuleTest.evalTensor1(t1, expT1Adj, fact, expOut, 2.2);

示例7: testInfOnLinearChainGraph

import edu.jhu.prim.util.math.FastMath; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static void testInfOnLinearChainGraph(FactorGraph fg,
        FgInferencer bp) {        

    VarTensor marg;
    double[] goldMarg;
    marg = bp.getMarginals(fg.getVar(0));
    goldMarg = new double[] { 0.079, 0.920 };
    JUnitUtils.assertArrayEquals(goldMarg, marg.getValues(), 1e-2);
    marg = bp.getLogMarginals(fg.getVar(0));
    goldMarg = DoubleArrays.getLog(goldMarg);
    JUnitUtils.assertArrayEquals(goldMarg, marg.getValues(), 1e-2);
    marg = bp.getMarginals(fg.getFactor(3));
    goldMarg = new double[] { 0.013146806000337095, 0.06607112759143771, 0.1774818810045508, 0.7433001854036744 };
    JUnitUtils.assertArrayEquals(goldMarg, marg.getValues(), 1e-4);
    marg = bp.getLogMarginals(fg.getFactor(3));
    goldMarg = DoubleArrays.getLog(goldMarg);
    JUnitUtils.assertArrayEquals(goldMarg, marg.getValues(), 1e-4);

    double goldPartition = 0.5932;
    assertEquals(goldPartition, bp.getPartition(), 1e-2);
    assertEquals(FastMath.log(goldPartition), bp.getLogPartition(), 1e-2);        

示例8: updateFactorGraphFromModel

import edu.jhu.prim.util.math.FastMath; //导入依赖的package包/类
/** Assumes that theta is in the real semiring. */
private static void updateFactorGraphFromModel(IntDoubleVector theta, FactorGraph fg) {
    // Update factors from the model in params array.
    int i=0;
    for (Factor f : fg.getFactors()) {
        if (isGlobalFactor(f)) {
            System.out.println("Skipping factor: " + f);
        ExplicitFactor factor = (ExplicitFactor) f;
        for (int c=0; c<factor.size(); c++) {
            double logValue = FastMath.log(theta.get(i++));
            // IMPORTANT NOTE: we set the factor to be the log of the score.
            factor.setValue(c, logValue);

示例9: addFeat

import edu.jhu.prim.util.math.FastMath; //导入依赖的package包/类
private static void addFeat(FeatureVector feats, int mod, long feat) {
    int hash = MurmurHash.hash32(feat);
    if (mod > 0) {
        hash = FastMath.mod(hash, mod);
    feats.add(hash, 1.0);
    // Enable this for debugging of feature creation.
    //        if (feats instanceof LongFeatureVector) {
    //            ((LongFeatureVector)feats).addLong(feat, 1.0);
    //        }

示例10: getValIdx

import edu.jhu.prim.util.math.FastMath; //导入依赖的package包/类
public int getValIdx(AnnoSentence sent, int pidx, int cidx) {
    String val = getVal(sent, pidx, cidx);
    if (val == null) {
        return -1;
    } else {
        String data = val;
        if (valueHashMod > 0) {
            int idx = FastMath.mod(MurmurHash3.murmurhash3_x86_32(data, 0, data.length(), 123456789), valueHashMod);
            return valAlphabet.lookupIndex(idx);
        } else {
            return valAlphabet.lookupIndex(val);

示例11: addFeat

import edu.jhu.prim.util.math.FastMath; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static void addFeat(FeatureVector feats, int mod, long feat, double value) {
    int hash = MurmurHash.hash32(feat);
    if (mod > 0) {
        hash = FastMath.mod(hash, mod);
    feats.add(hash, value);

