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C++ Real类代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Real的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Real类的具体用法?C++ Real怎么用?C++ Real使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: Greater

TValBool Real::Greater ( const Real & cv ) const
	// if both are undefined:
	if ( IsUndefined() && cv.IsUndefined() )
		return TValBool::tfalse;

	// if only one is undefined:
	else if ( IsUndefined() || cv.IsUndefined() )
		return TValBool::tundef;

	// else they are real numbers.
	return rvalue > cv.value();

示例2: return

bool Integer::operator>(Numeric* c)const{
  Integer* entier = dynamic_cast<Integer*>(c);
    Real* reel = dynamic_cast<Real*>(c);
    if (reel == NULL){
      Rational* rationnel = dynamic_cast<Rational*>(c);
      if (rationnel == NULL)
        return false;
      return ((double)_value > rationnel->toDouble());
    return ((double)_value > reel->getValue());
  return (_value > entier->getValue());

示例3: lMSB

void SqrtRep::computeApproxValue(const extLong& relPrec,
                                 const extLong& absPrec) {
  extLong r = relPrec + relPrec + EXTLONG_EIGHT; // chenli: ???
  extLong a = absPrec + absPrec + EXTLONG_EIGHT;
  extLong pr = - lMSB() + r;
  extLong p  = pr < a ? pr : a;

  Real val = child->getAppValue(r, a);
  if (incrementalEvalFlag) {
    if (appValue() == CORE_REAL_ZERO)
      appValue() = val;
    appValue() = val.sqrt(p, appValue().BigFloatValue());
  } else
    appValue() = val.sqrt(p);

示例4: if

TValBool Real::Equal ( const Real & cv ) const
	// if both are undefined then are equals.
	if ( IsUndefined() && cv.IsUndefined() )
		return TValBool::ttrue;

	// if only one is undefined:
	else if ( IsUndefined() || cv.IsUndefined() )
		return TValBool::tundef;

	// else they are real numbers.
	return (rvalue >= cv.value() - RealPrecision::Tol.precision()  &&
		rvalue <= cv.value() + RealPrecision::Tol.precision() ) ?
		TValBool::ttrue : TValBool::tfalse;

示例5: computeExactFlags_temp

void computeExactFlags_temp(ConstRep* t, const Real &value) {
  // Chen Li: the following is incorrect:
  //    uMSB = lMSB = value.MSB();
  // because the value could be a BigFloat which is an interval.
  if (value.isExact()) {
    t->uMSB() = t->lMSB() = value.MSB();
  } else {
    t->uMSB() = value.uMSB();
    t->lMSB() = value.lMSB();
    core_error("Leaves in DAG is not exact!", __FILE__, __LINE__, true);

  t->sign() = value.sign();
  // t->length() = value.length();
  t->measure() = value.height(); // for rationals and integers,
  // measure = height.

  // BFMSS[2,5] bound.
  value.ULV_E(t->u25(), t->l25(), t->v2p(), t->v2m(), t->v5p(), t->v5m());

  // The original BFMSS parameters can be set from the BFMSS[2,5] parameters.
  // Here we just need them locally.
  extLong u_e = t->u25() + t->v2p() + ceilLg5(t->v5p());
  extLong l_e = t->l25() + t->v2m() + ceilLg5(t->v5m());

  // To go back to the original BFMSS :
  t->u25() = u_e;
  t->l25() = l_e;
  t->v2p() = t->v2m() = t->v5p() = t->v5m() = EXTLONG_ZERO;
#elif defined BFMSS_2_ONLY
  // To go back to BFMSS[2] only :
  t->u25() = t->u25() + ceilLg5(t->v5p());
  t->l25() = t->l25() + ceilLg5(t->v5m());
  t->v5p() = t->v5m() = EXTLONG_ZERO;

  if (l_e == EXTLONG_ZERO) {           // no divisions introduced
    t->high() = u_e;
    t->low() = EXTLONG_ONE - u_e; // - (u_e - 1)
  } else {
    t->high() = u_e - l_e + EXTLONG_ONE;
    t->low() = EXTLONG_TWO - t->high();

  t->lc() = l_e;
  t->tc() = u_e;

  // set BigRat value
  if (rationalReduceFlag) {
    t->ratFlag() = 1;
    t->ratValue() = new BigRat(value.BigRatValue());

  t->flagsComputed() = true;

