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C++ SgLocatedNode::getAttachedPreprocessingInfo方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中SgLocatedNode::getAttachedPreprocessingInfo方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ SgLocatedNode::getAttachedPreprocessingInfo方法的具体用法?C++ SgLocatedNode::getAttachedPreprocessingInfo怎么用?C++ SgLocatedNode::getAttachedPreprocessingInfo使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在SgLocatedNode的用法示例。


示例1: visit

void visitorTraversal::visit(SgNode* n)
  // On each node look for any comments of CPP directives
     SgLocatedNode* locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode(n);
     if (locatedNode != NULL)
          AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments = locatedNode->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();

          if (comments != NULL)
               printf ("Found attached comments (to IR node at %p of type: %s): \n",locatedNode,locatedNode->class_name().c_str());
               int counter = 0;
               AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator i;
               for (i = comments->begin(); i != comments->end(); i++)
                    printf ("          Attached Comment #%d in file %s (relativePosition=%s): classification %s :\n%s\n",
                         ((*i)->getRelativePosition() == PreprocessingInfo::before) ? "before" : "after",
               printf ("No attached comments (at %p of type: %s): \n",locatedNode,locatedNode->sage_class_name());

示例2: visit

void findPreprocInfo::visit(SgNode* n)

  // Add in the information from the current node
  SgLocatedNode* locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode(n);
  if (locatedNode != NULL)
    AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* commentsAndDirectives = locatedNode->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();

    if (commentsAndDirectives != NULL)
      // printf ("Found attached comments (to IR node at %p of type: %s): \n",locatedNode,locatedNode->class_name().c_str());
      // int counter = 0;

      // Use a reverse iterator so that we preserve the order when using push_front to add each directive to the accumulatedList
      AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::reverse_iterator i;
      for (i = commentsAndDirectives->rbegin(); i != commentsAndDirectives->rend(); i++)
        // The different classifications of comments and directives are in ROSE/src/frontend/SageIII/rose_attributes_list.h
        if ((*i)->getTypeOfDirective() == PreprocessingInfo::CMacroCall)
          wherePreprocIsAttached.push_back(std::pair<SgNode*,PreprocessingInfo*>(n,*i) );


示例3: visit

               void visit ( SgNode* n )
                    SgLocatedNode* locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode(n); 
                    if (locatedNode != NULL)
                         AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments = locatedNode->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();

                         if (comments != NULL)
                              printf ("Found attached comments (at %p of type: %s): \n",locatedNode,locatedNode->sage_class_name());
                              AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator i;
                              for (i = comments->begin(); i != comments->end(); i++)
                                   ROSE_ASSERT ( (*i) != NULL );
                                   printf ("          Attached Comment (relativePosition=%s): %s\n",
                                        ((*i)->getRelativePosition() == PreprocessingInfo::before) ? "before" : "after",
#if 1
                                // This does not appear to be a valid object when read in from an AST file.
                                   printf ("Comment/Directive getNumberOfLines = %d getColumnNumberOfEndOfString = %d \n",(*i)->getNumberOfLines(),(*i)->getColumnNumberOfEndOfString());
#if 1
                                // This does not appear to be a valid object when read in from an AST file.
                                   (*i)->get_file_info()->display("comment/directive location");

示例4: isSgLocatedNode

visitorTraversal::evaluateSynthesizedAttribute ( SgNode* n, SynthesizedAttributesList childAttributes )
     SynthesizedAttribute localResult;

  // printf ("In evaluateSynthesizedAttribute(n = %p = %s) \n",n,n->class_name().c_str());

  // Build the list from children (in reverse order to preserve the final ordering)
     for (SynthesizedAttributesList::reverse_iterator child = childAttributes.rbegin(); child != childAttributes.rend(); child++)

  // Add in the information from the current node
     SgLocatedNode* locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode(n);
     if (locatedNode != NULL)
          AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* commentsAndDirectives = locatedNode->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();

          if (commentsAndDirectives != NULL)
            // printf ("Found attached comments (to IR node at %p of type: %s): \n",locatedNode,locatedNode->class_name().c_str());
            // int counter = 0;

