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C++ BaseObject::getMaster方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中BaseObject::getMaster方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ BaseObject::getMaster方法的具体用法?C++ BaseObject::getMaster怎么用?C++ BaseObject::getMaster使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在BaseObject的用法示例。


示例1: CreateStringPath

std::string BaseLink::CreateStringPath(Base* dest, Base* from)
    if (!dest || dest == from) return std::string("[]");
    BaseObject* o = dest->toBaseObject();
    BaseObject* f = from->toBaseObject();
    BaseContext* ctx = from->toBaseContext();
    if (!ctx && f) ctx = f->getContext();
    if (o)
        std::string objectPath = o->getName();
        BaseObject* master = o->getMaster();
        while (master)
            objectPath = master->getName() + std::string("/") + objectPath;
            master = master->getMaster();
        BaseNode* n = o->getContext()->toBaseNode();
        if (f && o->getContext() == ctx)
            return objectPath;
        else if (n)
            return n->getPathName() + std::string("/") + objectPath; // TODO: compute relative path
            return objectPath; // we could not determine destination path, specifying simply its name might be enough to find it back
    else // dest is a context
        if (f && ctx == dest)
            return std::string("./");
        BaseNode* n = dest->toBaseNode();
        if (n) return n->getPathName(); // TODO: compute relative path
        else return dest->getName(); // we could not determine destination path, specifying simply its name might be enough to find it back

示例2: findLinkDestClass

void* Node::findLinkDestClass(const core::objectmodel::BaseClass* destType, const std::string& path, const core::objectmodel::BaseLink* link)
    std::string pathStr;
    if (link)
        if (!link->parseString(path,&pathStr))
            return NULL;
        if (!BaseLink::ParseString(path,&pathStr,NULL,this))
            return NULL;
    std::cout << "LINK: Looking for " << destType->className << "<" << destType->templateName << "> " << pathStr << " from Node " << getName() << std::endl;
    std::size_t ppos = 0;
    std::size_t psize = pathStr.size();
    if (ppos == psize || (ppos == psize-2 && pathStr[ppos] == '[' && pathStr[ppos+1] == ']')) // self-reference
        std::cout << "  self-reference link." << std::endl;
        if (!link || !link->getOwnerBase()) return destType->dynamicCast(this);
        return destType->dynamicCast(link->getOwnerBase());
    Node* node = this;
    BaseObject* master = NULL;
    bool based = false;
    if (ppos < psize && pathStr[ppos] == '[') // relative index in the list of objects
        if (pathStr[psize-1] != ']')
            serr << "Invalid index-based path \"" << path << "\"" << sendl;
            return NULL;
        int index = atoi(pathStr.c_str()+ppos+1);
        std::cout << "  index-based path to " << index << std::endl;
        ObjectReverseIterator it = object.rbegin();
        ObjectReverseIterator itend = object.rend();
        if (link && link->getOwnerBase())
            // index from last
            Base* b = link->getOwnerBase();
            while (it != itend && *it != b)
        while (it != itend && index < 0)
        if (it == itend)
            return NULL;
        std::cout << "  found " << it->get()->getTypeName() << " " << it->get()->getName() << "." << std::endl;
        return destType->dynamicCast(it->get());
    else if (ppos < psize && pathStr[ppos] == '/') // absolute path
        std::cout << "  absolute path" << std::endl;
        node = dynamic_cast<Node*>(this->getRoot());
        if (!node) return NULL;
        based = true;
    while(ppos < psize)
        if ((ppos+1 < psize && pathStr.substr(ppos,2) == "./")
                || pathStr.substr(ppos) == ".")
            // this must be this node
            std::cout << "  to current node" << std::endl;
            ppos += 2;
            based = true;
        else if ((ppos+2 < psize && pathStr.substr(ppos,3) == "../") // relative
                 || pathStr.substr(ppos) == "..")
            ppos += 3;
            if (master)
                master = master->getMaster();
                std::cout << "  to master object " << master->getName() << std::endl;
                Parents parents = node->getParents();
                if (parents.empty()) return NULL;
                node = dynamic_cast<Node*>(parents[0]); // TODO: explore other parents
                if (!node) return NULL;
