本文整理汇总了C#中Func.ShouldNotBeNull方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Func.ShouldNotBeNull方法的具体用法?C# Func.ShouldNotBeNull怎么用?C# Func.ShouldNotBeNull使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Func
示例1: Integrate
/// <summary>
/// 함수의 [a,b] 구간을 적분합니다.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="func">적분할 함수</param>
/// <param name="a">적분 시작 위치</param>
/// <param name="b">적분 끝 위치</param>
/// <returns>적분 값</returns>
public override double Integrate(Func<double, double> func, double a, double b) {
log.Debug(@"사다리꼴 적분법(Trapizoidal)을 이용하여 적분을 수행합니다. func=[{0}], a=[{1}], b=[{2}]", func, a, b);
if(a > b) MathTool.Swap<double>(ref a, ref b);
double result = 0;
int n = GetSteps(a, b);
double h = (b - a) / n;
double x = a;
Parallel.For(1, n, () => 0.0, (i, loopState, local) => local + func(a + h * i),
local => { lock(_syncLock) result += local; });
//for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
// x += h;
// result += func(x);
result = h * ((func(a) + func(b)) / 2 + result);
log.Debug(@"적분결과=[{0}]", result);
return result;
示例2: Mapping
/// <summary>
/// 컬럼명=속성명 매핑함수를 이용하여 지정된 DataReader의 컬럼명을 속성명으로 매핑한다.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reader">instance of IDataReader</param>
/// <param name="mappingFunc">mapping function</param>
/// <param name="propertyNamesToExclude">매핑에서 제외할 속성명</param>
/// <returns>instance of <see cref="INameMap"/></returns>
public static INameMap Mapping(this IDataReader reader, Func<string, string> mappingFunc, params string[] propertyNamesToExclude) {
log.Debug("지정된 DataReader의 컬럼명을 속성명으로 매핑합니다...");
var nameMap = new NameMap();
var excludeNames = (propertyNamesToExclude != null) ? propertyNamesToExclude.ToList() : new List<string>();
for(int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) {
var columnName = reader.GetName(i);
if(columnName.IsNotWhiteSpace()) {
var propertyName = mappingFunc(columnName);
if(propertyName.IsNotWhiteSpace() && excludeNames.Contains(propertyName, StringComparer.Ordinal) == false)
nameMap.Add(columnName, propertyName);
log.Debug("컬럼명-속성명 매핑 결과 = " + nameMap.CollectionToString());
return nameMap;
示例3: FindRoot
/// <summary>
/// y = func(x) 함수의 [lower, upper] 구간에 대해, 근을 찾는다 ( func(x) = 0 인 x 값 )
/// </summary>
/// <param name="func">근을 찾을 함수</param>
/// <param name="lower">근을 찾을 구간의 하한</param>
/// <param name="upper">근을 찾을 구간의 상한</param>
/// <param name="tryCount">시도 횟수</param>
/// <param name="tolerance">근의 오차허용범위</param>
/// <returns>근에 해당하는 x 값. 해를 못찾으면 <see cref="double.NaN"/>을 반환한다.</returns>
public override double FindRoot(Func<double, double> func,
double lower,
double upper,
int tryCount = MathTool.DefaultTryCount,
double tolerance = MathTool.Epsilon) {
tolerance = Math.Abs(tolerance);
log.Debug(@"Find root by NewtonRapson... func=[{0}], lower=[{1}], upper=[{2}], tryCount=[{3}], tolerance=[{4}]",
func, lower, upper, tryCount, tolerance);
if(tryCount < DefaultTryCount)
tryCount = DefaultTryCount;
double x = (lower + upper) / 2;
if(Math.Abs(func(x).Clamp(RootY, tolerance) - RootY) < double.Epsilon)
return x;
for(int i = 0; i < tryCount; i++) {
double prevX = x;
x -= func(x) / gfunc(func, x);
log.Debug(@"root value=[{0}]", x);
if(Math.Abs(x - prevX) < Math.Abs(prevX) * tolerance)
return x;
return double.NaN;
示例4: FindRoot
/// <summary>
/// 이분법으로 y = func(x) 함수의 [lower, upper] 구간에 대해, 근을 찾는다 (y=0 이되는 x 값)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="func">근을 찾을 함수</param>
/// <param name="lower">근을 찾을 구간의 하한</param>
/// <param name="upper">근을 찾을 구간의 상한</param>
/// <param name="tryCount">시도 횟수</param>
/// <param name="tolerance">근의 오차허용범위</param>
/// <returns>근에 해당하는 x 값. 해를 못찾으면 <see cref="double.NaN"/>을 반환한다.</returns>
