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Golang User.HasWriteAccess方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中common.User.HasWriteAccess方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang User.HasWriteAccess方法的具体用法?Golang User.HasWriteAccess怎么用?Golang User.HasWriteAccess使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在common.User的用法示例。


示例1: WriteSeriesData

func (self *CoordinatorImpl) WriteSeriesData(user common.User, db string, series []*protocol.Series) error {
	// make sure that the db exist
	if !self.clusterConfiguration.DatabasesExists(db) {
		return fmt.Errorf("Database %s doesn't exist", db)

	for _, s := range series {
		seriesName := s.GetName()
		if user.HasWriteAccess(seriesName) {
		return common.NewAuthorizationError("User %s doesn't have write permissions for %s", user.GetName(), seriesName)

	err := self.CommitSeriesData(db, series, false)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for _, s := range series {
		self.ProcessContinuousQueries(db, s)

	return err

示例2: AuthorizeDropSeries

func (self *Permissions) AuthorizeDropSeries(user common.User, db string, seriesName string) (ok bool, err common.AuthorizationError) {
	if !user.IsDbAdmin(db) && !user.HasWriteAccess(seriesName) {
		return false, common.NewAuthorizationError("Insufficient permissions to drop series")

	return true, ""

示例3: WriteSeriesData

func (self *CoordinatorImpl) WriteSeriesData(user common.User, db string, series *protocol.Series) error {
	if !user.HasWriteAccess(db) {
		return common.NewAuthorizationError("Insufficient permission to write to %s", db)
	if len(series.Points) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("Can't write series with zero points.")

	err := self.CommitSeriesData(db, series)

	self.ProcessContinuousQueries(db, series)

	return err

示例4: WriteSeriesData

func (self *CoordinatorImpl) WriteSeriesData(user common.User, db string, series []*protocol.Series) error {
	if !user.HasWriteAccess(db) {
		return common.NewAuthorizationError("Insufficient permissions to write to %s", db)

	err := self.CommitSeriesData(db, series, false)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for _, s := range series {
		self.ProcessContinuousQueries(db, s)

	return err

示例5: DropSeries

func (self *CoordinatorImpl) DropSeries(user common.User, db, series string) error {
	if !user.IsClusterAdmin() && !user.IsDbAdmin(db) && !user.HasWriteAccess(series) {
		return common.NewAuthorizationError("Insufficient permission to drop series")

	if self.clusterConfiguration.IsSingleServer() {
		return self.datastore.DropSeries(db, series)

	servers, _ := self.clusterConfiguration.GetServersToMakeQueryTo(&db)
	for _, server := range servers {
		if err := self.handleDropSeries(server.server, db, series); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil

示例6: DeleteRangeOfRegex

func (self *LevelDbDatastore) DeleteRangeOfRegex(user common.User, database string, regex *regexp.Regexp, startTime, endTime time.Time) error {
	series := self.getSeriesForDbAndRegex(database, regex)
	hasAccess := true
	for _, name := range series {
		if !user.HasWriteAccess(name) {
			hasAccess = false

		err := self.DeleteRangeOfSeries(database, name, startTime, endTime)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	if !hasAccess {
		return fmt.Errorf("You don't have access to delete from one or more time series")
	return nil

示例7: WriteSeriesData

func (self *CoordinatorImpl) WriteSeriesData(user common.User, db string, series []*protocol.Series) error {
	for _, s := range series {
		seriesName := s.GetName()
		if user.HasWriteAccess(seriesName) {
		return common.NewAuthorizationError("User %s doesn't have write permissions for %s", user.GetName(), seriesName)

	err := self.CommitSeriesData(db, series, false)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for _, s := range series {
		self.ProcessContinuousQueries(db, s)

	return err

示例8: WriteSeriesData

func (self *CoordinatorImpl) WriteSeriesData(user common.User, db string, series *protocol.Series) error {
	if !user.HasWriteAccess(db) {
		return fmt.Errorf("Insufficient permission to write to %s", db)

	now := common.CurrentTime()
	for _, p := range series.Points {
		if p.Timestamp == nil {
			p.Timestamp = &now
			self.currentSequenceNumber += 1
			n := self.currentSequenceNumber
			p.SequenceNumber = &n
		} else if p.SequenceNumber == nil {
			self.currentSequenceNumber += 1
			n := self.currentSequenceNumber
			p.SequenceNumber = &n
	return self.datastore.WriteSeriesData(db, series)

示例9: WriteSeriesData

func (self *CoordinatorImpl) WriteSeriesData(user common.User, db string, series *protocol.Series) error {
	if !user.HasWriteAccess(db) {
		return common.NewAuthorizationError("Insufficient permission to write to %s", db)
	if len(series.Points) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("Can't write series with zero points.")

	// break the series object into separate ones based on their ring location

	// if times server assigned, all the points will go to the same place
	serverAssignedTime := true
	now := common.CurrentTime()

	// assign sequence numbers
	lastNumber, err := self.datastore.AtomicIncrement(POINT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_KEY, len(series.Points))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	lastNumber = lastNumber - uint64(len(series.Points)-1)
	for _, p := range series.Points {
		if p.Timestamp == nil {
			p.Timestamp = &now
		} else {
			serverAssignedTime = false
		if p.SequenceNumber == nil {
			n := self.sequenceNumberWithServerId(lastNumber)
			p.SequenceNumber = &n

	// if it's a single server setup, we don't need to bother with getting ring
	// locations or logging requests or any of that, so just write to the local db and be done.
	if self.clusterConfiguration.IsSingleServer() {
		err := self.writeSeriesToLocalStore(&db, series)
		return err

	if serverAssignedTime {
		location := common.RingLocation(&db, series.Name, series.Points[0].Timestamp)
		i := self.clusterConfiguration.GetServerIndexByLocation(&location)
		return self.handleClusterWrite(&i, &db, series)

	// TODO: make this more efficient and not suck so much
	// not all the same, so break things up

	seriesToServerIndex := make(map[int]*protocol.Series)
	for _, p := range series.Points {
		location := common.RingLocation(&db, series.Name, p.Timestamp)
		i := self.clusterConfiguration.GetServerIndexByLocation(&location)
		s := seriesToServerIndex[i]
		if s == nil {
			s = &protocol.Series{Name: series.Name, Fields: series.Fields, Points: make([]*protocol.Point, 0)}
			seriesToServerIndex[i] = s
		s.Points = append(s.Points, p)

	for serverIndex, s := range seriesToServerIndex {
		err := self.handleClusterWrite(&serverIndex, &db, s)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil
