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Golang Connection.Index方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/calmh/syncthing/protocol.Connection.Index方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Connection.Index方法的具体用法?Golang Connection.Index怎么用?Golang Connection.Index使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在github.com/calmh/syncthing/protocol.Connection的用法示例。


示例1: AddConnection

// AddConnection adds a new peer connection to the model. An initial index will
// be sent to the connected peer, thereafter index updates whenever the local
// repository changes.
func (m *Model) AddConnection(rawConn io.Closer, protoConn protocol.Connection) {
	nodeID := protoConn.ID()
	if _, ok := m.protoConn[nodeID]; ok {
		panic("add existing node")
	m.protoConn[nodeID] = protoConn
	if _, ok := m.rawConn[nodeID]; ok {
		panic("add existing node")
	m.rawConn[nodeID] = rawConn

	cm := m.clusterConfig(nodeID)

	var idxToSend = make(map[string][]protocol.FileInfo)

	for _, repo := range m.nodeRepos[nodeID] {
		idxToSend[repo] = m.protocolIndex(repo)

	go func() {
		for repo, idx := range idxToSend {
			if debugNet {
				dlog.Printf("IDX(out/initial): %s: %q: %d files", nodeID, repo, len(idx))
			protoConn.Index(repo, idx)

示例2: AddConnection

// AddConnection adds a new peer connection to the model. An initial index will
// be sent to the connected peer, thereafter index updates whenever the local
// repository changes.
func (m *Model) AddConnection(rawConn io.Closer, protoConn protocol.Connection) {
	nodeID := protoConn.ID()
	if _, ok := m.protoConn[nodeID]; ok {
		panic("add existing node")
	m.protoConn[nodeID] = protoConn
	if _, ok := m.rawConn[nodeID]; ok {
		panic("add existing node")
	m.rawConn[nodeID] = rawConn

	cm := m.clusterConfig(nodeID)

	var idxToSend = make(map[string][]protocol.FileInfo)

	for _, repo := range m.nodeRepos[nodeID] {
		idxToSend[repo] = m.protocolIndex(repo)

	go func() {
		for repo, idx := range idxToSend {
			if debug {
				l.Debugf("IDX(out/initial): %s: %q: %d files", nodeID, repo, len(idx))
			const batchSize = 1000
			for i := 0; i < len(idx); i += batchSize {
				if len(idx[i:]) < batchSize {
					protoConn.Index(repo, idx[i:])
				} else {
					protoConn.Index(repo, idx[i:i+batchSize])

示例3: sendIndexes

func sendIndexes(conn protocol.Connection, repo string, fs *files.Set) {
	nodeID := conn.ID()
	name := conn.Name()

	if debug {
		l.Debugf("sendIndexes for %s-%[email protected]/%q starting", nodeID, name, repo)

	initial := true
	minLocalVer := uint64(0)
	var err error

	defer func() {
		if debug {
			l.Debugf("sendIndexes for %s-%[email protected]/%q exiting: %v", nodeID, name, repo, err)

	for err == nil {
		if !initial && fs.LocalVersion(protocol.LocalNodeID) <= minLocalVer {
			time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

		batch := make([]protocol.FileInfo, 0, indexBatchSize)
		maxLocalVer := uint64(0)

		fs.WithHave(protocol.LocalNodeID, func(f protocol.FileInfo) bool {
			if f.LocalVersion <= minLocalVer {
				return true

			if f.LocalVersion > maxLocalVer {
				maxLocalVer = f.LocalVersion

			if len(batch) == indexBatchSize {
				if initial {
					if err = conn.Index(repo, batch); err != nil {
						return false
					if debug {
						l.Debugf("sendIndexes for %s-%s/%q: %d files (initial index)", nodeID, name, repo, len(batch))
					initial = false
				} else {
					if err = conn.IndexUpdate(repo, batch); err != nil {
						return false
					if debug {
						l.Debugf("sendIndexes for %s-%s/%q: %d files (batched update)", nodeID, name, repo, len(batch))

				batch = make([]protocol.FileInfo, 0, indexBatchSize)

			batch = append(batch, f)
			return true

		if initial {
			err = conn.Index(repo, batch)
			if debug && err == nil {
				l.Debugf("sendIndexes for %s-%s/%q: %d files (small initial index)", nodeID, name, repo, len(batch))
			initial = false
		} else if len(batch) > 0 {
			err = conn.IndexUpdate(repo, batch)
			if debug && err == nil {
				l.Debugf("sendIndexes for %s-%s/%q: %d files (last batch)", nodeID, name, repo, len(batch))

		minLocalVer = maxLocalVer
