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C++ smatch函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中smatch函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ smatch函数的具体用法?C++ smatch怎么用?C++ smatch使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: matchRow

static bool matchRow(MdbCol *col, cchar *existing, int op, cchar *value)
    if (value == 0 || *value == '\0') {
        return 0;
    //  MOB - must ensure database NEVER has a null
    switch (op) {
    case OP_EQ:
        if (smatch(existing, value)) {
            return 1;
    case OP_NEQ:
        if (!smatch(existing, value)) {
            return 1;
#if MOB && TODO
    case OP_LT:
    case OP_GT:
    case OP_LTE:
    case OP_GTE:
    return 0;

示例2: sclone

PUBLIC HttpUri *httpCloneUri(HttpUri *base, int flags)
    HttpUri     *up;
    char        *path, *cp, *tok;

    if ((up = mprAllocObj(HttpUri, manageUri)) == 0) {
        up->valid = 0;
        return 0;
    if (!base || !base->valid) {
        up->valid = 0;
        return up;
    if (base->scheme) {
        up->scheme = sclone(base->scheme);
    } else if (flags & HTTP_COMPLETE_URI) {
        up->scheme = sclone("http");
    up->secure = (smatch(up->scheme, "https") || smatch(up->scheme, "wss"));
    up->webSockets = (smatch(up->scheme, "ws") || smatch(up->scheme, "wss"));
    if (base->host) {
        up->host = sclone(base->host);
    } else if (flags & HTTP_COMPLETE_URI) {
        up->host = sclone("localhost");
    if (base->port) {
        up->port = base->port;
    } else if (flags & HTTP_COMPLETE_URI) {
        up->port = up->secure ? 443 : 80;
    path = base->path;
    if (path) {
        while (path[0] == '/' && path[1] == '/') {
        up->path = sclone(path);
        if (up->path == 0 || *up->path == '\0') {
            up->path = sclone("/");
    if (base->reference) {
        up->reference = sclone(base->reference);
    if (base->query) {
        up->query = sclone(base->query);
    if (up->path && (tok = srchr(up->path, '.')) != 0) {
        if ((cp = srchr(up->path, '/')) != 0) {
            if (cp <= tok) {
                up->ext = sclone(&tok[1]);
        } else {
            up->ext = sclone(&tok[1]);
    up->valid = 1;
    return up;

示例3: websVerifyPassword

PUBLIC bool websVerifyPassword(Webs *wp)
    char      passbuf[BIT_LIMIT_PASSWORD * 3 + 3];
    bool        success;

    if (!wp->encoded) {
        fmt(passbuf, sizeof(passbuf), "%s:%s:%s", wp->username, BIT_REALM, wp->password);
        wp->password = websMD5(passbuf);
        wp->encoded = 1;
    if (!wp->user && (wp->user = websLookupUser(wp->username)) == 0) {
        trace(5, "verifyUser: Unknown user \"%s\"", wp->username);
        return 0;
        Verify the password
    if (wp->digest) {
        success = smatch(wp->password, wp->digest);
    } else {
        success = smatch(wp->password, wp->user->password);
    if (success) {
        trace(5, "User \"%s\" authenticated", wp->username);
    } else {
        trace(5, "Password for user \"%s\" failed to authenticate", wp->username);
    return success;

示例4: websSetRouteAuth

PUBLIC int websSetRouteAuth(WebsRoute *route, char *auth)
    WebsParseAuth parseAuth;
    WebsAskLogin  askLogin;

    assure(auth && *auth);

    askLogin = 0;
    parseAuth = 0;
    if (smatch(auth, "basic")) {
        askLogin = basicLogin;
        parseAuth = parseBasicDetails;
    } else if (smatch(auth, "digest")) {
        askLogin = digestLogin;
        parseAuth = parseDigestDetails;
    } else {
        auth = 0;
    route->authType = sclone(auth);
    route->askLogin = askLogin;
    route->parseAuth = parseAuth;
    return 0;

示例5: espScript

PUBLIC void espScript(HttpConn *conn, cchar *uri, cchar *optionString)
    MprHash     *options;
    cchar       *indent, *newline, *path;
    EspScript   *sp;
    EspRoute    *eroute;
    bool        minified;
    eroute = conn->rx->route->eroute;
    options = httpGetOptions(optionString);
    if (uri) {
        espRender(conn, "<script src='%s' type='text/javascript'></script>", httpUri(conn, uri));
    } else {
        minified = smatch(httpGetOption(options, "minified", 0), "true");
        indent = "";
        for (sp = defaultScripts; sp->name; sp++) {
            if (sp->option && !smatch(httpGetOption(options, sp->option, "false"), "true")) {
            if (sp->flags & SCRIPT_IE) {
                espRender(conn, "%s<!-- [if lt IE 9]>\n", indent);
            path = sjoin("~/", mprGetPathBase(eroute->clientDir), sp->name, minified ? ".min.js" : ".js", NULL);
            uri = httpUri(conn, path);
            newline = sp[1].name ? "\r\n" :  "";
            espRender(conn, "%s<script src='%s' type='text/javascript'></script>%s", indent, uri, newline);
            if (sp->flags & SCRIPT_IE) {
                espRender(conn, "%s<![endif]-->\n", indent);
            indent = "    ";

示例6: tabs

    tabs(makeGrid("[{ name: 'Status', uri: 'pane-1' }, { name: 'Edit', uri: 'pane-2' }]"))

PUBLIC void espTabs(HttpConn *conn, EdiGrid *grid, cchar *optionString)
    MprHash     *options;
    EdiRec      *rec;
    cchar       *attr, *uri, *name, *klass;
    int         r, toggle;

    options = httpGetOptions(optionString);
    httpInsertOption(options, "class", ESTYLE("tabs"));

    attr = httpGetOption(options, "toggle", EDATA("click"));
    if ((toggle = smatch(attr, "true")) != 0) {
        attr = EDATA("toggle");
    espRender(conn, "<div%s>\r\n    <ul>\r\n", map(conn, options));
    for (r = 0; r < grid->nrecords; r++) {
        rec = grid->records[r];
        name = ediGetFieldValue(rec, "name");
        uri = ediGetFieldValue(rec, "uri");
        uri = toggle ? uri : httpUri(conn, uri);
        if ((r == 0 && toggle) || smatch(uri, conn->rx->pathInfo)) {
            klass = smatch(uri, conn->rx->pathInfo) ? " class='esp-selected'" : "";
        } else {
            klass = "";
        espRender(conn, "          <li %s='%s'%s>%s</li>\r\n", attr, uri, klass, name);
    espRender(conn, "        </ul>\r\n    </div>\r\n");

示例7: httpGetCredentials

    Get the username and password credentials. If using an in-protocol auth scheme like basic|digest, the
    rx->authDetails will contain the credentials and the parseAuth callback will be invoked to parse.
    Otherwise, it is expected that "username" and "password" fields are present in the request parameters.

    This is called by authCondition which thereafter calls httpLogin
PUBLIC bool httpGetCredentials(HttpConn *conn, cchar **username, cchar **password)
    HttpAuth    *auth;

    *username = *password = NULL;

    auth = conn->rx->route->auth;
    if (!auth || !auth->type) {
        return 0;
    if (auth->type) {
        if (conn->authType && !smatch(conn->authType, auth->type->name)) {
            if (!(smatch(auth->type->name, "form") && conn->rx->flags & HTTP_POST)) {
                /* If a posted form authentication, ignore any basic|digest details in request */
                return 0;
        if (auth->type->parseAuth && (auth->type->parseAuth)(conn, username, password) < 0) {
            return 0;
    } else {
        *username = httpGetParam(conn, "username", 0);
        *password = httpGetParam(conn, "password", 0);
    return 1;

