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C# PdfLine.GetSeparatorCount方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfLine.GetSeparatorCount方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# PdfLine.GetSeparatorCount方法的具体用法?C# PdfLine.GetSeparatorCount怎么用?C# PdfLine.GetSeparatorCount使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfLine的用法示例。


示例1: WriteLineToContent

        * Writes a text line to the document. It takes care of all the attributes.
        * <P>
        * Before entering the line position must have been established and the
        * <CODE>text</CODE> argument must be in text object scope (<CODE>beginText()</CODE>).
        * @param line the line to be written
        * @param text the <CODE>PdfContentByte</CODE> where the text will be written to
        * @param graphics the <CODE>PdfContentByte</CODE> where the graphics will be written to
        * @param currentValues the current font and extra spacing values
        * @param ratio
        * @throws DocumentException on error
        internal float WriteLineToContent(PdfLine line, PdfContentByte text, PdfContentByte graphics, Object[] currentValues, float ratio)  {
            PdfFont currentFont = (PdfFont)(currentValues[0]);
            float lastBaseFactor = (float)currentValues[1];
            //PdfChunk chunkz;
            int numberOfSpaces;
            int lineLen;
            bool isJustified;
            float hangingCorrection = 0;
            float hScale = 1;
            float lastHScale = float.NaN;
            float baseWordSpacing = 0;
            float baseCharacterSpacing = 0;
            float glueWidth = 0;
            float lastX = text.XTLM + line.OriginalWidth;
            numberOfSpaces = line.NumberOfSpaces;
            lineLen = line.GetLineLengthUtf32();
            // does the line need to be justified?
            isJustified = line.HasToBeJustified() && (numberOfSpaces != 0 || lineLen > 1);
            int separatorCount = line.GetSeparatorCount();
            if (separatorCount > 0) {
                glueWidth = line.WidthLeft / separatorCount;
            else if (isJustified && separatorCount == 0) {
                if (line.NewlineSplit && line.WidthLeft >= (lastBaseFactor * (ratio * numberOfSpaces + lineLen - 1))) {
                    if (line.RTL) {
                        text.MoveText(line.WidthLeft - lastBaseFactor * (ratio * numberOfSpaces + lineLen - 1), 0);
                    baseWordSpacing = ratio * lastBaseFactor;
                    baseCharacterSpacing = lastBaseFactor;
                else {
                    float width = line.WidthLeft;
                    PdfChunk last = line.GetChunk(line.Size - 1);
                    if (last != null) {
                        String s = last.ToString();
                        char c;
                        if (s.Length > 0 && hangingPunctuation.IndexOf((c = s[s.Length - 1])) >= 0) {
                            float oldWidth = width;
                            width += last.Font.Width(c) * 0.4f;
                            hangingCorrection = width - oldWidth;
                    float baseFactor = width / (ratio * numberOfSpaces + lineLen - 1);
                    baseWordSpacing = ratio * baseFactor;
                    baseCharacterSpacing = baseFactor;
                    lastBaseFactor = baseFactor;
            else if (line.alignment == Element.ALIGN_LEFT || line.alignment == Element.ALIGN_UNDEFINED) {
                lastX -= line.WidthLeft;
            int lastChunkStroke = line.LastStrokeChunk;
            int chunkStrokeIdx = 0;
            float xMarker = text.XTLM;
            float baseXMarker = xMarker;
            float yMarker = text.YTLM;
            bool adjustMatrix = false;
            float tabPosition = 0;
            // looping over all the chunks in 1 line
            foreach (PdfChunk chunk in line) {
                if (IsTagged(writer) && chunk.accessibleElement != null) {
                BaseColor color = chunk.Color;
                float fontSize = chunk.Font.Size;
                float ascender;
                float descender;
                if (chunk.IsImage())
                    ascender = chunk.Height();
                    descender = 0;
                    ascender = chunk.Font.Font.GetFontDescriptor(BaseFont.ASCENT, fontSize);
                    descender = chunk.Font.Font.GetFontDescriptor(BaseFont.DESCENT, fontSize);
                hScale = 1;
                if (chunkStrokeIdx <= lastChunkStroke) {
                    float width;
                    if (isJustified) {
                        width = chunk.GetWidthCorrected(baseCharacterSpacing, baseWordSpacing);
                    else {