示例6: if

void Complex::mul(Object *b)
     if(b->getType() == "Complex")
         Complex *c = (Complex *)b; 
         this->real = (this->real)*(c->getValue1())-(this->imag)*(c->getValue2());
         this->imag = (this->real)*(c->getValue2())+(this->imag)*(c->getValue1()); 
     else if(b->getType() == "Real") 
          Real *c = (Real *)b;
          this->real *= c->getValue(); 
          this->imag *= c->getValue(); 
     else if(b->getType() == "Rational")
          Real *c = (Real *)new Real(0.0);//这种垃圾如何回收? 
          Rational *d = (Rational *)b; 
          this->mul(c); //递归 
          delete c;          //这里回收挖~ 
     else if(b->getType() == "Integer")
          Rational *c = (Rational *)new Rational(0,1);
          Integer *d = (Integer *)b;
          this->mul(c);  //递归 
          delete c; 
         cerr << "Error calcution"  << endl; 

示例7: main

int main() {
	int n, m, w;
	Real ans;

	scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &m, &w);
	for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
		scanf("%d", &com[i].w);
	for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
		scanf("%d", &com[i].c);
	for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
		scanf("%d", &com[i].a);
	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
		ans += gao(m, w, com);
		for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
			com[j].c -= com[j].a;

	return 0;

示例8: epsilon

 inline static Real epsilon()
   Real r;
   return r;

示例9: if

/** Viterbi search to find the best probable output sequence.
vector<size_t> LinearChain::viterbi(Real &node, Real &edge, bool standard) {
	/** Initializing.
	vector<vector<size_t> > psi;
    vector<vector<long double> > delta;
	size_t prev_max_j = defaultY_;
	long double prev_maxj = -100000.0;
    size_t i, j, k;
    size_t m_example_size = node.size() / sizeY_;

	/** Setting the omega.
	double omega;
	if (option_.inferenceType_ == ZEROOUT)
		omega = 1.0;
	else if (option_.inferenceType_ == TP1 || option_.inferenceType_ == ZERO1)
		omega = remainWeight_[0];
		omega = 0.0;
	if (standard)
		omega = 0.0;
	/** Recursion.
    for (i = 0; i < m_example_size-1; i++) {
        vector<size_t> psi_i;
        vector<long double> delta_i;

		long double maxj = -10000.0;
		size_t max_j = 0;

        for (j = 0; j < sizeY_; j++) {
            long double max = -10000.0;
            size_t max_k = 0;
            if (i == 0) {
                max = 1.0; //m_M[MAT3(i,defaultY_,j)];
                max_k = defaultY_;
            } else {
                vector<size_t>::iterator it, end_it;
            	if (option_.inferenceType_ == SFB) {
					 it = param_.activeSet2_[i-1].begin();
					 end_it = param_.activeSet2_[i-1].end();
            	} else {
					 it = param_.activeSet_[j].begin();
					 end_it = param_.activeSet_[j].end();
            	if (option_.inferenceType_ == TP2 || option_.inferenceType_ == ZERO2)
                	omega = remainWeight_[j];
                if (standard) {
                	it = param_.allState_.begin();
                	end_it = param_.allState_.end();                
                	omega = 0.0;
				for ( ; it != end_it; ++it) {
					double val = delta[i-1][*it] * edge[MAT2(*it,j)];
	                if (val > max) {
	                    max = val;
	                    max_k = *it;
				// See [Siddiqi and Moore, 2005, ICML]
				if (max < prev_maxj * omega) {
					max = prev_maxj * omega;
					max_k = prev_max_j;
            } ///< for j
			max = max * node[MAT2(i, j)]; // / m_AlphaScale[i];

			if (max > maxj) {
				maxj = max;
				max_j = j;
        } // for j


		prev_max_j = max_j;
		prev_maxj = maxj;
    } // for i

	/** Last state.
	vector<size_t> psi_i(sizeY_, 0);
	vector<long double> delta_i(sizeY_, -10000.0);
	long double max = -10000.0;
	size_t max_k = 0;
	for (size_t k=0; k < sizeY_; k++) {
		double val = delta[m_example_size-2][k]; 
		if (val > max) {


inline Real
operator/(Real const& a, Real const& b)
  return a.impl() / b.impl();

示例11: while

void Scanner::getNumber(char *str, char *token_ptr)
     Write some code to Extract the number and convert it to a literal number.
    char ch = *line_ptr;
    bool int_type = true;
        *(token_ptr++) = ch;
        ch = *(++line_ptr);
    while (char_table[ch] == DIGIT);
    if (ch == '.')
        //Then we might have a dot or dotdot
        ch = *(++line_ptr);
        if (ch == '.')
            //We have a dotdot, back up ptr and our number is an int.
            int_type = true;
            int_type = false;
            *(token_ptr++) = '.';
            //We have a floating point number
                *(token_ptr++) = ch;
                ch = *(line_ptr++);
            while (char_table[ch] == DIGIT);
    if (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E')
        int_type = false;
        *(token_ptr++) = ch;
        ch = *(++line_ptr);
        if (ch == '+' || ch == '-')
            *(token_ptr++) = ch;
            ch = *(++line_ptr);
            *(token_ptr++) = ch;
            ch = *(++line_ptr);
        while (char_table[ch] == DIGIT);
    *token_ptr = '\0';
    if (int_type)
        Integer* integer = new Integer();
        new_token = integer;
        Real* real = new Real();
        new_token = real;