示例8: websVerifyPasswordFromFile

PUBLIC bool websVerifyPasswordFromFile(Webs *wp)
    char    passbuf[ME_GOAHEAD_LIMIT_PASSWORD * 3 + 3];
    bool    success;

    if (!wp->user && (wp->user = websLookupUser(wp->username)) == 0) {
        trace(5, "verifyUser: Unknown user \"%s\"", wp->username);
        return 0;
        Verify the password. If using Digest auth, we compare the digest of the password.
        Otherwise we encode the plain-text password and compare that
    if (!wp->encoded) {
        fmt(passbuf, sizeof(passbuf), "%s:%s:%s", wp->username, ME_GOAHEAD_REALM, wp->password);
        wp->password = websMD5(passbuf);
        wp->encoded = 1;
    if (wp->digest) {
        success = smatch(wp->password, wp->digest);
    } else {
        success = smatch(wp->password, wp->user->password);
    if (success) {
        trace(5, "User \"%s\" authenticated", wp->username);
    } else {
        trace(5, "Password for user \"%s\" failed to authenticate", wp->username);
    return success;

示例9: getPort

static int getPort(HttpUri *uri)
    if (uri->port) {
        return uri->port;
    return (uri->scheme && (smatch(uri->scheme, "https") || smatch(uri->scheme, "wss"))) ? 443 : 80;

示例10: websOpenAuth

PUBLIC int websOpenAuth(int minimal)
    char    sbuf[64];
    assert(minimal == 0 || minimal == 1);

    if ((users = hashCreate(-1)) < 0) {
        return -1;
    if ((roles = hashCreate(-1)) < 0) {
        return -1;
    if (!minimal) {
        fmt(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), "%x:%x", rand(), OSTimeGet());
        secret = websMD5(sbuf);
        websJsDefine("can", jsCan);
        websDefineAction("login", loginServiceProc);
        websDefineAction("logout", logoutServiceProc);
    if (smatch(ME_GOAHEAD_AUTH_STORE, "file")) {
        verifyPassword = websVerifyPasswordFromFile;
    } else if (smatch(ME_GOAHEAD_AUTH_STORE, "pam")) {
        verifyPassword = websVerifyPasswordFromPam;
    return 0;

示例11: setClientHeaders

    Define headers and create an empty header packet that will be filled later by the pipeline.
static int setClientHeaders(HttpConn *conn)
    HttpAuthType    *authType;


    if (smatch(conn->protocol, "HTTP/1.0")) {
        conn->http10 = 1;
    if (conn->authType && (authType = httpLookupAuthType(conn->authType)) != 0) {
        conn->setCredentials = 1;
    if (conn->port != 80) {
        httpAddHeader(conn, "Host", "%s:%d", conn->ip, conn->port);
    } else {
        httpAddHeaderString(conn, "Host", conn->ip);
    if (conn->http10 && !smatch(conn->tx->method, "GET")) {
        conn->keepAliveCount = 0;
    if (conn->keepAliveCount > 0) {
        httpSetHeaderString(conn, "Connection", "Keep-Alive");
    } else {
        httpSetHeaderString(conn, "Connection", "close");
    return 0;

示例12: sfmt

static char *getModuleEntry(EspRoute *eroute, cchar *kind, cchar *source, cchar *cacheName)
    char    *cp, *entry;

    if (smatch(kind, "view")) {
        entry = sfmt("esp_%s", cacheName);

    } else if (smatch(kind, "app")) {
        if (eroute->combine) {
            entry = sfmt("esp_%s_%s_combine", kind, eroute->appName);
        } else {
            entry = sfmt("esp_%s_%s", kind, eroute->appName);
    } else {
        /* Controller */
        if (eroute->appName) {
            entry = sfmt("esp_%s_%s_%s", kind, eroute->appName, mprTrimPathExt(mprGetPathBase(source)));
        } else {
            entry = sfmt("esp_%s_%s", kind, mprTrimPathExt(mprGetPathBase(source)));
    for (cp = entry; *cp; cp++) {
        if (!isalnum((uchar) *cp) && *cp != '_') {
            *cp = '_';
    return entry;