            // Use a reverse iterator so that we preserve the order when using push_front to add each directive to the accumulatedList
               AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::reverse_iterator i;
               for (i = commentsAndDirectives->rbegin(); i != commentsAndDirectives->rend(); i++)
                 // The different classifications of comments and directives are in ROSE/src/frontend/SageIII/rose_attributes_list.h
                    if ((*i)->getTypeOfDirective() == PreprocessingInfo::CpreprocessorDefineDeclaration)
#if 0
                         printf ("          Attached Comment #%d in file %s (relativePosition=%s): classification %s :\n%s\n",
                            ((*i)->getRelativePosition() == PreprocessingInfo::before) ? "before" : "after",
                      // use push_front() to end up with source ordering of final list of directives

  // printf ("localResult after adding current node info \n");
  // localResult.display();

     return localResult;

示例5: isSgLocatedNode

static std::string
commentAndCppInformation (SgNode* node)
  // DQ (8/31/2013): Adding source position information for DOT output.
     string ss;

     SgLocatedNode* locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode(node);
     if (locatedNode != NULL)
          AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* commentsAndCppDirectives = locatedNode->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();
          size_t numberofCommentsAndCppDirectives = 0;
          if (commentsAndCppDirectives != NULL)
               numberofCommentsAndCppDirectives = commentsAndCppDirectives->size();
               if (numberofCommentsAndCppDirectives >= 0)
                 // ss = string("comments = ") + StringUtility::numberToString(numberofCommentsAndCppDirectives) + "\\n";
                    ss += string("comments/directives (before) = ") + StringUtility::numberToString(numberByRelativePosition(commentsAndCppDirectives,PreprocessingInfo::before)) + "\\n";
                    ss += string("comments/directives (inside) = ") + StringUtility::numberToString(numberByRelativePosition(commentsAndCppDirectives,PreprocessingInfo::inside)) + "\\n";
                    ss += string("comments/directives (after)  = ") + StringUtility::numberToString(numberByRelativePosition(commentsAndCppDirectives,PreprocessingInfo::after)) + "\\n";

#if 0
       // DQ (9/1/2013): We could handle the source position of some other IR nodes (e.g. output name of the file for SgFile).
          SgFile* file = isSgFile(node);
          if (file != NULL)
            // ROSE_ASSERT(file->get_file_info() != NULL);
            // ss += generateFileLineColumnString(file->get_file_info());
               AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* commentsAndCppDirectives = file->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();
               size_t numberofCommentsAndCppDirectives = 0;
               if (commentsAndCppDirectives != NULL)
                    numberofCommentsAndCppDirectives = commentsAndCppDirectives->size();
                    if (numberofCommentsAndCppDirectives > 0)
                         ss = string("comments = ") + StringUtility::numberToString(numberofCommentsAndCppDirectives) + "\\n";

     return ss;

示例6: isSgLocatedNode

visitorTraversal::visit (SgNode * n)
  // On each node look for any comments of CPP directives
  SgLocatedNode *locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode (n);
  if (locatedNode != NULL)
    AttachedPreprocessingInfoType *comments =
      locatedNode->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo ();

    if (comments != NULL)
      printf ("-----------------------------------------------\n");
      printf ("Found an IR node with preprocessing Info attached:\n");
      printf ("(memory address: %p Sage type: %s) in file \n%s (line %d column %d) \n",
          locatedNode->class_name ().c_str (),
          (locatedNode->get_file_info ()->get_filenameString ()).c_str (),
          locatedNode->get_file_info ()->get_line(),
          locatedNode->get_file_info ()->get_col()         );
      int counter = 0;
      AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator i;
      for (i = comments->begin (); i != comments->end (); i++)
        printf("-------------PreprocessingInfo #%d ----------- : \n",counter++);
        printf("classification = %s:\n String format = %s\n",
                PreprocessingInfo::directiveTypeName((*i)->getTypeOfDirective ()). c_str (), 
                (*i)->getString ().c_str ());
        printf ("relative position is = ");
        if ((*i)->getRelativePosition () == PreprocessingInfo::inside)
          printf ("inside\n");
          printf ("%s\n", \
              ((*i)->getRelativePosition () == PreprocessingInfo::before) ? "before" : "after");