public override double FindRoot(Func<double, double> func,
double lower,
double upper,
int tryCount = MathTool.DefaultTryCount,
double tolerance = MathTool.Epsilon) {
tolerance = Math.Abs(tolerance);
log.Debug("Bisection을 이용하여, root 값을 찾습니다... func=[{0}], lower=[{1}], upper=[{2}], tryCount=[{3}], tolerance=[{4}]",
func, lower, upper, tryCount, tolerance);
if(lower > upper)
MathTool.Swap(ref lower, ref upper);
var fa = func(lower);
var fb = func(upper);
if(Math.Abs(fa - RootY) < tolerance)
return lower;
if(Math.Abs(fb - RootY) < tolerance)
return upper;
Guard.Assert(Math.Abs(lower - upper) > tolerance, "상하한이 같은 값을 가지면 근을 구할 수 없습니다.");
if(tryCount < DefaultTryCount)
tryCount = DefaultTryCount;
for(var k = 0; k < tryCount; k++) {
var x = (lower + upper) / 2.0;
if(Math.Abs(upper - x) < tolerance || Math.Abs(lower - x) < tolerance)
return x;
var y = func(x);
log.Debug(@"Find root... x=[{0}], y=[{1}]", x, y);
// 해를 만족하던가, upper-lower의 변화가 매우 작던가..
if(Math.Abs(y - RootY) < tolerance) {
log.Debug("Iteration count=[{0}]", k);
return x;
if(fa * y > 0) {
lower = x;
fa = y;
else {
upper = x;
fb = y;
return double.NaN;
示例5: Weibull
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the Weibull class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shape">The shape of the Weibull distribution.</param>
/// <param name="scale">The scale of the Weibull distribution.</param>
/// <param name="randomFactory">난수발생기 Factory</param>
public Weibull(double shape, double scale, Func<Random> randomFactory = null) {
log.Debug(@"Weibull 분포를 표현하는 인스턴스를 생성했습니다. shape=[{0}], scale=[{1}]", shape, scale);
SetParameters(shape, scale);
_random = (randomFactory != null) ? randomFactory() : MathTool.GetRandomFactory().Invoke();
示例6: FindRoot
/// <summary>
/// y = func(x) 함수의 [lower, upper] 구간에 대해, 근을 찾는다 ( func(x) = 0 인 x 값 )
/// </summary>
/// <param name="func">근을 찾을 함수</param>
/// <param name="lower">근을 찾을 구간의 하한</param>
/// <param name="upper">근을 찾을 구간의 상한</param>
/// <param name="tryCount">시도 횟수</param>
/// <param name="tolerance">근의 오차허용범위</param>
/// <returns>근에 해당하는 x 값. 해를 못찾으면 <see cref="double.NaN"/>을 반환한다.</returns>
public override double FindRoot(Func<double, double> func,
double lower,
double upper,
int tryCount = MathTool.DefaultTryCount,
double tolerance = MathTool.Epsilon) {
tolerance = Math.Abs(tolerance);
log.Debug(@"Find root by Secant... func=[{0}], lower=[{1}], upper=[{2}], tryCount=[{3}], tolerance=[{4}]",
func, lower, upper, tryCount, tolerance);
if(lower > upper)
MathTool.Swap(ref lower, ref upper);
if(Math.Abs(func(lower).Clamp(RootY, tolerance) - RootY) < double.Epsilon)
return lower;
if(Math.Abs(func(upper).Clamp(RootY, tolerance) - RootY) < double.Epsilon)
return upper;
if(tryCount < DefaultTryCount)
tryCount = DefaultTryCount;
double root, xt;
var y1 = func(lower);
var y2 = func(upper);
if(Math.Abs(y1) < Math.Abs(y2)) {
root = lower;
xt = upper;
MathTool.Swap(ref y1, ref y2);
else {
xt = lower;
root = upper;
for(var i = 0; i < tryCount; i++) {
var dx = (xt - root) * y2 / (y2 - y1);
xt = root;
y1 = y2;
root += dx;
y2 = func(root);
log.Debug(@"Secant root=[{0}]", root);
if((Math.Abs(dx - RootY) < double.Epsilon) || (Math.Abs((y2 - y1) - RootY) < double.Epsilon))
return root;
// if(Math.Abs(Math.Abs(dx).Clamp(RootY, tolerance) - RootY) < double.Epsilon || Math.Abs(Math.Abs(y2 - y1).Clamp(RootY, tolerance) - RootY) < double.Epsilon)
// return root;
return double.NaN;
示例7: FindMiminum
/// <summary>
/// y = func(x) 함수의 [lower, upper] 구간에서 f(x)의 최소 값이 되는 x를 구합니다.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="func">함수</param>
/// <param name="lower">구간의 하한</param>
/// <param name="upper">구간의 상한</param>
/// <param name="tryCount">시도횟수</param>