示例12: dummy_precision

 inline static Real dummy_precision()
   Real r;
   return r;

示例13: Excep

/*** Evaluate this object ***/
Object* SpecialFunction::evaluate()
	if(args.size() == 0)
		throw Excep(getLineNumber(), getColumnNumber(), "Expected argument to special function!");

	std::auto_ptr<Object> arg1(args.at(0)->evaluate());

	if(id == SPF_INDEX)
		if(args.size() != 2)
			throw Excep(getLineNumber(), getColumnNumber(), "Invalid number of arguments passed to special function!");

		std::auto_ptr<Object> arg2(args.at(1)->evaluate());

		if(arg2->getType() == OBJ_TEXT)
			if(arg1->getType() != OBJ_TEXT)
				throw InvalidTypeException(getLineNumber(), getColumnNumber(), OBJ_TEXT, arg1->getType(), 1);

			Text* cast1 = static_cast<Text*>(arg1.get());
			Text* cast2 = static_cast<Text*>(arg2.get());

			size_t index = cast2->getValue().find(cast1->getValue());

			if(index != std::string::npos)
				return new Integer(index + 1);

			return new Integer(0);

		if(arg2->getType() == OBJ_SEQUENCE)
				Sequence* cast = dynamic_cast<Sequence*>(arg2.get());

				for(unsigned int i = 0; i < cast->getLength(); i++)
					std::auto_ptr<Logical> eqOp(static_cast<Logical*>(Equal(arg1->clone(), cast->getObject(i)->clone()).evaluate()));
					if(eqOp->getValue() == true)
						return new Integer(i + 1);

				return new Integer(0);

		throw InvalidTypeException(getLineNumber(), getColumnNumber(), OBJ_TEXT | OBJ_SEQUENCE, arg2->getType(), 2);

	if(args.size() > 1)
		throw Excep(getLineNumber(), getColumnNumber(), "Invalid number of arguments passed to special function!");

	if(id == SPF_ABS)
		if(arg1->getType() == OBJ_INTEGER)
			Integer* cast = static_cast<Integer*>(arg1.get());
			if(cast->getValue() < 0)
				return new Integer(-cast->getValue());
			return new Integer(cast->getValue());

		if(arg1->getType() == OBJ_REAL)
			Real* cast = static_cast<Real*>(arg1.get());
			if(cast->getValue() < 0)
				return new Real(-cast->getValue());
			return new Real(cast->getValue());

		throw InvalidTypeException(getLineNumber(), getColumnNumber(), OBJ_INTEGER | OBJ_REAL, arg1->getType(), 1);

	if(id == SPF_SIGN)
		if(arg1->getType() == OBJ_INTEGER)
			Integer* cast = static_cast<Integer*>(arg1.get());
			if(cast->getValue() < 0)
				return new Integer(-1);
			if(cast->getValue() > 0)
				return new Integer(1);
			return new Integer(0);

		if(arg1->getType() == OBJ_REAL)
			Real* cast = static_cast<Real*>(arg1.get());
			if(cast->getValue() < 0)
				return new Integer(-1);
			if(cast->getValue() > 0)
				return new Integer(1);
			return new Integer(0);

		throw InvalidTypeException(getLineNumber(), getColumnNumber(), OBJ_INTEGER | OBJ_REAL, arg1->getType(), 1);

	if(id == SPF_SQRT)
		if(arg1->getType() == OBJ_INTEGER)

示例14: float

//  Update  input, info
bool App::frameRenderingQueued(const FrameEvent& evt)
	if (!BaseApp::frameRenderingQueued(evt))
		return false;

