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C# Line.HasInternalAngle方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中System.Line.HasInternalAngle方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Line.HasInternalAngle方法的具体用法?C# Line.HasInternalAngle怎么用?C# Line.HasInternalAngle使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在System.Line的用法示例。


示例1: InternalAngleConstraintShouldWork

        public void InternalAngleConstraintShouldWork()
            for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                var line1 = new Line( new Point(0, 0, false), new Point(10, 0, false, true) );
                var line2 = new Line( new Point(0, 0, false), new Point(10, -1, false) );

                var a = Math.PI / 2 / 3;

                     , line1.HasInternalAngle(line2, new Parameter(a, false)));

                    .BeApproximately(Math.Cos(a), 0.001);



示例2: SquareAroundCircle

        public void SquareAroundCircle()
            var circle = new Circle() { center = new Point(0, 0, false), rad = new Parameter(10, false) };

            // We want a box around the circle where all lines touch the 
            // circle and line0 is vertical. We arrange the lines roughly
            // in the correct placement to get the search off to a good
            // start
            var line0 = new Line(new Point(-21,0), new Point(0, 23));
            var line1 = new Line(new Point(0,22), new Point(22, 0));
            var line2 = new Line(new Point(21,0), new Point(0, -29));
            var line3 = new Line(new Point(0,-27), new Point(-25, 0));

            var angle = new Parameter (Math.PI/2, false);

            var r = SketchSolve.Solver.solve
                ( true
                , line0.IsTangentTo(circle)
                , line1.IsTangentTo(circle)
                , line2.IsTangentTo(circle)
                , line3.IsTangentTo(circle)
                , line0.HasInternalAngle (line1, angle)
                , line1.HasInternalAngle(line2, angle) 
                , line2.HasInternalAngle(line3, angle)
                , line3.HasInternalAngle(line0, angle)
                , line0.p2.IsColocated(line1.p1)
                , line1.p2.IsColocated(line2.p1)
                , line2.p2.IsColocated(line3.p1)
                , line3.p2.IsColocated(line0.p1)
                , line0.IsVertical()
                //, line1.IsHorizontal()
                //, line2.IsVertical()
                //, line3.IsHorizontal()

            Console.WriteLine (line0);
            Console.WriteLine (line1);
            Console.WriteLine (line2);
            Console.WriteLine (line3);

            Console.WriteLine (circle.CenterTo(line0));

            r.Should ().BeApproximately (0, 0.0001);

