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Golang AppConfig.SecretAccessor方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/openshift/origin/pkg/generate/app/cmd.AppConfig.SecretAccessor方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang AppConfig.SecretAccessor方法的具体用法?Golang AppConfig.SecretAccessor怎么用?Golang AppConfig.SecretAccessor使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在github.com/openshift/origin/pkg/generate/app/cmd.AppConfig的用法示例。


示例1: setupAppConfig

func setupAppConfig(f *clientcmd.Factory, out io.Writer, c *cobra.Command, args []string, config *newcmd.AppConfig) error {
	namespace, _, err := f.DefaultNamespace()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	dockerClient, _, err := dockerutil.NewHelper().GetClient()
	if err == nil {
		if err = dockerClient.Ping(); err == nil {
		} else {
			glog.V(4).Infof("Docker client did not respond to a ping: %v", err)
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(2).Infof("No local Docker daemon detected: %v", err)

	osclient, kclient, err := f.Clients()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	config.KubeClient = kclient
	config.SetOpenShiftClient(osclient, namespace)

	// Only output="" should print descriptions of intermediate steps. Everything
	// else should print only some specific output (json, yaml, go-template, ...)
	output := cmdutil.GetFlagString(c, "output")
	if len(output) == 0 {
		config.Out = out
	} else {
		config.Out = ioutil.Discard
	config.ErrOut = c.Out()

	if config.AllowSecretUse {
		cfg, err := f.OpenShiftClientConfig.ClientConfig()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		config.SecretAccessor = newConfigSecretRetriever(cfg)

	unknown := config.AddArguments(args)
	if len(unknown) != 0 {
		return cmdutil.UsageError(c, "Did not recognize the following arguments: %v", unknown)

	if config.AllowMissingImages && config.AsSearch {
		return cmdutil.UsageError(c, "--allow-missing-images and --search are mutually exclusive.")

	if len(config.SourceImage) != 0 && len(config.SourceImagePath) == 0 {
		return cmdutil.UsageError(c, "--source-image-path must be specified when --source-image is specified.")
	if len(config.SourceImage) == 0 && len(config.SourceImagePath) != 0 {
		return cmdutil.UsageError(c, "--source-image must be specified when --source-image-path is specified.")
	return nil

示例2: CompleteAppConfig

func CompleteAppConfig(config *newcmd.AppConfig, f *clientcmd.Factory, c *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
	mapper, typer := f.Object(false)
	if config.Mapper == nil {
		config.Mapper = mapper
	if config.Typer == nil {
		config.Typer = typer
	if config.ClientMapper == nil {
		config.ClientMapper = resource.ClientMapperFunc(f.ClientForMapping)

	namespace, _, err := f.DefaultNamespace()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	osclient, _, kclient, err := f.Clients()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	config.KubeClient = kclient
	dockerClient, _ := getDockerClient()
	config.SetOpenShiftClient(osclient, namespace, dockerClient)

	if config.AllowSecretUse {
		cfg, err := f.OpenShiftClientConfig.ClientConfig()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		config.SecretAccessor = newConfigSecretRetriever(cfg)

	unknown := config.AddArguments(args)
	if len(unknown) != 0 {
		return kcmdutil.UsageError(c, "Did not recognize the following arguments: %v", unknown)

	if config.AllowMissingImages && config.AsSearch {
		return kcmdutil.UsageError(c, "--allow-missing-images and --search are mutually exclusive.")

	if len(config.SourceImage) != 0 && len(config.SourceImagePath) == 0 {
		return kcmdutil.UsageError(c, "--source-image-path must be specified when --source-image is specified.")
	if len(config.SourceImage) == 0 && len(config.SourceImagePath) != 0 {
		return kcmdutil.UsageError(c, "--source-image must be specified when --source-image-path is specified.")

	if config.BinaryBuild && config.Strategy == generate.StrategyPipeline {
		return kcmdutil.UsageError(c, "specifying binary builds and the pipeline strategy at the same time is not allowed.")

	return nil

示例3: setupAppConfig

func setupAppConfig(f *clientcmd.Factory, out io.Writer, c *cobra.Command, args []string, config *newcmd.AppConfig) error {
	namespace, _, err := f.DefaultNamespace()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	dockerClient, _, err := dockerutil.NewHelper().GetClient()
	if err == nil {
		if err = dockerClient.Ping(); err == nil {
		} else {
			glog.V(4).Infof("Docker client did not respond to a ping: %v", err)
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(2).Infof("No local Docker daemon detected: %v", err)

	osclient, kclient, err := f.Clients()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	config.KubeClient = kclient
	config.SetOpenShiftClient(osclient, namespace)
	config.Out = out
	config.ErrOut = c.Out()

	if config.AllowSecretUse {
		cfg, err := f.OpenShiftClientConfig.ClientConfig()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		config.SecretAccessor = newConfigSecretRetriever(cfg)

	unknown := config.AddArguments(args)
	if len(unknown) != 0 {
		return cmdutil.UsageError(c, "Did not recognize the following arguments: %v", unknown)

	if config.AllowMissingImages && config.AsSearch {
		return cmdutil.UsageError(c, "--allow-missing-images and --search are mutually exclusive.")
	return nil