	//  pos on minimap *
	if (ndPos)
	{	Real w = scn->sc->td.fTerWorldSize;
		Real x = (0.5 - mCamera->getPosition().z / w);
		Real y = (0.5 + mCamera->getPosition().x / w);
		ndPos->setPosition(xm1+(xm2-xm1)*x, ym1+(ym2-ym1)*y, 0);
		float angrot = mCamera->getOrientation().getYaw().valueDegrees();
		float psx = 0.9f * pSet->size_minimap, psy = psx*asp;  // *par len

		const static float d2r = PI_d/180.f;
		static float px[4],py[4];
		for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
			float ia = 135.f + float(i)*90.f;
			float p = -(angrot + ia) * d2r;
			px[i] = psx*cosf(p);  py[i] =-psy*sinf(p);
		if (mpos)  {	mpos->beginUpdate(0);
			mpos->position(px[0],py[0], 0);  mpos->textureCoord(0, 1);	mpos->position(px[1],py[1], 0);  mpos->textureCoord(1, 1);
			mpos->position(px[3],py[3], 0);  mpos->textureCoord(0, 0);	mpos->position(px[2],py[2], 0);  mpos->textureCoord(1, 0);
			mpos->end();  }
	//  status overlay
	if (fStFade > 0.f)
	{	fStFade -= evt.timeSinceLastFrame;
		//Real a = std::min(1.0f, fStFade*0.9f);
		//ColourValue cv(0.0,0.5,a, a );
		//ovStat->setColour(cv);	ovSt->setColour(cv);
		if (fStFade <= 0.f)
		{	ovSt->hide();	ovSt->setMaterialName("");  }

	#define isKey(a)  mInputWrapper->isKeyDown(SDL_SCANCODE_##a)
	const Real q = (shift ? 0.05 : ctrl ? 4.0 :1.0) * 20 * evt.timeSinceLastFrame;

	// key,mb info  ==================
	if (pSet->inputBar)
		// TODO: This is definitely not bullet-proof.
		const int Kmax = SDL_SCANCODE_SLEEP;  // last key
		static float tkey[Kmax+1] = {0.f,};  // key delay time
		int i;
		static bool first=true;
		if (first)
		{	first=false;
			for (i=Kmax; i > 0; --i)  tkey[i] = 0.f;
		String ss = "";
		//  pressed
		for (i=Kmax; i > 0; --i)
			if  (mInputWrapper->isKeyDown(SDL_Scancode(i)))
				tkey[i] = 0.2f;  // min time to display

		//  modif
		const static int

		if (tkey[lc] > 0.f || tkey[rc] > 0.f)	ss += "Ctrl ";
		if (tkey[la] > 0.f || tkey[ra] > 0.f)	ss += "Alt ";
		if (tkey[ls] > 0.f || tkey[rs] > 0.f)	ss += "Shift ";

		//  mouse buttons
		if (mbLeft)  ss += "LMB ";
		if (mbRight)  ss += "RMB ";
		if (mbMiddle)  ss += "MMB ";

		//  all
		for (i=Kmax; i > 0; --i)
			if (tkey[i] > 0.f)
			{	tkey[i] -= evt.timeSinceLastFrame;  //dec time
				if (i!=lc && i!=la && i!=ls && i!=rc && i!=ra && i!=rs)
					String s = String(SDL_GetKeyName(SDL_GetKeyFromScancode(static_cast<SDL_Scancode>(i))));
					ss += s + " ";
		}	}
		//  mouse wheel
		static int mzd = 0;
		if (mz > 0)  mzd = 30;
		if (mz < 0)  mzd = -30;
		if (mzd > 0)  {  ss += "Wheel up";  --mzd;  }
		if (mzd < 0)  {  ss += "Wheel dn";  ++mzd;  }


示例15: while

Token* Scanner::getNumber(char *str, char *token_ptr)
     Write some code to Extract the number and convert it to a literal number.
    char ch = *line_ptr;
    bool int_type = true;
        *(token_ptr++) = ch;
        ch = *(++line_ptr);
    while (char_table[ch] == DIGIT);
    if (ch == '.')
        //Then we might have a dot or dotdot
        ch = *(++line_ptr);
        if (ch == '.')
            //We have a dotdot, back up ptr and our number is an int.
            int_type = true;
            int_type = false;
            *(token_ptr++) = '.';
            //We have a floating point number
                *(token_ptr++) = ch;
                ch = *(line_ptr++);
            while (char_table[ch] == DIGIT);
    if (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E')
        int_type = false;
        *(token_ptr++) = ch;
        ch = *(++line_ptr);
        if (ch == '+' || ch == '-')
            *(token_ptr++) = ch;
            ch = *(++line_ptr);
            *(token_ptr++) = ch;
            ch = *(++line_ptr);
        while (char_table[ch] == DIGIT);
    *token_ptr = '\0';
    if (int_type)
        //tok->setLiteral((int)atoi(str));	//old remove
		Integer* tok = new Integer((int)atoi(str));
		return tok;
        //tok->setType(INTEGER_LIT);	//old remove
        //tok->setLiteral((float)atof(str));	//old remove
		Real* tok = new Real((float)atof(str));
		return tok;
        //tok->setType(REAL_LIT);	//old remove
