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C++ SgAsmGenericSection::get_id方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中SgAsmGenericSection::get_id方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ SgAsmGenericSection::get_id方法的具体用法?C++ SgAsmGenericSection::get_id怎么用?C++ SgAsmGenericSection::get_id使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在SgAsmGenericSection的用法示例。



/** Attaches a previously unattached PE Section to the PE Section Table. This method complements
 *  SgAsmPESection::init_from_section_table. This method initializes the section table from the section while
 *  init_from_section_table() initializes the section from the section table. */
SgAsmPESectionTable::add_section(SgAsmPESection *section)
    ROSE_ASSERT(section->get_section_entry()==NULL);            /* must not be in the section table yet */
    SgAsmPEFileHeader *fhdr = dynamic_cast<SgAsmPEFileHeader*>(get_header());
    /* Assign an ID if there isn't one yet. */
    if (section->get_id()<0) {
        SgAsmGenericSectionList *seclist = fhdr->get_sections();;
        int max_id=0; /*assume zero is used so we start at one*/
        for (size_t i=0; i<seclist->get_sections().size(); i++) {
            SgAsmGenericSection *s = seclist->get_sections()[i];

                        max_id = std::max(max_id, s->get_id());

    /* Create a new section table entry. */
    SgAsmPESectionTableEntry *entry = new SgAsmPESectionTableEntry;

示例2: SgAsmStringStorage

/* Creates the storage item for the string at the specified offset. If "shared" is true then attempt to re-use a previous storage
 * object, otherwise create a new one. Each storage object is considered to be a separate string, therefore when two strings
 * share the same storage object, changing one string changes the other. */
SgAsmStringStorage *
SgAsmCoffStrtab::create_storage(rose_addr_t offset, bool shared)
    SgAsmGenericSection *container = get_container();

    /* Has the string already been created? */
    if (shared) {
        for (referenced_t::iterator i=p_storage_list.begin(); i!=p_storage_list.end(); ++i) {
            if ((*i)->get_offset()==offset && (*i)!=p_dont_free)
                return *i;

    /* Read string length byte */
    unsigned char byte;
    container->read_content_local(offset, &byte, 1);
    unsigned len = byte;

    /* Make sure new storage isn't inside some other string. (We don't support nested strings in COFF where the length byte of
     * the nested string is one of the characters of the outer string.) */
    for (referenced_t::iterator i=p_storage_list.begin(); i!=p_storage_list.end(); ++i) {
        ROSE_ASSERT((*i)->get_offset()==SgAsmGenericString::unallocated ||
                    offset + 1 + len <= (*i)->get_offset() ||
                    offset >= 1 + (*i)->get_string().size());

    /* Create storage object */
    char *buf = new char[len];
    container->read_content_local(offset+1, buf, len);
    SgAsmStringStorage *storage = new SgAsmStringStorage(this, std::string(buf, len), offset);
    delete[] buf;

    /* It's a bad idea to free (e.g., modify) strings before we've identified all the strings in the table. Consider
     * the case where two strings have the same value and point to the same offset (i.e., they share storage). If we modify one
     * before we know about the other then (at best) we modify the other one also.
     * The only time we can guarantee this is OK is when the new storage points to the same file location as "dont_free"
     * since the latter is guaranteed to never be freed or shared. This exception is used when creating a new, unallocated
     * string (see SgAsmStoredString(SgAsmGenericStrtab,const std::string&)). */
    if (p_num_freed>0 && (!p_dont_free || offset!=p_dont_free->get_offset())) {
                "SgAsmCoffStrtab::create_storage(%"PRIu64"): %zu other string%s (of %zu created) in [%d] \"%s\""
                " %s been modified and/or reallocated!\n",
                offset, p_num_freed, 1==p_num_freed?"":"s", p_storage_list.size(),
                container->get_id(), container->get_name()->get_string(true).c_str(),

    return storage;

示例3: fprintf

/** Class method that prints info about offsets into known sections */
SgAsmGenericSection::dump_containing_sections(FILE *f, const std::string &prefix, rose_rva_t rva,
                                              const SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList &slist)
    for (size_t i=0; i<slist.size(); i++) {
        SgAsmGenericSection *s = slist[i];
        if (s->is_mapped() && rva>=s->get_mapped_preferred_rva() && rva<s->get_mapped_preferred_rva()+s->get_mapped_size()) {
            rose_addr_t offset = rva - s->get_mapped_preferred_rva();
            fprintf(f, "%-*s   is 0x%08"PRIx64" (%"PRIu64") bytes into section [%d] \"%s\"\n",
                    DUMP_FIELD_WIDTH, prefix.c_str(), offset, offset, s->get_id(), s->get_name()->get_string(true).c_str());