示例7: SgName

  ControlStructureContainer *
  >queryFindCommentsInScope (const string stringPrefixToMatch,
			     const string stringToMatch,
			     SgScopeStatement * sageScopeStatement)
  ROSE_ASSERT (stringPrefixToMatch.length () > 0);
  ROSE_ASSERT (stringToMatch.length () > 0);
  ROSE_ASSERT (sageScopeStatement != NULL);

  Rose_STL_Container< ControlStructureContainer * >returnList;

  //find all pragmas who match the stringToMatch
   //cout << "Before pragma search" << endl;
   /*list < SgNode * >pragmaStatements =
    NodeQuery::querySubTree (sageScopeStatement,
			     new SgName (stringToMatch.c_str ()),
    //list<SGNode*> pragmaStatements ; 
    //cout << "After pragma search" << endl;

/*  cout << "BEFORE LIST" << endl; 
  list < SgNode * >pragmaStatements = queryNodePragmaStatementFromName2(sageScopeStatement,
		                            new SgName(stringToMatch.c_str()));
  cout << "AFTER LIST" << endl;*/
  //return the pragmas in containers
/*  for (list < SgNode * >::iterator i = pragmaStatements.begin ();
       i != pragmaStatements.end (); ++i)
      SgPragmaDeclaration *sagePragma = isSgPragmaDeclaration (*i);
      ROSE_ASSERT (sagePragma);
      ROSE_ASSERT (sagePragma->get_pragma () != NULL);
      ROSE_ASSERT (sagePragma->get_pragma ()->get_pragma ());

      ControlStructureContainer *container = new ControlStructureContainer ();
      container->setPragmaString (sagePragma->get_pragma ()->get_pragma ());
      container->setAssociatedStatement (sagePragma);
      returnList.push_back (container);

  //find all statements in the current scope
  if (sageScopeStatement->variantT () == V_SgClassDefinition)
      SgDeclarationStatementPtrList statementsInScope =
	sageScopeStatement->getDeclarationList ();
      SgDeclarationStatementPtrList::iterator i;
      for (i = statementsInScope.begin (); i != statementsInScope.end (); i++)

	  SgLocatedNode *locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode (*i);
	  ROSE_ASSERT (locatedNode != NULL);

	  //find all comments attached to current node.
	  AttachedPreprocessingInfoType *comments =
	    locatedNode->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo ();

	  if(locatedNode->variantT() == V_SgPragmaDeclaration){
       	          SgPragmaDeclaration* sagePragmaDeclaration = isSgPragmaDeclaration(locatedNode);
	          ROSE_ASSERT( sagePragmaDeclaration );
	          ROSE_ASSERT( sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma() != NULL ); 
                  string pragmaDeclarationString =  sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma()->get_pragma();
                  //extract the part before the leftmost = is pragmaDeclarationString
	          pragmaDeclarationString = pragmaDeclarationString.substr(0,pragmaDeclarationString.find("="));
	          //if the name-criteria is met accept node
	         if(pragmaDeclarationString.find( stringToMatch ) != string::npos ){
	         	cout << pragmaDeclarationString << endl;
                        ControlStructureContainer *container = new ControlStructureContainer ();
                        container->setPragmaString (sagePragmaDeclaration->get_pragma ()->get_pragma ());
                        container->setAssociatedStatement (sagePragmaDeclaration);
                        returnList.push_back (container);
	  if (comments != NULL)
	      //We need to find comments which fits the criteria    
	      printf ("Found attached comments (at %p of type: %s): \n",
		      locatedNode, locatedNode->sage_class_name ());
	      AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator j;
	      for (j = comments->begin (); j != comments->end (); j++)
		  ROSE_ASSERT ((*j) != NULL);
		  string comment = (*j)->getString ();
		  //see if comment begins with stringPrefixToMatch
		  string tempString = comment.substr (0, comment.find (' '));
		  if (tempString == stringPrefixToMatch)
		    {		//+stringPrefixToMatch ){
		      //cout << "Found string" << endl;

		      comment =
			StringUtility::copyEdit (comment, stringPrefixToMatch,

		      //see if the comment has an element which matches the stringToMatch
		      if (comment.find (stringToMatch) != string::npos)