示例13: checkPeerCertName

    Check the certificate peer name validates and matches the desired name
static int checkPeerCertName(MprSocket *sp)
    MprSsl      *ssl;
    OpenSocket  *osp;
    X509        *cert;
    X509_NAME   *xSubject;
    char        subject[512], issuer[512], peerName[512], *target, *certName, *tp;

    ssl = sp->ssl;
    osp = (OpenSocket*) sp->sslSocket;

    if ((cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(osp->handle)) == 0) {
        peerName[0] = '\0';
    } else {
        xSubject = X509_get_subject_name(cert);
        X509_NAME_oneline(xSubject, subject, sizeof(subject) -1);
        X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_issuer_name(cert), issuer, sizeof(issuer) -1);
        X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID(xSubject, NID_commonName, peerName, sizeof(peerName) - 1);
        sp->peerName = sclone(peerName);
        sp->peerCert = sclone(subject);
        sp->peerCertIssuer = sclone(issuer);
    if (ssl->verifyPeer && osp->requiredPeerName) {
        target = osp->requiredPeerName;
        certName = peerName;

        if (target == 0 || *target == '\0' || strchr(target, '.') == 0) {
            sp->errorMsg = sfmt("Bad peer name");
            return MPR_ERR_BAD_VALUE;
        if (!smatch(certName, "localhost")) {
            if (strchr(certName, '.') == 0) {
                sp->errorMsg = sfmt("Peer certificate must have a domain: \"%s\"", certName);
                return MPR_ERR_BAD_VALUE;
            if (*certName == '*' && certName[1] == '.') {
                /* Wildcard cert */
                certName = &certName[2];
                if (strchr(certName, '.') == 0) {
                    /* Peer must be of the form *.domain.tld. i.e. *.com is not valid */
                    sp->errorMsg = sfmt("Peer CN is not valid %s", peerName);
                    return MPR_ERR_BAD_VALUE;
                if ((tp = strchr(target, '.')) != 0 && strchr(&tp[1], '.')) {
                    /* Strip host name if target has a host name */
                    target = &tp[1];
        if (!smatch(target, certName)) {
            sp->errorMsg = sfmt("Certificate common name mismatch CN \"%s\" vs required \"%s\"", peerName,
            return MPR_ERR_BAD_VALUE;
    return 0;

示例14: httpCloneUri

PUBLIC HttpUri *httpResolveUri(HttpConn *conn, HttpUri *base, HttpUri *other)
    HttpHost        *host;
    HttpEndpoint    *endpoint;
    HttpUri         *current;

    if (!base || !base->valid) {
        return other;
    if (!other || !other->valid) {
        return base;
    current = httpCloneUri(base, 0);

        Must not inherit the query or reference
    current->query = 0;
    current->reference = 0;

    if (other->scheme && !smatch(current->scheme, other->scheme)) {
        current->scheme = sclone(other->scheme);
            If the scheme is changed (test above), then accept an explict port.
            If no port, then must not use the current port as the scheme has changed.
        if (other->port) {
            current->port = other->port;
        } else {
            host = conn ? conn->host : httpGetDefaultHost();
            endpoint = smatch(current->scheme, "https") ? host->secureEndpoint : host->defaultEndpoint;
            if (endpoint) {
                current->port = endpoint->port;
            } else {
                current->port = 0;
    if (other->host) {
        current->host = sclone(other->host);
    if (other->port) {
        current->port = other->port;
    if (other->path) {
        httpJoinUriPath(current, current, other);
        current->path = httpNormalizeUriPath(current->path);
    if (other->reference) {
        current->reference = sclone(other->reference);
    if (other->query) {
        current->query = sclone(other->query);
    current->ext = mprGetPathExt(current->path);
    return current;

示例15: logoutServiceProc

static void logoutServiceProc(Webs *wp)
    websRemoveSessionVar(wp, WEBS_SESSION_USERNAME);
    if (smatch(wp->authType, "basic") || smatch(wp->authType, "digest")) {
        websError(wp, HTTP_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, "Logged out.");
    websRedirectByStatus(wp, HTTP_CODE_OK);