示例4: hp

SgAsmGenericFile::shift_extend(SgAsmGenericSection *s, rose_addr_t sa, rose_addr_t sn, AddressSpace space, Elasticity elasticity)

    const bool debug = false;
    static size_t ncalls=0;
    char p[256];

    if (debug) {
        const char *space_s="unknown";
        if (space & ADDRSP_FILE) {
            space_s = "file";
        } else if (space & ADDRSP_MEMORY) {
            space_s = "memory";
        sprintf(p, "SgAsmGenericFile::shift_extend[%" PRIuPTR "]: ", ncalls++);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s    -- START --\n", p);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s    S = [%d] \"%s\"\n", p, s->get_id(), s->get_name()->get_string(true).c_str());
        fprintf(stderr, "%s    %s Sa=0x%08" PRIx64 " (%" PRIu64 "), Sn=0x%08" PRIx64 " (%" PRIu64 ")\n",
                p, space_s, sa, sa, sn, sn);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s    elasticity = %s\n", p, (ELASTIC_NONE==elasticity ? "none" :
                                                       ELASTIC_UNREF==elasticity ? "unref" :
                                                       ELASTIC_HOLE==elasticity ? "unref+holes" :

    /* No-op case */
    if (0==sa && 0==sn) {
        if (debug) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s    No change necessary.\n", p);
            fprintf(stderr, "%s    -- END --\n", p);

    bool filespace = (space & ADDRSP_FILE)!=0;
    bool memspace = (space & ADDRSP_MEMORY)!=0;
    rose_addr_t align=1, aligned_sa, aligned_sasn;
    SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList neighbors, villagers;
    ExtentMap amap; /* address mappings for all extents */
    Extent sp;

    /* Get a list of all sections that may need to be adjusted. */
    SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList all;
    switch (elasticity) {
      case ELASTIC_NONE:
      case ELASTIC_UNREF:
        all = filespace ? get_sections() : get_mapped_sections();
      case ELASTIC_HOLE:
        all = filespace ? get_sections(false) : get_mapped_sections();
    if (debug) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s    Following sections are in 'all' set:\n", p);
        for (size_t i=0; i<all.size(); i++) {
            Extent ep;
            if (filespace) {
                ep = all[i]->get_file_extent();
            } else {
                ep = all[i]->get_mapped_preferred_extent();
            fprintf(stderr, "%s        0x%08" PRIx64 " 0x%08" PRIx64 " 0x%08" PRIx64 " [%d] \"%s\"\n",
                    p, ep.relaxed_first(), ep.size(), ep.relaxed_first()+ep.size(), all[i]->get_id(),

    for (size_t pass=0; pass<2; pass++) {
        if (debug) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s    -- %s --\n",
                    p, 0==pass?"FIRST PASS":"SECOND PASS (after making a larger hole)");

        /* S offset and size in file or memory address space */
        if (filespace) {
            sp = s->get_file_extent();
        } else if (!memspace || !s->is_mapped()) {
            return; /*nothing to do*/
        } else {
            sp = s->get_mapped_preferred_extent();

        /* Build address map */
        for (size_t i=0; i<all.size(); i++) {
            if (filespace) {
            } else {
        if (debug) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s    Address map:\n", p);
            amap.dump_extents(stderr, (std::string(p)+"        ").c_str(), "amap");
            fprintf(stderr, "%s    Extent of S:\n", p);

示例5: printf

SgAsmGenericSection *
SgAsmGenericFile::get_best_possible_section_by_va(rose_addr_t va)
  // This function is implemented for use in:
  //      "DisassemblerCommon::AsmFileWithData::getSectionOfAddress(uint64_t addr)"
  // It supports a more restrictive selection of valid sections to associate with
  // a given address so that we can avoid disassembly of sections that are not code.

     const std::vector<SgAsmGenericSection*> &possible = get_sections_by_va(va);

     if (0 == possible.size())
          return NULL;
          if (1 == possible.size())
            // printf ("Only one alternative: va = %p possible[0] id = %d name = %s (return %s) \n",
            //      (void*)va,possible[0]->get_id(),possible[0]->get_name().c_str(),(possible[0]->get_id() < 0) ? "NULL" : "it");
            // return possible[0];
               if (possible[0]->get_id() < 0)
                    return NULL;
                    return possible[0];