/// <param name="tolerance">허용 오차</param>
/// <returns>f(x)가 최소값이 되는 x 값, 검색 실패시에는 double.NaN을 반환한다</returns>
public override double FindMiminum(Func<double, double> @func,
double lower,
double upper,
int tryCount = MathTool.DefaultTryCount,
double tolerance = MathTool.Epsilon) {
tolerance = Math.Abs(tolerance);
log.Debug("Find root by GoldenSectionMinimumFinder... " +
"func=[{0}], lower=[{1}], upper=[{2}], tryCount=[{3}], tolerance=[{4}]",
func, lower, upper, tryCount, tolerance);
if(tryCount < MathTool.DefaultTryCount)
tryCount = MathTool.DefaultTryCount;
if(lower > upper)
MathTool.Swap(ref lower, ref upper);
var t = GodenRatio * (upper - lower);
var c = lower + t;
var d = upper - t;
var fc = @func(c);
var fd = @func(d);
for(var i = 0; i < tryCount; i++) {
if(fc > fd) {
lower = c;
c = d;
fc = fd;
d = upper - GodenRatio * (upper - lower);
if(Math.Abs(d - c) <= tolerance)
return c;
fd = @func(d);
else {
upper = d;
d = c;
fd = fc;
c = lower + GodenRatio * (upper - lower);
if(Math.Abs(d - c) <= tolerance)
return d;
fc = @func(c);
return double.NaN;
示例8: Integrate
/// <summary>
/// 함수의 [a,b] 구간을 적분합니다.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="func">적분할 함수</param>
/// <param name="a">적분 시작 위치</param>
/// <param name="b">적분 끝 위치</param>
/// <returns>적분 값</returns>
public override double Integrate(Func<double, double> func, double a, double b) {
log.Debug(@"Simpson 적분법을 이용하여 적분을 수행합니다. func=[{0}], a=[{1}], b=[{2}]", func, a, b);
if(a > b)
return Integrate(func, b, a);
_steps = GetSteps(a, b, _steps);
double h = (b - a) / (2.0 * _steps);
double hdiv3 = h / 3;
double fo = 0;
double fe = 0;
double N = 2 * _steps - 3;
ParallelTool.ForWithStep(1, (int)N + 1, 2, () => 0.0, (i, loopState, local) => local + func(a + h * i),
local => { lock(_syncLock) fo += local; });
ParallelTool.ForWithStep(1, (int)N + 1, 2, () => 0.0, (i, loopState, local) => local + func(a + h * (i + 1)),
local => { lock(_syncLock) fe += local; });
//for(int i = 1; i <= N; i += 2)
// fo += func(a + h * i); // 홀수항 (odd)
// fe += func(a + h * (i + 1)); // 짝수항 (even)
var result = (func(a) + func(b) + 4.0 * (fo + func(b - h)) + 2.0 * fe) * hdiv3;
log.Debug(@"적분결과=[{0}]", result);
return result;
示例9: Integrate
/// <summary>
/// 함수의 [a,b] 구간을 적분합니다.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="func">적분할 함수</param>
/// <param name="a">적분 시작 위치</param>
/// <param name="b">적분 끝 위치</param>
/// <returns>적분 값</returns>
public override double Integrate(Func<double, double> func, double a, double b) {
log.Debug(@"중점접(MidValue)를 이용하여 적분을 수행합니다. func=[{0}], a=[{1}], b=[{2}]", func, a, b);
if(a > b)
MathTool.Swap(ref a, ref b);
int n = GetSteps(a, b, Steps);
double h = (b - a) / n;
double hdiv2 = h / 2;
double n2 = n * 2;
double result = 0;
(int)(n2 + 1),
() => 0.0,
(i, loopState, local) => local + func(a + i * hdiv2),
local => {
result += local;
//for(int i = 1; i < n2; i += 2)
// result += func(a + i * hdiv2);
result *= h;
log.Debug(@"적분 결과=[{0}]", result);
return result;
示例10: Integrate
/// <summary>
/// 함수의 [a,b] 구간을 적분합니다.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="func">적분할 함수</param>
/// <param name="a">적분 시작 위치</param>
/// <param name="b">적분 끝 위치</param>
/// <returns>적분 값</returns>
public override double Integrate(Func<double, double> func, double a, double b) {
log.Debug(@"Romberg 적분법을 이용하여 적분을 수행합니다. func=[{0}], a=[{1}], b=[{2}]", func, a, b);
if(a > b)
MathTool.Swap(ref a, ref b);
if((_rom == null) || (_rom.GetLength(1) == _order))
_rom = new double[2,_order];
double h = (b - a);
_rom[0, 0] = 0.5d * h * (func(a) + func(b));
for(int i = 2, ipower = 1; i <= _order; i++, ipower *= 2, h /= 2) {
// approximation using the trapezoid rule.