示例12: testInsideOutsideSpeed

import edu.jhu.prim.util.math.FastMath; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Output:
 * SEED=123456789101112
 * 100 trials: Tokens per second: 2700.2700270027003
 * 1000 trials: Tokens per second: 5395.6834532374105
 * After switching to setTailNodes() with Hypernode[] storage.
 * 100 trials: Tokens per second: 2929.6875
 * 1000 trials: Tokens per second: 6651.884700665189
 * 1000 trials (with LogPosNegSemiring): Tokens per second: 4687.5
public void testInsideOutsideSpeed() {
    FastMath.useLogAddTable = true;

    int trials = 1000;
    int n = 30;

    // Just create one tree.
    double[] root = Multinomials.randomMultinomial(n);
    double[][] child = new double[n][];
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        child[i] =  Multinomials.randomMultinomial(n);
    Timer timer = new Timer();
    for (int t=0; t<trials; t++) {
        HyperDepParser.insideOutsideSingleRoot(root, child);
    System.out.println("Total time: " + timer.totMs());
    int numSents = trials;
    int numTokens = n * numSents;
    System.out.println("Sentences per second: " + numSents / timer.totSec());
    System.out.println("Tokens per second: " + numTokens / timer.totSec());
    FastMath.useLogAddTable = false;

示例13: testInsideLogViterbiSpeed

import edu.jhu.prim.util.math.FastMath; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Output:
 * SEED=123456789101112
 * 1000 trials: Tokens per second: 12494.793835901708
public void testInsideLogViterbiSpeed() {
    FastMath.useLogAddTable = true;

    int trials = 1000;
    int n = 30;

    // Just create one tree.
    double[] root = Multinomials.randomMultinomial(n);
    double[][] child = new double[n][];
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        child[i] =  Multinomials.randomMultinomial(n);

    for (int round=0; round<2; round++) {
        Semiring s = LogViterbiSemiring.getInstance();
        Timer timer = new Timer();
        for (int t=0; t<trials; t++) {
            O1DpHypergraph graph = new O1DpHypergraph(root, child, s, true);
            Scores scores = new Scores();
            Hyperalgo.insideAlgorithm(graph, graph.getPotentials(), s, scores);
        System.out.println("Total time: " + timer.totMs());
        int numSents = trials;
        int numTokens = n * numSents;
        System.out.println("Sentences per second: " + numSents / timer.totSec());
        System.out.println("Tokens per second: " + numTokens / timer.totSec());
    FastMath.useLogAddTable = false;

示例14: getFeatures

import edu.jhu.prim.util.math.FastMath; //导入依赖的package包/类
protected static void getFeatures(List<FeatTemplate> tpls, TemplateFeatureExtractor extStr, IntTemplateFeatureExtractor extInt,
        LocalObservations local) {        
    for (FeatTemplate tpl : tpls) {
        List<String> featsStr = new ArrayList<>();
        extStr.addFeatures(tpl, local, featsStr);
        IntArrayList featsInt = new IntArrayList();
        extInt.addFeatures(tpl, local, featsInt);
        if (featsStr.size() != featsInt.size()) {
            log.error("Mismatch in number of features extracted for template: {} str = {} int = {}", tpl.getName(), featsStr.size(), featsInt.size());
        for (int i=0; i<Math.min(featsStr.size(), featsInt.size()); i++) {
            int hash;
            if (useIntExtr) {
                hash = featsInt.get(i);
            } else {
                hash = MurmurHash.hash32(featsStr.get(i));
            hash = FastMath.mod(hash, featureHashMod);
            // Add to the set of strings which are colliding on this hash.
            Set<String> values = collisions[hash];
            if (values == null) {
                values = new HashSet<String>();
                collisions[hash] = values;
            // Increment the token count of collisions on this hash.
            collisionTokenCount[hash] += 1;

示例15: addFakeBrownClusters

import edu.jhu.prim.util.math.FastMath; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static void addFakeBrownClusters(AnnoSentence sent) {
    ArrayList<String> clusters = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (int i=0; i<sent.size(); i++) {
        clusters.add(FastMath.mod(i*7, 2) + "10101" + FastMath.mod(i*39, 2));