#if 0
     printf ("Select from %" PRIuPTR " alternatives \n",possible.size());
     for (size_t i = 0; i < possible.size(); i++)
          printf ("   va = %p possible[%" PRIuPTR "] id = %d name = %s \n",(void*)va,i,possible[i]->get_id(),possible[i]->get_name().c_str());

  /* Choose the "best" section to return. */
     SgAsmGenericSection *best = possible[0];
     rose_addr_t fo0 = possible[0]->get_va_offset(va);
     for (size_t i = 1; i < possible.size(); i++)
          if (fo0 != possible[i]->get_va_offset(va))
            return NULL; /* all possible sections must map the VA to the same file offset */

          if (best->get_id() < 0 && possible[i]->get_id() > 0)
               best = possible[i]; /*prefer sections defined in a section or object table*/
               if (best->get_mapped_size() > possible[i]->get_mapped_size())
                    best = possible[i]; /*prefer sections with a smaller mapped size*/
                     if (best->get_name()->get_string().size()==0 && possible[i]->get_name()->get_string().size()>0)
                         best = possible[i]; /*prefer sections having a name*/
                      /* prefer section defined earlier*/


     ROSE_ASSERT(best != NULL);

  // Add a few things that we just don't want to disassemble
     if (best->get_name()->get_string() == "ELF Segment Table")
          return NULL;

  // printf ("   best: va = %p id = %d name = %s \n",(void*)va,best->get_id(),best->get_name().c_str());

     return best;

示例6: fprintf

SgAsmGenericFile::dump(FILE *f) const
    fprintf(f, "Encoding: %s\n", get_data_converter() ? escapeString(get_data_converter()->name()).c_str() : "none");

    SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList sections = get_sections();
    if (sections.size()==0) {
        fprintf(f, "No sections defined for file.\n");

    /* Sort sections by offset (lowest to highest), then size (largest to smallest but zero-sized entries first) */
    for (size_t i = 1; i < sections.size(); i++) {
        for (size_t j=0; j<i; j++) {
            if (sections[j]->get_offset() == sections[i]->get_offset()) {
                rose_addr_t size_i = sections[i]->get_size();
                if (0==size_i) size_i = ~(rose_addr_t)0;
                rose_addr_t size_j = sections[j]->get_size();
                if (0==size_j) size_j = ~(rose_addr_t)0;
                if (size_j < size_i) {
                    SgAsmGenericSection *x = sections[j];
                    sections[j] = sections[i];
                    sections[i] = x;
            } else if (sections[j]->get_offset() > sections[i]->get_offset()) {
                SgAsmGenericSection *x = sections[j];
                sections[j] = sections[i];
                sections[i] = x;

    /* Print results */
    fprintf(f, "File sections:\n");
    fprintf(f, "  Flg File-Addr  File-Size  File-End    Base-VA    Start-RVA  Virt-Size  End-RVA    Perm  ID Name\n");
    fprintf(f, "  --- ---------- ---------- ----------  ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- --- -----------------\n");
    rose_addr_t high_water = 0;
    for (size_t i=0; i<sections.size(); i++) {
        SgAsmGenericSection *section = sections[i];

        /* Does section overlap with any other (before or after)? */
        char overlap[4] = "   "; /* status characters: overlap prior, overlap subsequent, hole */
        for (size_t j=0; overlap[0]==' ' && j<i; j++) {
            if (sections[j]->get_offset()+sections[j]->get_size() > section->get_offset()) {
                overlap[0] = '<';
        for (size_t j=i+1; overlap[1]==' ' && j<sections.size(); j++) {
            if (section->get_offset()+section->get_size() > sections[j]->get_offset()) {
                overlap[1] = '>';

        /* Is there a hole before section[i]? */
        if (high_water < section->get_offset()) {
            overlap[2] = 'H'; /* truly unaccounted region of the file */
        } else if (i>0 && sections[i-1]->get_offset()+sections[i-1]->get_size() < section->get_offset()) {
            overlap[2] = 'h'; /* unaccounted only if overlaps are not allowed */
        high_water = std::max(high_water, section->get_offset() + section->get_size());
        fprintf(f, "  %3s", overlap);

        /* File addresses */
        fprintf(f, "%c0x%08" PRIx64 " 0x%08" PRIx64 " 0x%08" PRIx64,
                section->get_file_alignment()==0 || section->get_offset()%section->get_file_alignment()==0?' ':'!',
                section->get_offset(), section->get_size(), section->get_offset()+section->get_size());