double sum = 0;
for(var j = 1; j <= ipower; j++)
sum += func(a + h * (j - 0.5));
// Richardson extrapolation
_rom[1, 0] = 0.5 * (_rom[0, 0] + (h * sum));
for(int k = 1, kpower = 4; k < i; k++, kpower *= 4)
_rom[1, k] = (kpower * _rom[1, k - 1] - _rom[0, k - 1]) / (kpower - 1);
// save the extrapolated value for the next integration
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
_rom[0, j] = _rom[1, j];
log.Debug(@"적분결과=[{0}]", _rom[0, _order - 1]);
return _rom[0, _order - 1];
示例11: Map
/// <summary>
/// 원본 속성명-속성값 정보를 대상 인스턴스의 속성명에 값을 설정한다.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">원본 정보 (Name-Value)</param>
/// <param name="targetFactory">복사 대상 인스턴스 생성 델리게이트</param>
/// <param name="mapOptions">매핑 옵션</param>
/// <param name="propertyNamesToExclude">복사 제외 속성 명</param>
public static object Map(IDictionary source, Func<object> targetFactory, MapPropertyOptions mapOptions,
params string[] propertyNamesToExclude) {
var target = targetFactory();
log.Debug("원본의 속성-값을 대상 인스턴스의 속성 값으로 복사합니다... " +
@"source=[{0}], target=[{1}], mapOptions=[{2}], propertyNamesToExclude=[{3}]",
source, target, mapOptions, propertyNamesToExclude.CollectionToString());
var excludes = new List<string>(propertyNamesToExclude);
var accessor = DynamicAccessorFactory.CreateDynamicAccessor(target.GetType(), mapOptions.SuppressException);
var targetPropertyNames = accessor.GetPropertyNames().Except(excludes).ToList();
foreach(string name in source.Keys) {
var sourceName = name;
if(excludes.Any(epn => StringTool.EqualTo(epn, sourceName)))
var canSetPropertyValue = targetPropertyNames.Any(tpn => StringTool.EqualTo(tpn, sourceName));
if(canSetPropertyValue) {
if(mapOptions.IgnoreCase) {
var targetPropertyName = targetPropertyNames.FirstOrDefault(tpn => StringTool.EqualTo(tpn, sourceName));
accessor.SetPropertyValue(target, targetPropertyName, source[sourceName]);
else {
accessor.SetPropertyValue(target, sourceName, source[sourceName]);
return target;
示例12: GoldenSection
// Methods
public GoldenSection(Func<double, double> func, double a, double b, int n) {
int num = 0;
double num2 = 0.0;
double num3 = 0.0;
double x = 0.0;
double num5 = 0.0;
double num6 = 0.0;
double num7 = 0.0;
num2 = (3.0 - Math.Sqrt(5.0)) / 2.0;
num3 = (Math.Sqrt(5.0) - 1.0) / 2.0;
x = a + (num2 * (b - a));
num5 = a + (num3 * (b - a));
num6 = func(x);
num7 = func(num5);
for(num = 1; num <= n; num++) {
if(num6 <= num7) {
b = num5;
num5 = x;
num7 = num6;
x = a + (num2 * (b - a));
num6 = func(x);
else {
a = x;
x = num5;
num6 = num7;
num5 = a + (num3 * (b - a));
num7 = func(num5);
resultA = a;
resultB = b;
示例13: Pareto
public Pareto(double scale, double shape, Func<Random> randomFactory = null) {
SetParameters(scale, shape);
_random = randomFactory();
示例14: Enqueue
/// <summary>
/// 지정한 작업 생성 함수로 생성되는 작업을 순차 수행을 위한 작업 큐에 넣습니다.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="taskFactory"></param>
public void Enqueue(Func<Task> taskFactory) {
示例15: CompressAdapter
public CompressAdapter(Func<ICompressor> @compressorFactory) {
@_compressorFactory = @compressorFactory;