        /* Mapped addresses */
        if (section->is_mapped()) {
            fprintf(f, " %c0x%08" PRIx64 " 0x%08" PRIx64 " 0x%08" PRIx64 " 0x%08" PRIx64,
                    (section->get_mapped_alignment()==0 ||
                     section->get_mapped_preferred_rva()%section->get_mapped_alignment()==0?' ':'!'),
                    section->get_base_va(), section->get_mapped_preferred_rva(), section->get_mapped_size(),
        } else {
            fprintf(f, " %*s", 4*11, "");

        /* Permissions */
        if (section->is_mapped()) {
            fprintf(f, " %c%c%c ",
        } else {
            fputs("     ", f);

        /* Section ID, name */
        if (section->get_id()>=0) {
            fprintf(f, " %3d", section->get_id());
        } else {
            fputs("    ", f);
        fprintf(f, " %s\n", section->get_name()->get_string(true).c_str());

    char overlap[4] = "   ";
    if (high_water < get_current_size()) {
        overlap[2] = 'H';

示例7: trace

/* Maps the sections of a single header. */
BinaryLoader::remap(MemoryMap *map, SgAsmGenericHeader *header)
    SgAsmGenericFile *file = header->get_file();

    Stream trace(mlog[TRACE]);

    trace <<"remapping sections of " <<header->get_file()->get_name() <<"\n";
    SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList sections = get_remap_sections(header);

    rose_addr_t old_base_va = header->get_base_va();
    rose_addr_t new_base_va = rebase(map, header, sections);
    if (new_base_va != old_base_va) {
        trace <<"  temporarily rebasing header from " <<StringUtility::addrToString(old_base_va)
              <<" to " <<StringUtility::addrToString(new_base_va) <<"\n";

    try {
        for (SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList::iterator si=sections.begin(); si!=sections.end(); ++si) {
            SgAsmGenericSection *section = *si;
            section->set_mapped_actual_va(0); /*reset in case previously mapped*/

            if (trace) {
                trace <<"  mapping section [" <<section->get_id() <<"] \"" <<section->get_name()->get_string(true) <<"\"";
                if (section->get_base_va()!=0)
                    trace <<" with base va " <<StringUtility::addrToString(section->get_base_va());
                trace <<"\n";
                trace <<"    Specified RVA:       " <<StringUtility::addrToString(section->get_mapped_preferred_rva())
                      <<" + " <<StringUtility::addrToString(section->get_mapped_size()) <<" bytes"
                      <<" = " <<StringUtility::addrToString(section->get_mapped_preferred_rva()+section->get_mapped_size())
                if (section->get_base_va()!=0) {
                    trace <<"    Specified  VA:       "
                          <<StringUtility::addrToString(section->get_base_va() + section->get_mapped_preferred_rva()) <<" + "
                          <<StringUtility::addrToString(section->get_mapped_size()) <<" bytes = "
                          <<StringUtility::addrToString(section->get_base_va() + section->get_mapped_preferred_rva() +
                                                        section->get_mapped_size()) <<"\n";
                trace <<"    Specified offset:    "
                      <<StringUtility::addrToString(section->get_offset()) <<" + "
                      <<StringUtility::addrToString(section->get_size()) <<" bytes = "
                      <<StringUtility::addrToString(section->get_offset()+section->get_size()) <<"\n";
                trace <<"    Specified alignment: memory=[" <<section->get_mapped_alignment() <<","
                      <<section->get_mapped_alignment() <<"], file=["
                      <<section->get_file_alignment() <<"," <<section->get_file_alignment() <<"]\n";

            /* Figure out alignment, etc. */
            rose_addr_t malign_lo=1, malign_hi=1, va=0, mem_size=0, offset=0, file_size=0, va_offset=0;
            bool anon_lo=true, anon_hi=true, map_private=false;
            ConflictResolution resolve = RESOLVE_THROW;
            MappingContribution contrib = align_values(section, map,                      /* inputs */
                                                       &malign_lo, &malign_hi,            /* alignment outputs */
                                                       &va, &mem_size,                    /* memory location outputs */
                                                       &offset, &file_size, &map_private, /* file location outputs */
                                                       &va_offset, &anon_lo, &anon_hi,    /* internal location outputs */
                                                       &resolve);                         /* conflict resolution output */
            rose_addr_t falign_lo = std::max(section->get_file_alignment(), (rose_addr_t)1);
            rose_addr_t falign_hi = falign_lo;

            if (trace) {
                if (CONTRIBUTE_NONE==contrib || 0==mem_size) {
                    trace <<"    Does not contribute to map\n";
                } else {
                    trace <<"    Adjusted alignment:  memory=["
                          <<malign_lo <<"," <<malign_hi <<"], file=[" <<falign_lo <<"," <<falign_hi <<"]\n";
                    trace <<"    Aligned VA:          "
                          <<StringUtility::addrToString(va) <<" + "
                          <<StringUtility::addrToString(mem_size) <<" bytes = "
                    if (section->get_base_va()+section->get_mapped_preferred_rva()==va &&
                        section->get_mapped_size()==mem_size) {
                        trace <<" (no change)\n";
                    } else {
                        trace <<"\n";
                    if (va < new_base_va) {
                        trace <<"    WARNING: aligned va " <<StringUtility::addrToString(va) <<" is less than "
                              <<(new_base_va==old_base_va?"":"temporary ") <<"base va "
                              <<StringUtility::addrToString(new_base_va) <<"\n";
                    if (CONTRIBUTE_ADD==contrib) {
                        trace <<"    Aligned offset:      " <<StringUtility::addrToString(offset) <<" + "
                              <<StringUtility::addrToString(file_size) <<" bytes = "
                              <<(section->get_offset()==offset && section->get_size()==file_size ? " (no change)\n" : "\n");
                        trace <<"    Permissions:         "
                              <<(section->get_mapped_xperm()?'x':'-') <<"\n";
                        trace <<"    Internal offset:     " <<StringUtility::addrToString(va_offset)
                              <<" (va " <<StringUtility::addrToString(va+va_offset) <<")\n";

            /* Sanity checks */

示例8: sprintf

/* Print some debugging info */
SgAsmGenericHeader::dump(FILE *f, const char *prefix, ssize_t idx) const
    char p[4096];
    if (idx>=0) {
        sprintf(p, "%sHeader[%zd].", prefix, idx);
    } else {
        sprintf(p, "%sHeader.", prefix);
    const int w = std::max(1, DUMP_FIELD_WIDTH-(int)strlen(p));

    SgAsmGenericSection::dump(f, p, -1);

    ROSE_ASSERT(p_exec_format != NULL);
    p_exec_format->dump(f, p, -1);

    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%x (%s)\n", p, w, "ins_arch",
            p_isa, stringifySgAsmExecutableFileFormatInsSetArchitecture(p_isa).c_str());

    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = \"", p, w, "magic");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < p_magic.size(); i++) {
        switch (p_magic[i]) {
          case '\\': fputs("\\\\", f); break;
          case '\n': fputs("\\n", f); break;
          case '\r': fputs("\\r", f); break;
          case '\t': fputs("\\t", f); break;
            if (isprint(p_magic[i])) {
                fputc(p_magic[i], f);
            } else {
                fprintf(f, "\\%03o", (unsigned)p_magic[i]);
    fputs("\"\n", f);

    /* Base virtual address and entry addresses */
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08" PRIx64" (%" PRIu64")\n", p, w, "base_va", get_base_va(), get_base_va());
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %" PRIuPTR " entry points\n", p, w, "entry_rva.size", p_entry_rvas.size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < p_entry_rvas.size(); i++) {
        char label[64];
        sprintf(label, "entry_rva[%" PRIuPTR "]", i);
        rose_addr_t entry_rva = p_entry_rvas[i].get_rva();
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08" PRIx64 " (%" PRIu64 ")\n", p, w, label, entry_rva, entry_rva);
        SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList sections = get_file()->get_sections();
        dump_containing_sections(f, std::string(p)+label, entry_rva, sections);

    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %" PRIuPTR " sections\n", p, w, "section", p_sections->get_sections().size());
    for (size_t i=0; i<p_sections->get_sections().size(); i++) {
        SgAsmGenericSection *section = p_sections->get_sections()[i];
        char label[1024];
        sprintf(label, "section[%" PRIuPTR "]", i);
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = [%d] \"%s\"\n", p, w, label, section->get_id(), section->get_name()->get_string(true).c_str());
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %" PRIuPTR " entries\n", p, w, "DLL.size", p_dlls->get_dlls().size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < p_dlls->get_dlls().size(); i++)
        p_dlls->get_dlls()[i]->dump(f, p, i);
